Guide To Sample Planning in Surveys: How To Create Them

Guide To Sample Planning in Surveys: How To Create Them


A sampling plan is a framework used to guide the selection of a sample from a larger population in research. It involves identifying the relevant population, defining the sample size, selecting the sampling technique, and determining the sample characteristics.

Sampling is crucial in research for inferring about populations. A good plan ensures representative samples, reduced bias, and accurate findings.

In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to creating a sampling plan for surveys. The guide covers steps in sample planning: population identification, sample size determination, sampling technique selection, and sample evaluation.

Types of Sampling Plans

1. Probability Sampling

Probability sampling selects samples randomly from a population, ensuring equal chances for all members, and making it highly representative and reliable.

  • Simple Random Sampling: Simple random sampling is a probability sampling technique where every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. It involves randomly selecting individuals from the population using a computer-generated or manual method. Simple random sampling is suitable for small populations where the sampling frame is readily available.
  • Stratified Sampling: Stratified sampling is a probability sampling technique that involves dividing the population into homogenous subgroups called strata. The strata are based on important demographic or other characteristics such as age, gender, or income. A random sample is then selected from each stratum based on its proportion to the population. Stratified sampling is suitable for large populations with varying characteristics.
  • Cluster Sampling: Cluster sampling is a probability sampling technique that involves dividing the population into clusters or groups based on their geographic or other characteristics. Random clusters are selected, including all members within chosen clusters. Cluster sampling suits large populations across diverse geographic areas.
  • Systematic Sampling: Systematic sampling is a probability sampling technique that involves selecting individuals from the population at regular intervals. To determine the interval, divide the population size by the desired sample size, and randomly select the first individual. Then, choose subsequent individuals at equal intervals. Systematic sampling is suitable for large populations where a complete list of members is available.

2.  Non-Probability Sampling

Non-probability sampling is a sampling technique that does not involve randomization. The sample is selected based on the judgment of the researcher, the availability of participants, or other factors.

  • Convenience Sampling: Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling technique that involves selecting individuals who are readily available and accessible. Convenience sampling is easy to conduct but may not be representative of the population.
  • Quota Sampling: Quota sampling is a non-probability sampling technique that involves selecting individuals based on predetermined quotas for important demographic characteristics such as age, gender, or income. Quota sampling is easy to conduct but may not be representative of the population.
  • Snowball Sampling: Snowball sampling is a non-probability sampling technique that involves selecting individuals based on referrals from other participants. Snowball sampling is useful for hard-to-reach populations but may be biased toward individuals who are well-connected.
  • Purposive Sampling: Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling technique that involves selecting individuals based on specific criteria such as expertise or experience. Purposive sampling serves research demanding niche knowledge, lacking population representativeness, by strategically selecting participants based on expertise.

Steps Involved in Developing a Sampling Plan

A well-designed sampling plan ensures representative samples, enhancing the validity and generalizability of research findings. Here are the steps involved in developing a sampling plan:

  • Defining the Research Objectives: The first step in developing a sampling plan is to clearly define the research objectives. This involves identifying the research questions, hypotheses, and variables that need to be studied. By defining the research objectives, the researcher can identify the population of interest and determine the appropriate sampling technique.
  • Selecting the Sample Size: Once the research objectives are defined, the next step is to determine the appropriate sample size. The precision needed, population variability and sampling method determine the sample size. A larger size lowers error but increases cost and time.
  • Choosing the Sampling Technique: The next step is to choose the appropriate sampling technique based on the research objectives, population characteristics, and available resources. As discussed earlier, there are two types of sampling techniques – probability and non-probability sampling. The choice of sampling technique depends on the research question and the level of accuracy required.
  • Identifying the Sampling Frame: After selecting the sampling technique, the researcher needs to identify the sampling frame, which is the list of all the individuals or units that make up the population. The sampling frame should be complete, up-to-date, and representative of the population.
  • Calculating the Sampling Error: Finally, the researcher needs to calculate the sampling error, which is the degree of uncertainty associated with the sample estimate. The sampling error relies on factors like sample size, precision level, and population variability, determining confidence and accuracy.

Best Practices for Developing a Sampling Plan

  1. To develop a sampling plan, understand population characteristics like size, location, demographics, etc., for effective implementation. This knowledge will help in determining the appropriate sample size and sampling techniques.
  2. Randomness is vital for unbiased sampling. Techniques like simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, and cluster sampling help ensure fairness.
  3. Using Multiple Sampling Techniques: Using multiple sampling techniques can help in reducing bias and ensure that the sample data collected is representative of the population. For instance, combining simple random sampling with stratified random sampling can provide a more accurate sample.
  4. Testing the Sampling Plan: Before conducting the actual sampling, it is important to test the sampling plan to ensure that it is practical and can provide the desired results. Pilot testing, using a smaller sample size, can help in identifying any issues and making necessary changes.
  5. Documenting the Sampling Plan: Documenting the sampling plan is crucial for ensuring that the sampling process is transparent and can be replicated. It should include details such as the sampling technique used, sample size, sampling frame, and any other relevant information. This documentation can also help in validating the results obtained from the sample.

Challenges and Solutions in Developing a Sampling Plan

  1. Identifying the Appropriate Sampling Technique: The selection of the appropriate sampling technique hinges on the research question and population characteristics, necessitating careful consideration. However, identifying the right technique can be challenging. It is important to consider factors such as sample size, cost, and the level of precision required. One solution is to consult with experts or use a combination of techniques to increase the representativeness of the sample.
  2. Achieving Adequate Sample Size: Adequate sample size is crucial for obtaining reliable and accurate results. Determining an appropriate sample size poses challenges, especially with large populations or limited resources available for analysis. One solution is to use statistical formulas or sample size calculators to determine the sample size required based on the level of precision and confidence desired. Additionally, increasing the sample size can help in reducing sampling errors and increase the representativeness of the sample.
  3. Ensuring Representativeness of the Sample: Ensuring sample representativeness is crucial for generalizing results. Stratified random or cluster sampling can achieve representativeness in heterogeneous populations. Additionally, collecting data from different regions or subgroups can help in achieving representativeness.
  4. Non-Response Bias: When individuals refuse or cannot be reached, it skews the sample, introducing bias. Strategies must address this. Addressing non-response bias can be challenging, especially when dealing with sensitive topics or hard-to-reach populations. One solution is to use incentives or follow-up with non-respondents to increase the response rate. Additionally, analyzing the characteristics of non-respondents and comparing them to respondents can help in identifying and addressing any biases.


Developing a sampling plan is crucial for obtaining valid and reliable results in research. Consider population characteristics, sampling techniques, sample size, representativeness, and non-response bias when developing a sampling plan.

Challenges like identifying techniques, achieving sample size, ensuring representativeness, and addressing non-response bias have solutions.

Best practices and effective solutions help develop a robust sampling plan, ensuring high-quality data and accurate results.