What Is Form Analytics? (+13 of the Best Tools to Track It)

The best form analytics tools are the ones that give you the most insight into how your users interact with your website. This can help you make informed decisions about what to do next, and it’s especially important if you’re running e-commerce or other types of businesses where forms are crucial to getting everything done.

In this article, we’ll go over 13 different form analytics tools and explain how they work. We’ll also highlight some of their features, pricing options, and other important details so you can decide which one is right for your business.

What are Form Analytics? 

Form analytics is the process of analyzing and interpreting the data generated by forms. Form analytics helps companies understand who is filling out their forms and how they’re filling them out. It allows them to see what parts of their form are confusing or difficult to complete, so they can make improvements to the form’s design. Form analytics also provides information about how users interact with different parts of a website or app, like which buttons they click on, which pages they visit first, how long they stay on a page, etc.

Learn About: Using Data from Analytics to Improve Your Online Forms

Why is Form Tracking So Important?

Form tracking is a key part of the marketing process. It allows you to understand how your forms are performing and make improvements to them.

If you aren’t tracking your forms, it’s like driving blindfolded. You won’t know how many people follow through on their intentions, what they do after filling out your form, or if they even came back to fill out the form after looking at it.

The results from form tracking can help you improve your forms by showing you which fields are getting ignored or filled out incorrectly. It can tell you, for example, what fields people are skipping and why they’re leaving your form incomplete. It can also tell you which parts of your form are confusing or hard to fill out and make improvements based on that information.

Learn How To: Integrate Google Analytics Into Your Form

You can also see where people are dropping off so that you can make changes to keep them from leaving before completing their intention and giving you their contact information.

What Can You Track With Form Analytics?

Form Analytics is a way to track how many people fill out your forms, and where they drop off.

  1. You can track which fields are being completed, whether a user is scrolling through the form or not, and where they’re clicking on your form.
  2. What percentage of people who entered an email address could click through to the next page and submit their information?
  3. You can also see how many times the same person has filled out your form in a day, or if someone has tried to submit it multiple times.
  4. You’ll know exactly how users are interacting with your forms so you can make them more effective and improve them over time.

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13 The Best Form Analytics Tools

1. Formplus: Formplus is a form analytics tool that allows you to track form engagement and conversions in real-time. You can also track other metrics like bounce rates, abandonment rate, form views, number of submissions, and number of partial submissions.

You can get the analytics for any type of web-based form created on Fornplus. It offers a wide range of reports as well as integrations with other tools such as Google Analytics and Salesforce. Pricing is free

2. Lucky Orange: Lucky Orange is a free tool that allows you to track visitors’ behavior on your website by capturing all activity including mouse movements, clicks, and scrolling speed. It also has integrations with Facebook Ads Manager and Google Analytics so you can easily compare traffic sources and conversion rates across multiple channels.

Pricing starts at $0/month (for up to 20K form submissions per month) but goes up quickly after that point.

3. FormisimoBasic: Formisimo is another popular form analytics tool that provides heatmaps, scroll maps, click heatmaps, and other kinds of user data so you can see how people are interacting with your forms on their own terms and not just according to what you’ve told them to do (or not do).

Pricing starts at $29/month for up to 5,000 monthly pageviews; there are no limits on the number of forms or fields that can be analyzed by this platform

4. Leadformly:  Leadformly is a form analytics tool that allows you to track the success of your forms and optimize them for better conversion rates. It also helps you get more email subscribers, create better leads, and increase web traffic. This form analytics tracks how your visitors interact with your form sees how many visitors have filled out your forms, finds out which fields were most important for them to fill in, and get insights into the best times to send emails to your subscribers.

5. Clicktale: Clicktale is a powerful tool that lets you see exactly where your site visitors are clicking and what they’re doing on your site. You can even record videos of users interacting with your site, which is great for getting feedback from actual users about what works and what doesn’t work on your site.

Pricing starts at $79/month for up to 1,000 page views per month, with higher pricing tiers available if you want more features or more pageviews.

6. Decibel Insight: Decibel Insight is another tool that will help you track how many people have filled out forms on your site and where they drop off during the process. You can use this information to improve your conversion rates by making adjustments based on what data shows works best for your audience. 

7. Mouseflow: Mouseflow allows you to track how users interact with elements on your page, including forms. It also gives you real-time feedback about their experience using those elements so that you can make changes accordingly if needed.

8. Woopra: Woopra is a comprehensive analytics tool that allows you to track user behavior and conversion rates on your website. It has a variety of different features, including heatmaps and forms analytics. Woopra also provides real-time insights about your website’s performance, so you can see how your users are interacting with it in real-time. 

9. Zuko: Zuko is another good option for form analytics. It offers a free trial period, but you will need to pay for a subscription after that. Zuko’s analytics give you information about the number of visitors who have filled out forms on your site, as well as which fields they filled out and where they dropped off in the process. 

10. Monsterinsights: This tool allows you to see how many users are filling out your forms and where they are dropping off. You can also use it to see how long it takes for each user to complete the form, which is helpful if you’re concerned about how much time people spend on your site. The pricing starts at $19 per month.

11. SessionCam: This tool allows you to track where users click and scroll in addition to timing how long it takes them to complete the form. You can also record what happened before someone submitted a form. did they click on an image? Did they read through an entire paragraph before submitting it? The pricing starts at $99 per month for the most basic plan.

12. MouseStats: MouseStats is another open-source analytics tool that’s similar to Piwik Analytics but offers fewer features than Matomo Analytics does. It doesn’t offer any paid plans; instead, it only offers one free plan with limited features such as real-time statistics about your visitors’ behavior on your site (such as how many visits are happening right now).

13. Matomo Analytics: Matomo Analytics is the open-source version of Piwik Analytics. It’s available for free under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which means that you can use it without paying any license fees. You just have to create a Matomo account and install the Matomo tracking code on your website.

Matomo has two pricing plans: a personal plan for individuals or small companies and an enterprise plan for larger companies. The enterprise plan includes more advanced features like custom reports and custom segments.

Try for free: Offline Form Builder | Conduct Mobile Offline Surveys

Who Needs Form Analytics Info?

1. Conversion rate optimizers

Form Analytics is a way for Conversion Rate Optimizers (CROs) to find out how a user interacts with their website’s forms. They can use this information to create better landing pages and optimize for higher conversion rates.

The information provided by form analytics includes:

  • How many users drop off at each step of the form filling process
  • Which fields are causing confusion
  • Where users are going after they fill out the form

2. Digital marketers

Form Analytics is a powerful tool for digital marketers. It helps you to understand how their users interact with the forms on their website and how they can improve them. Form analytics allows you to track user behavior, such as how many people submit your form, when they submit your form, and what information they provide as input.

You can also see which fields are most commonly filled in and which ones aren’t. This will help you determine whether or not those fields should be removed from the form altogether.

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3. E-commerce managers & Dropshippers

Form analytics is the best way for Dropshippers and Ecommerce managers to understand what their customers are looking for, and how they’re searching for it.

Form analytics lets you track and analyze the data behind your forms: who’s filling them out, what they’re typing in, and how long they’re taking to do so. You can see all this information in one place, so you can easily find the answers to questions like “Which fields are people struggling with?” or “What keywords are people using?”

It’s really useful for understanding what your customers want and it’s especially useful if you’re trying to figure out how to improve your site’s conversion rates.

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Form analytics can help you identify the best strategies for increasing your website’s conversion rate. Knowing how many forms are submitted and how many people complete them is crucial in understanding what your customers want to do on your site and how they react to your various calls to action.

It’s important that you understand how people are interacting with your forms so that you can make adjustments in order to improve them.