Business Continuity Plan: Definition, Importance & Implementation

Business continuity planning is not a one-time event. It is an ongoing process that requires regular testing and improvement by all involved parties. A well-executed BCP will help you mitigate risk and maintain profitability while minimizing reputational damage from any disruption.

In this article, we will look at what BCP is and why it’s important for your business.

What is a Business Continuity Plan (BCP)?

Business continuity plans (BCPs) are a set of procedures that must be followed by businesses to ensure the uninterrupted operation of their operations and systems in the event of a disaster. A BCP is a critical part of any company’s information security policy, as it helps to ensure that critical business processes and data are protected from loss or damage. 

BCPs can be divided into two main categories:

1. Disaster recovery – which provides for the automatic restoration of a business’s operations following a disaster, and

2. Prevention – which focuses on minimizing exposure to disasters by implementing best practices throughout an organization. It can also be a document that outlines how your company will survive any disaster. 

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It should be updated regularly and include all the possible scenarios that could happen. The BCP should include details about how employees will be notified, what resources will be available to them, and how you will continue to operate after a disruption occurs.

Importance of Business Continuity Planning

In a world where technology can fail, it’s important not only to have a plan but also to follow through with it. For example, if your server crashes and you cannot access email or other data, then there’s no reason for you to keep working on the project you were on when the server crashed. You should immediately stop and make sure everything is backed up before resuming your project.

Having a plan for emergencies like this will help ensure that your company doesn’t suffer any unnecessary losses due to technological failures.

There are many benefits of having a business continuity plan, including:

  1. It will enable you to find out what resources you need and how you will use them.
  2. It will help reduce risks by making sure your company is prepared for emergencies.
  3. It may even improve customer satisfaction by providing more information about how the company deals with situations like this.

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The importance of business continuity planning is becoming more prevalent because many businesses today face increased threats from cyberattacks, natural disasters, and other unexpected events. With this increased risk comes an increased responsibility for preparing for these events and having a plan in place if they do occur. 

Businesses should be prepared for every possible scenario so that they can minimize the impact on their employees and customers when disaster strikes.

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Business Resilience vs. Business Continuity

Business continuity is a concept that describes the ability to maintain business operations during a disaster. Business resilience, on the other hand, is about the ability of an organization to bounce back from a disaster and resume normal operations.

Business resilience is what we’re used to hearing about in the business world. It’s the idea that an organization will be able to recover from any sort of event, no matter what it is. Business continuity is less common in day-to-day discussions. However, it should be part of regular discussions surrounding how your business will survive any sort of disaster whether it’s financial or physical.

Both terms have their place in the business world but they don’t always mean the same thing. Business resilience focuses on preventing disruptions from happening in the first place by developing a strategy that reduces or eliminates risk factors. 

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Business continuity, on the other hand, focuses on returning to normal operations once a disruption has occurred. Business continuity planning is important because it helps your company prepare for disasters by identifying potential problems before they occur and developing plans to deal with them if they do happen. Business resilience is a long-term approach to managing risk and improving the company’s ability to recover from unexpected events.

It involves financial planning, human capital management, and customer relations management. Business continuity is an immediate response to a crisis or other disruption that can be carried out by employees and vendors.

Elements of a Business Continuity Plan

A business continuity plan outlines the steps necessary to ensure that your company can continue operations when faced with a crisis. It includes the following elements:

  • A clearly defined team

This team must be in place and ready to work together as soon as an emergency occurs. The team should include employees from all levels of the organization, as well as external resources such as consultants or experts.

  • A detailed plan

The plan should include a list of critical functions and assets that will need to be maintained during an emergency and what actions will be taken by each person on the team to keep those assets functioning properly within this time period.

  • Effective testing

It is important to test the effectiveness of your plans regularly so that they remain up-to-date. However, you should also test so that they are not put into action prematurely if something goes wrong during an emergency situation. For example, it is you test whether employees can access their information systems without disruption by making sure there are no problems with connectivity when employees return from vacation or other time off work hours (such as lunch breaks). 

  • Crisis communications

Communication is essential for ensuring everyone understands what has happened, what needs to be done next, and how much time Is left before things get back on track again after an incident occurs.

  • Employee safety

This element of the business continuity plan should identify what resources are needed by employees who need to stay at work during an emergency. It should also detail what measures will be taken to protect these resources from damage or destruction. 

  • Uninterrupted access to business resources

This should describe how employees can access their computers and other devices as well as any software programs they use regularly in order to continue their work during an emergency. 

  • Continuous IT operations

This element describes what steps must be taken when IT systems go down during an emergency so that they can be restored quickly afterward without interruption in service or data loss.

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Business Continuity Planning Steps

Business continuity planning steps include:

  1. Initiation: The first step in creating a business continuity plan is to assess your current situation and identify risks that can affect the company.
  2. Business Impact Analysis (BIA): The BIA is an assessment of how an event will affect your business. This step involves identifying what resources are available, what resources are being used, and who has authority over those resources.
  3. Develop Recovery Strategies: The third step involves developing plans for restoring services after a disruption occurs. These plans should be based on the BIA results and include strategies such as using backup systems or rerouting calls through different lines of communication. This could be while also doing something as simple as changing passwords if they’re compromised by hackers.
  4.  Implementation: This final step involves putting together all of your strategies into actionable steps so that you can test them against reality without risking anything important until you’ve confirmed their effectiveness in practice.
  5. Testing and Monitoring: This is an important part of your business continuity plan. The best way to test is through checklists and walkthrough exercises, which allow you to simulate how your company would operate in the event of a disaster, and prepare your response plan.

BCP Implementation

The purpose of business continuity planning is to help you mitigate risks associated with your company’s operations. This includes understanding how you operate, who’s involved in it, what data you have stored, how those assets are protected, what type of business continuity plan you have in place for various scenarios, and finally how you will recover from disasters without losing too much money or time.

To start implementing a business continuity plan you will need to assemble a team that can support this goal. This team should include people from all areas of your company: finance managers; HR managers; IT managers; security specialists; etc., so they can work together towards a common goal while considering all aspects related to their job descriptions.

After identifying who needs to be involved in implementing this plan (and those who don’t) it’s important that everyone understands why they are doing what they’re doing and why it matters now more than ever before. It is also important to understand the risks to your company and assess the best solution to them. 

Once the risk identification is completed, implement recovery strategies to mitigate the risk in any case of disruption. Test and test your plans all over again, and keep making improvements.

BCP Testing

There are three main ways of testing your business continuity plan: checklist or walkthrough exercises, desktop scenarios, and simulations.

1. The first way to test your business continuity plan is by writing down all of the steps required and then walking through them with a colleague. By doing this exercise, you’ll be able to test everything that you’ve planned out and make sure everything runs smoothly when an actual disaster strikes.

2. The second way to test your business continuity plan is by creating desktop scenarios in which employees use software such as Microsoft Excel or Google Docs (or any other type of program). These programs allow users to create their own custom scenarios for testing purposes so that they can simulate real-world events without having to bring in outside resources or spend a lot of money on extra equipment.

3. Finally, there’s also a third option for testing your business continuity plans: simulations. Simulations are computerized programs that allow users to play out different scenarios and see how their organization would respond in each scenario before making decisions about what actions need

How Formplus can Help Business Planning

A business continuity plan is a document that outlines how you plan to keep your business running during times of crisis. It can include everything from how you will contact your clients, to what you’ll do if the power goes out or your water breaks.

Formplus can help you gather information as you write and revise your business continuity plan. Formplus is a cloud-based form builder that allows you to create forms quickly and easily, then use them to collect information from your customers, clients, or employees.

This can be used in a variety of ways:

  • As part of an ongoing engagement strategy to increase customer loyalty and retention
  • As part of a disaster recovery plan for your business
  • To gather feedback on products or services
  • To collect data needed for research projects


Business continuity planning is about more than just having an emergency plan; it’s about knowing where you are going, what you need to get there, and how you will get there. In other words, it’s about knowing what’s next.