How To Create a Timed Quiz with Google Forms

With the continuous development of technology, curating a quiz has now become more interesting. Trainers or anyone can create a timed test quickly and easily. First, what are timed tests? Timed tests are assessments where a specific time limit is set for completion. 

They are commonly used in educational settings to evaluate a student’s ability to answer questions under time pressure. The good thing about timed tests is that they can help prepare students for real-world scenarios where they must make decisions or solve problems quickly. 

Timed tests also encourage students to manage their time effectively. They can also provide a more accurate measure of a student’s understanding of the material. But did you know you can create timed tests using Google Forms? In case you didn’t, the answer is yes, you certainly can. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can do that.

To begin, Google Forms is a versatile tool that allows you to create custom forms for surveys, quizzes, and more. It is one of the many tools provided by Google, and it is free to use, accessible from any web browser, and easy to share with others. Now, how do you set up a Google Form for a timed test?

Setting Up a Google Form for a Timed Test

Creating a New Google Form

  1. Accessing Google Forms: To access Google Forms, you need to first sign in to your Google account and navigate to the Google Forms homepage. Simply click on the icon housing the “Google Apps” to select Google Forms and get started.
  2. Choosing a Template or Starting from Scratch: Google Forms is set up in a way that you can choose to start with a blank form or use one of the many templates available. For a timed quiz, starting with a blank form gives you more flexibility and opportunity to explore.

Adding Questions to the Form

  1. Types of Questions Supported: Google Forms supports various question types, including multiple-choice, short answer, and checkboxes. You only need to decide on the type you want to use for your timed test.
  2. Customizing Question Types: You can customize each question type according to your needs. For example, you can set multiple-choice questions with one or multiple correct answers. Google Forms gives you total control to shape your test as you prefer.

Setting Time Limits

  1. Enabling the Quiz Feature: First, you need to enable the quiz feature in the settings to set a time limit.
  2. Specifying Time Limits for the Entire Test: Unfortunately, Google Forms does not natively support setting a time limit for the entire test. However, you can use add-ons like “Timer for Google Forms” to set a deadline for form submissions. This add-on is built by Google as well.
  3. Setting Time Limits for Individual Questions: Google Forms does not support setting time limits for individual questions. However, you can instruct your respondents to spend a certain amount of time on each question in the question description.

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Customizing Settings for Timed Tests

Accessing Form Settings

  1. Navigating to Form Settings: To access the settings of your Google Form, click on the gear icon located at the top right corner of your form. This will open a dropdown menu with three tabs: General, Presentation, and Quizzes. Each tab contains different settings that you can customize according to your needs.

Adjusting Presentation Options

  1. Shuffle Question Order: Under the Presentation tab, you can find the option to shuffle question order. This feature randomizes the order of the questions for each respondent, which can be useful for reducing the chance of cheating in a quiz.
  2. Limiting Responses: In the General tab, there’s an option to limit responses. Check the box next to “Limit to 1 response”, to ensure that each participant can only submit one response to your quiz.
  3. Allowing Users to Edit Responses: Still, in the General tab, you can allow respondents to edit their responses after submission by checking the box next to “Allow respondents to edit after submit”. This can be useful if you want to give respondents the chance to correct their answers.

Enabling Automatic Grading

  1. Adding Answer Keys To enable automatic grading, go to the Quizzes tab and select “Make this a quiz”. Then, for each question, you can click on “Answer Key” to set the correct answers and assign point values.
  2. Grading Options: In the same tab, you can choose when to release the grades (immediately after each submission or later, manually) and what respondents can see (missed questions, correct answers, and point values).

Distributing and Monitoring Timed Tests

Sharing the Google Form

  • Generating Shareable Links: Once your quiz is ready, you can share it with your respondents. Click on the “Send” button at the top right corner of the form, and a dialog box will appear with different sharing options. One of these is a shareable link that you can copy and distribute.
  • Embedding in Websites: In the same dialog box, you can find the “< > Embed HTML” option. This generates a code that you can use to embed the form into a website.

Monitoring Responses in Real-time

  • Viewing Responses: You can monitor responses in real-time by clicking on the “Responses” tab in your form. Here, you can see a summary of the responses, view individual responses, and even download all responses as a CSV file.
  • Tracking Completion Rates: In the summary view, you can see the number of responses, which can help you track the completion rate of your quiz.

Setting Up Notifications

  • Receiving Email Notifications: To receive email notifications for new responses, click on the three dots in the Responses tab and select “Get email notifications for new responses”.
  • Using Add-ons for Enhanced Monitoring: For more advanced monitoring features, you can use add-ons like Form Publisher, which can send you customized email notifications, or Form Limiter, which can automatically stop accepting responses after a certain date, number of responses, or quota.

By following these steps, you can create a timed quiz with Google Forms that is tailored to your needs, easy to distribute, and simple to monitor.

Analyzing Results

Accessing Response Data

  • Viewing Summary Statistics: After the quiz, you can access a summary of the responses by clicking on the “Responses” tab and then “Summary”. This will provide you with an overview of the results, including the number of responses and the distribution of answers for each question.
  • Exporting Response Data: If you need to analyze the data further, you can export the responses to Google Sheets or download them as a CSV file. This can be done by clicking on the green Sheets icon or by selecting “Download responses (.csv)” from the three-dot menu in the Responses tab.

Reviewing Individual Responses

  • Identifying Correct and Incorrect Answers: In the “Individual” section of the Responses tab, you can review each participant’s answers. Correct answers will be marked with a green checkmark, while incorrect ones will be marked with a red cross.
  • Providing Feedback to Participants: Google Forms allows you to provide feedback to participants. You can add general feedback for the quiz or specific comments for each question. To do this, click on “Answer Key” for each question and then “Add answer feedback”.

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Tips for Effective Implementation

  1. Planning Test Structure and Content: Before creating your quiz, plan the structure and content carefully. Determine the number of questions, the type of questions (multiple choice, short answer, etc.), and the point value for each question.
  2. Communicating Instructions Clearly: Make sure to provide clear instructions for your quiz. You can add a description at the beginning of the form explaining the time limit, the number of attempts allowed, and how the quiz will be graded.
  3. Testing the Timed Test Before Deployment: Before sharing your quiz, test it thoroughly to ensure everything works as expected. You can preview the quiz by clicking on the eye icon at the top of the page.
  4. Providing Support During the Test Administration: During the quiz, be available to answer any questions or resolve any issues that may arise. You can also monitor the responses in real-time to track completion rates.


Creating a timed quiz with Google Forms involves several steps as we have discussed above. Even though Google Forms is a versatile tool with lots of exciting features, keep in mind that each step requires careful planning and execution to ensure a smooth testing experience. While this guide covers the basics of creating a timed quiz with Google Forms, there are many more features and options to explore. You can add images and videos, use add-ons for enhanced functionality, and even integrate your form with other Google Workspace apps. So don’t hesitate to experiment and find the best ways to meet your testing needs. Plus, it’s free and easy to use, so enjoy!