Transcribing Interview Surveys: Tools, Methods & Best Practices

Transcribing Interview Surveys: Tools, Methods & Best Practices


Interview surveys are one of the most common methods used to collect data for a research project. The survey is typically conducted in person or over the phone, and the data collected is usually recorded using transcription software. 

In this blog post, we will examine how survey interviews are transcribed, we will also discuss the tools used in conducting the transcription and the methods and best practices. Read on!


What is Survey Transcription? 

Survey transcription is a process of converting verbal survey responses into written text. It is a relatively straightforward task that is performed by a transcriptionist.

Survey transcription is also a valuable tool for collecting and analyzing survey data. It ensures accuracy and consistency in the data, and it can help to reduce the amount of time and effort required to process the survey data.

Furthermore, survey transcription is valuable in interviews as it is the written record of the answers given during the survey. Interview survey transcriptions can provide a wealth of information about a person’s experiences and opinions. 

They can reveal how people think, how they feel, and what they believe. This information can be invaluable when conducting research.

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Importance of Survey Transcription 

Survey transcription is an important part of the survey process. It is used to convert verbal survey responses into written text so that the data can be analyzed and used to make informed decisions. 

This is especially important in the case of surveys that are conducted in multiple languages, as it allows the data to be easily accessible and understandable.

Survey transcription also helps to ensure accuracy and consistency in the data collected. By using a transcriptionist, survey data can be quickly and accurately transcribed into a written format, so that it can be easily understood and used for analysis.

Survey transcription is also important for preserving the original data collected from the survey. A transcriptionist is able to preserve the original wording of the survey responses so that the data can be accurately and reliably analyzed. 

In addition, transcription can help to reduce the amount of time and effort required to process the survey data, as the transcriptionist can quickly and accurately transcribe the data into a written format.

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Basic Transcription Guidelines 

When it comes to transcribing audio or video recordings of interviews, it is important to ensure that the transcription is accurate and complete. Transcription is the process of converting audio or video recordings of interviews into the written record. 

Transcription guidelines provide a framework for transcribers to follow to ensure accuracy and completeness.

The following are some basic guidelines for transcribing interviews:

1. Listen Carefully: It is important to listen to the recording multiple times to ensure that you capture all of the information from the interview. Listening closely will also help you to understand the context of the conversation and pick up on any nuances or background sounds.

2. Take Notes: Taking notes during the transcription process can help you to remember important details that may be difficult to recall later. Notes can also be used to reference back to the recording if needed.

3. Speak Clearly: When transcribing a recording, it is important to speak clearly and intentionally to ensure that the transcription is accurate. This means pronouncing words correctly and speaking at a steady pace.

4. Pay Attention to Details: Details such as pauses, laughter, and other background noises should be noted in the transcription. These details can help to give the reader a better understanding of the conversation.

5. Time Stamps: If needed, time stamps can be included in the transcription to give a better understanding of the flow of the conversation.

6. Proofread and Edit: Once the transcription is complete, it is important to read it over to ensure accuracy. Any mistakes should be corrected and the transcription should be edited for clarity and flow.

By following these basic guidelines, transcribers can ensure that their transcriptions are accurate and complete. Transcription is an important tool for research and analysis, and accuracy is essential for obtaining valuable insights.

Examples of an Interview Survey Transcription

There are three main types of interview survey transcriptions: standard verbatim, true verbatim, and intelligent verbatim.

Standard Verbatim

Standard verbatim is the most common type of interview survey transcription. It involves transcribing the audio recording exactly as it is spoken, including all pauses, false starts, and verbal fillers. In standard verbatim, the interviewer’s questions are also included, as well as any comments made by the respondent.

True Verbatim

True verbatim is a more detailed form of transcription, as it captures all of the nuances of the conversation. In addition to capturing the speaker’s words and the interviewer’s questions, true verbatim also includes any nonverbal cues, such as laughter, sighs, and pauses.

Intelligent Verbatim

Intelligent verbatim is the most detailed form of transcription. It involves transcribing the conversation with more clarity and detail, so as to provide a better understanding of the conversation. This includes editing out irrelevant comments, filling in missing words, and providing context for the conversation.

No matter which type of transcript is used, it is important to ensure that it is accurate and complete. This will ensure that the data collected is reliable and can be used to draw meaningful conclusions.


Analyzing Interview Transcripts

1. Content Analysis: Content analysis is a method of analyzing interview transcripts by coding the responses and looking for patterns or themes. This type of analysis can be used to identify trends or commonalities in the responses.

2. Qualitative Analysis: Qualitative analysis is a method of analyzing interview transcripts by examining the language used by the respondents. This type of analysis can be used to identify deeper meanings in the responses and identify underlying opinions or beliefs.

3. Narrative Analysis: Narrative analysis is a method of analyzing interview transcripts by looking at how the respondent tells their story. This type of analysis can be used to identify how the respondent perceives the situation and how they make sense of their experiences.


Best Tools for Transcribing Interview Surveys 

The process of transcribing interview surveys can be time-consuming and tedious. Fortunately, there are a variety of tools available to help streamline the process and make it easier. 

1. is an AI-powered transcription tool that can transcribe speech-to-text in real-time. It’s an excellent tool for transcribing interview surveys since it can capture the audio of the interview and convert it into text in a matter of minutes. It also allows you to edit the transcripts and add notes or annotations.

  • Pros: 
    • It’s fast and efficient. 
    • It’s easy to use and navigate. 
    • It’s accurate and reliable. 
  • Cons: 
    • It’s not free. 
    • It can be difficult to train the AI to recognize different voices. 


2. Trint: Trint is another AI-powered tool that can transcribe audio to text. It’s great for transcribing interview surveys since it allows you to quickly and accurately transcribe audio files. It also has features such as auto-timestamps and searchable transcripts, which make it easier to find specific quotes or sections of the survey.

  • Pros: 
    • It’s fast and efficient. 
    • It has auto-timestamps and searchable transcripts.
    • It’s accurate and reliable. 
  • Cons: 
    • It’s not free. 
    • It can be difficult to train the AI to recognize different voices. 


3. Temi: Temi is an AI-powered transcription tool that offers a variety of features for transcribing audio files. It’s great for transcribing interviews since it can automatically transcribe audio files and generate transcripts in a matter of minutes. It also allows you to edit the transcripts and add notes or annotations.

  • Pros: 
    • It’s fast and efficient. 
    • It’s accurate and reliable. 
    • It’s easy to use and navigate. 
  • Cons: 
    • It’s not free. 
    • It can be difficult to train the AI to recognize different voices. 


There are a variety of tools available to help streamline the process of transcribing interview surveys. Each of the tools mentioned above offers different features and benefits. 

However, they all have their pros and cons, so it’s important to consider which tool is best suited to your specific needs.


Pros & Cons of Transcribing Interview Surveys

Here are some of the advantages of transcribing interview surveys:

1. Easy Accessibility: Transcribing interview surveys provides easy access to customer feedback. This makes it easier to reference the surveys and quickly find the information you’re looking for.

2. Easier to Analyze: Transcribing interviews allows you to analyze customer responses more easily. You can easily search for keywords or phrases and quickly identify any recurring themes or insights.

3. More Accurate: Transcribing interviews ensures that customer feedback is accurately recorded. This ensures that the data is reliable and can be used to draw valid conclusions.

Disadvantages of Transcribing Interview Surveys:

  1. Time-Consuming: Transcribing interview surveys can be a time-consuming process. It requires a lot of time and effort to accurately transcribe the interviews.
  2. Costly: Transcribing interviews can also be a costly process. You may need to hire a professional transcription service, which can add up quickly.
  3. Loss of Context: Transcribing interviews can also lead to a loss of context. It’s difficult to accurately convey the tone or emotion of the customer responses, which can lead to misinterpretations.



Interview surveys are a great way to collect data for research projects. The data collected can be invaluable when it comes to understanding people’s experiences and opinions. By transcribing the interviews and analyzing the transcripts, researchers can gain valuable insights into the experiences and opinions of their respondents.