Leadership Style Survey: Definition + Sample Questions


Leadership style is the way in which a leader communicates and interacts with others. It’s the set of behaviors, attitudes, and values that a person uses to lead others.

In this article, we’ll explore the four most popular leadership styles- democratic, autocratic, laissez-faire, and transformational. Since leadership is a skill that can be learned, we’re not going to provide an exhaustive list of what being in each style means. 

Instead, we’ll focus on the core skills required for each type of effective leadership which you can learn here.


What is a Leadership Style?

A leadership style is a pattern of behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs that an individual or a group exhibits when leading others. A leadership style can be defined as the way an individual behaves in a variety of situations, such as during meetings and decision-making processes.

Leadership style is the way you lead. It is often thought of as a personality trait, but it’s more than that. It’s a set of behaviors that you have adopted and adapted to fit your leadership style. 

For example, if you’re an assertive leader, you might prefer to use direct commands and take charge. If you’re a soft-spoken leader, you might be more comfortable using words like “let’s” or “can we” instead of “you must.”

Leadership style isn’t just about how you talk, it’s also about how you listen. You might be an active listener who takes notes or asks questions during meetings; other times, maybe instead of listening carefully, you’ll doodle on your notepad while others speak so they feel heard and understood.


Great Man Theory of Leadership

The Great Man Theory of leadership is a theory that the characteristics that define great leaders are innate and not learned. It was first introduced by Thomas Carlyle in the 19th century, who believed that individuals are born with certain traits that make them great leaders.

The theory states that leaders are born and not made and that they have an innate ability to lead. It is not possible to train a leader, but rather it is possible to train their followers.

The Great Man Theory of Leadership is a way to explain why some people rise to the top and others don’t. It says that certain traits make great leaders, but it also says that these traits are not set in stone. 

These leaders are born with these traits, but they need an opportunity to develop them. If you have these same traits and you don’t have the right opportunity, then you won’t be able to become a leader.

The Great Man Theory of Leadership centers on two main assumptions:

  1. Great leaders are born possessing certain traits that enable them to rise and lead.
  2. Great leaders can arise when the need for them is great.


Types of Leadership Styles and When to Use Them

A leader’s successful execution of a specific leadership style depends on the needs of the situation and their team. Often, leaders will use more than one style. Below are descriptions of each leadership style and how to most effectively use them:

  • Autocratic (or authoritarian) leadership is characterized by a top-down approach and clear decision-making. This style has only one leader and is the most common. When a leader is being autocratic, the decision-making power is centralized in one person. This style works well for leaders with strong political skills, hard work ethics, and leadership skills. However, this style may not be the best for members of an organization who value collaboration and teamwork. Autocrats typically make rules, set standards, and expect unity. 
  • Democratic leadership style: This style involves a single leader who is elected by the group based on merit or idea. Degrees of freedom are inversely proportional to the number of people in a group. Leaders that follow this style create open channels of communication and trust, everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in decision-making.
  • Laissez-faire leadership is based on the idea that each person is unique and can make their own decisions, as long as they are allowed to do so. This type of leadership style focuses on the results
  • Transformational leadership encourages individual growth and development by encouraging team members to work together towards shared goals. A transformational leader mostly wants to change things for the better.


How Do You Choose Your Leadership Style?

The best way to determine your leadership style is to ask yourself two questions: What do you like doing in your current leadership role, and how would you describe yourself? You can use this information to determine your leadership style.

How do you choose your leadership style? Do you prefer to remain calm, cool, and collected under pressure?

Or do you prefer being a little bit more relaxed and spontaneous? Are your friends open to telling you how they really feel or are they afraid of disappointing you? 

Being aware of our leadership style will help us make better decisions as leaders. Leadership style is about how you choose to manage projects and other people. 

It’s the set of patterns you use to govern your interactions with others. Some leaders tend to be proactive, while others are more reactive and communicative. 

However, reciprocity is a key component in the decision-making process and the effectiveness of all styles. Simply find out what your style is based on your personality.


How to Detect Your Default Leadership Style Using Surveys

Your leadership style determines how you lead, encourage and motivate your team members. It is a powerful tool for boosting your business performance, motivating employees, and driving innovation. 

You can assess your leadership style by taking a survey that will help you understand better about yourself and identify areas for growth. Not only will it help you develop new skills, but also helps your colleagues improve their performance when working with you. 

The Leadership Style Survey is a way to identify how others perceive your leadership style and how it affects the level of influence you have on others. Once you have completed this survey, you will find out your number one leadership style and how much influence that has on others.


You can get started with this Free Leadership Survey Template. [Start Here].


A leadership style survey can also be used by companies to assess the leadership styles and traits of employees, managers, line workers, and leaders. It can be completed at any time but it’s best if you have time for a review of your current culture and growth opportunities. The survey will help identify your current strengths and areas for improvement.


Sample Questions For a Leadership Style Survey

Here are some examples of questions that you will find in a leadership style survey.

On a scale of 0-10:

  • How would you describe yourself as a leader? 
  • Do you prefer to be in charge, or take the back seat and let others take the lead? 
  • Are you open to suggestions from employees and co-workers?
  • Are you willing to take responsibility when a team member fails to deliver against expectations?
  • Do you feel employees should only take orders without asking any questions?
  • Do you personally think that a leader should be reasonable?
  • What type of organization do you like to work for? 
  • Are there things about your work environment that you wish were different? 
  • How do you manage conflicts with team members or work colleagues?
  • Do you feel being correct is more important than being right?



Leadership style surveys are a great way to assess your current leadership style and identify any areas for improvement. By taking a leadership style survey, you can get an accurate and detailed assessment of your leadership skills.

As a person in a position of authority in whatever capacity, taking a leadership style survey can help you figure out how best to work with your team. They’re quick and easy to fill out, and you can usually find them online. 

Once you discover your leadership style, you can use that information to improve your managerial skills and better manage your team.