Text Analytics for Research: Applications, Benefits & Uses Cases

Text Analytics for Research: Applications, Benefits & Uses Cases


Text analysis is a branch of computing that studies the patterns that exist in text and draws conclusions from these patterns. The result of this analysis is called analytics.

This article will discuss text analysis and its importance in conducting research.

What is Text Analysis?

Text analysis is the process of analyzing and understanding the meaning, composition, and content of texts so that users can derive new knowledge from them. As the use of digital data increases, so does the need to understand it in terms of its content, structure, and context. 

Text analysis can enable researchers to discover patterns in text data and find interesting and useful information from their data. It is usually performed on text or word counts, frequencies, and other information within a large amount of text.

Text analysis offers ongoing benefits for research, making it easier and more efficient to gather information about the widespread and complex world of topics. This can be done through text mining by looking at how text is structured and processed. 

The resulting data can help researchers find patterns and trends in the study of a variety of topics, including computer science, medicine, economics, and sociology. Text analysis is a process that is used to extract information from texts, such as news articles or blog posts. 

Text analysis can also be used to identify key phrases in a document so that they can be searched for easily later on. There are many different ways that companies use text analysis to improve their products and services. 

This could include using it to improve customer service by identifying common complaints about products or services. It could be used to help companies perform market research by identifying what topics people are most interested in when reading about similar topics.

These applications benefit from accurate text analytics because it allows them to extract information from texts more quickly and efficiently than if they did not have access to such software tools available today.


Text Analysis vs Text Mining

Text analysis and text mining are two different terms that refer to the same practice. Both are used to describe the process of extracting information from text. 

Text analysis tools allow you to draw conclusions about a piece of text; it is usually referred to as “data mining”. Text mining tools help you process large volumes of text data quickly by storing your results in a database; this makes it easier to retrieve information at any point in time.

Therefore, text analysis is the process of studying and analyzing raw text data for statistical purposes. This includes standard statistical tools such as mean, median, and range, but also more sophisticated methods such as classification (e.g., machine learning), prediction, and information retrieval. 

Text mining is a broader term that encompasses text analytics, though it often focuses on machine learning methods (in other words, trying to predict what the result will be).


The Importance of Text Analysis

Text analysis is a very important tool to be used in research. It has importance or benefits in the sense that it allows you to find out what people like or dislike about a particular product, service, or brand. 

You can also find out what customers think about that particular logo or design. Text analytics can be used to extract information from publicly available text, in particular blog posts and news stories. 

You can then use this data as a basis for creating informative graphs, including social media analysis, or as a basis for targeted advertising.


Business & Research Applications of Text Analysis

Text Analytics for Research and Business is a detailed overview of text mining and text analysis. It covers both theoretical foundations and the practical implementation and use of these techniques in research and business settings. 

It demonstrates how to apply text analytics to various real-life problems, including fraud detection, data analysis, customer care service, knowledge management, and risk management. Text analytics can be used to detect fraud, analyze research data, and improve customer care services.

Text analytics is a useful tool for fraud detection because it can provide insights into the motivations behind various types of online fraud. It Identifies fraudulent transactions by analyzing the text content of account statements and other forms used to process payments.

Text analytics was used by the U.S. Department of Justice to identify employees who were stealing government property and selling it on eBay. The system analyzed thousands of documents and conducted an interview with each employee to determine whether they had any financial problems or criminal histories. 

Text analysis has also been used in academic research for decades, allowing researchers to analyze large amounts of data quickly without having to hire expensive software developers or mathematicians. It can also be used to detect spam emails by looking for specific strings of words in the body of an email.


Topic Modeling in Text Analysis

Topic modeling is a text analytics technique used to identify a specific topic in a document based on the words that occur together. It is the process of analyzing text and identifying the topics or themes in that text. 

It can be used to understand what people are talking about in online discussions, maps, and other types of data, or even just to find out what a person’s favorite color is. Topic models are created by taking all the words in a document and grouping them into different categories, which are called topics. 

This allows researchers to find the most common themes across documents, which can be useful for research or business purposes. Topic modeling is often used to identify topics and themes in documents, but it can also be used to analyze how people talk to each other, or how they use language.


How to Perform Topic Modeling

Topic modeling is performed by identifying the keywords or phrases that appear most frequently in a document and then grouping them into clusters of related terms. The cluster of terms is considered a topic because they are associated with each other in some way. 

For example, if you asked a person what their favorite colors are, they might say “blue,” “white,” and “purple.” If you analyzed the person’s response using topic modeling, you would find that all three colors are clustered together as colors that the person like.

Therefore, topic modeling is performed by a supervised classifier, which means that it uses human-generated labels to identify topics in a given dataset. A classifier learns how to parse the data based on examples that have been labeled as belonging to one topic or another, and then applies this knowledge when analyzing new examples.


Best Practice For Topic Modeling

Topic modeling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), is a technique that allows you to pull out words and phrases that appear together in a document. It’s based on the assumption that the same words tend to appear together in contexts where they have meaning. 

So if you look at the word “car”, and then look at all the documents that contain the word “car”, LDA will find clusters of words that appear together more often than you’d expect by chance, clusters that represent topics within your corpus.

Topic modeling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation is one of the best ways to understand how different topics are interconnected in your corpus. When you do topic modeling on tf-idf vector representations of documents, it can help you identify signals from different kinds of data, allowing you to see how things relate together on a deeper level than just word counts would indicate.

Another great way to use topic models for research is CorEx, which stands for correlation explanation: it takes two sets of texts and attempts to explain their relationship based on commonalities between them. CorEx can be used as part of a larger toolkit of tools that are used in automatic summarization tasks such as summarizing articles or webpages.

It does this by handcrafting summaries from web pages or by using machine learning algorithms such as deep learning networks trained on large corpora of content.


How is Text Analysis Accuracy Measured?

Text analysis accuracy is measured by the number of times a given piece of text is returned as a match when searching for other words or phrases. The higher the number of matches, the more accurate your tool’s results will be.

The accuracy of text analysis depends on a number of factors, including the nature of the data, the type of language used in the text, how many words are in a piece of text, and how long the text is. Some tools use statistical methods to determine how accurate their results are; others use neural networks or machine learning algorithms.


Best Text Analysis Tools

  1. Google Cloud Natural Language API: Google’s Cloud Natural Language API is the best text analysis tool to use in your research. It has a large number of users and is constantly being improved, which makes it a reliable tool that can be used for any type of project. It also allows you to upload your own data and analyze it using the system’s tools. In order to use this tool, you’ll need an account on Google Cloud as well as an API key (you can get one here).
  2. Stanford Core NLP: Stanford Core NLP is another great option for text analysis tools. It provides many different tools for analyzing text such as sentiment analysis, entity recognition, and more. You can use this tool with both English and Spanish language data sets.
  3. MonkeyLearn: MonkeyLearn is a free-to-use web service that allows you to create custom content through simple drag-and-drop features. The website’s interface makes it very easy to understand how each tool works so you don’t have any trouble getting started with this amazing tool.


Advantages of Text Analysis in Research

Text analysis is used in any type of research, whether it’s in education, marketing, or healthcare. The benefits of text analysis in research include:

  • Text analysis allows you to compare and analyze vast amounts of data. 
  • Text analysis can be used to identify trends, predict outcomes, and make decisions based on your findings.
  • It helps you to quickly answer questions about your data.
  • Text analysis is easier to scale and can be used on large amounts of data without requiring expensive hardware or extensive training. 
  • Another benefit is that uses algorithms instead of humans, it doesn’t require much effort on the part of researchers; they can focus their efforts on doing research instead.
  • It helps you to make decisions about your data.


Limitations of Text Analysis in Research

Limitations of text analysis in research include:

  • It can be difficult to analyze text that is not written in English or some other mainstream language
  • It can be time-consuming to get data. This is because it is often easier and more accurate to count words (or even characters) by hand than by using a program that does text analytics automatically. 
  • Text analytics software may also take into account any pre-existing trends in your dataset and ignore things that don’t fit into those patterns, which means that it might not work as well for new datasets with lots of noise such as real-time conversations on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook Messenger.



In conclusion, text analysis helps to extract information from unstructured text and analyze it. As most of the data is structured, text analysis provides a basis for extracting structured information from unstructured text, thus improving the accuracy of results obtained using other text analysis approaches.