What is a Procurement Request Form?

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Fun fact, procurement request documentation goes as far back as the 1800s. William the Conqueror wanted a concise way to record tax collections, so they collected the relevant information and categorized them into separate reports.  That was how procurement request forms became a thing and we still use them even now.

Procurement request forms or purchase requisition/request forms simplify how employees request products and services. It is a formal document that allows you to request the purchase of products or services needed for your job.

Procurement request form template

Understanding Procurement Request Forms

A procurement form is a document used to gather information about what your company or organization needs when making purchasing decisions. It also establishes the terms and conditions under which goods or services are to be acquired such as delivery period, prices, etc.

Almost all businesses use procurement forms in their day-to-day business. They help you communicate with suppliers and monitor the inventory that comes into your company.

What Are the Benefits of Using Procurement Request Forms?

  • Simplicity: The form creates a standardized way to request purchases. This way everyone involved in the procurement process knows what they need to do, making the process smoother for both requesters and the procurement department.
  • Enhances Control and Compliance: By requiring approvals through the procurement form workflow, it ensures purchases align with company policies and budget limitations. This helps prevent maverick spending or unauthorized purchases.
  • Improves Communication and Decision-Making: The forms capture important purchase details upfront, including the item needed, justification for purchase, and estimated cost. This clear communication allows procurement teams to make informed decisions, negotiate better deals with vendors, and avoid disputes.
  • Record-Keeping and Auditability: Procurement requests create a documented trail for every purchase. This enables you to track spending, budgeting purposes, and audit seamlessly.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Procurement request forms ensure everyone understands the purchasing process and the rationale behind approvals or rejections. This transparency increases accountability for both requestors and those managing the budget.

Components of a Procurement Request Form

Your purchase requisition form should cover everything you need for a smooth and efficient procurement process including;

  • Date and requester details: the date of request, name, address, email, phone number, and other contact information.
  • Item/service description: A clear but brief description of the product or service being requested
  • Quantity and specifications: This is a detailed list of all requested items. It ensures the company requesting gets everything it needs and helps suppliers identify items out of stock or in limited supply.
  • Justification for the procurement: An explanation of why the purchase is necessary and how it will benefit the company or fulfill a specific need.
  • Budget allocation and funding source: This shows where the money for the procurement came from and is typically handled by the finance office.
  • Approval signatures and workflow: Depending on your company structure, designate the appropriate personnel for reviewing and approving the PRF. For example, department heads, budget managers, or procurement specialists. 

Best Practices for Creating Effective Procurement Request Forms

  • Customize it: There is absolutely no need for you to create your procurement request form from scratch. However, you have to customize it to fit your organization’s procurement goals.
  • Ask the Right Questions: When creating your request, decide the sections to include. You can do this by ensuring the form answers the important questions your company needs to know about procurement. Common sections include Stakeholder information, Project summary, Goals of the purchase, list of goods or services, vendor information, and Cost estimates.     
  • Add instructions: Once you’ve customized your form, review it again. Can your stakeholders easily navigate the form? Will they understand what each section is asking? If not, add instructions in the form and a glossary with definitions of helpful terms. You can also ask a colleague outside of procurement to provide feedback.
  • Share your process: What happens after submitting your procurement request form? Include an overview of your procurement timeline in your form so they understand the process.
  • Stay in touch: Add touchpoints to proactively communicate the procurement request progress. For example, you can send a note to: Acknowledge the receipt of the request, Provide a contact once a procurement manager has been assigned, Notify the stakeholder that the request is pending approval, and Share the outcome or next steps.

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Streamlining the Approval Process

The purchase requisition approval process typically consists of several key steps, each with its unique purpose and requirements.  Let’s look at the major ones:

  • Request Submission: The process initiates with the submission of a purchase requisition form by the requester, clearly stating the goods or services required, their specifications, and any supporting documents. This includes specifying the quantity, quality, and requirements for the products or services requested. You can also attach supporting documents such as quotations, product specifications, or service agreements to fast-track the approval process.
  • Initial Review: A supervisor or manager, reviews the requisition to ensure it contains all the needed products/services and aligns with the organization’s procurement policies.
  • Approval Decision: Upon review, the approver decides whether to approve, reject, or request further information regarding the requisition. This decision is based on factors like budget availability, organizational priorities, compliance requirements, and the impact on other ongoing projects or operations. If the requisition is approved, the approver may also specify any conditions or limitations related to the purchase.
  • Finalization and Documentation: Once approved, the purchase requisition is finalized, documented, and forwarded to the purchasing department for further processing, including supplier selection and contract negotiation.
  • Supplier Selection and Purchase: This involves evaluating potential suppliers, obtaining quotations, and negotiating contracts. The purchasing department reviews and adds all necessary documentation, such as purchase orders and supplier agreements.

Why Should You Streamline Procurement Request With Forms?

Your purchase request approval workflow is the foundation of an efficient procurement process. It helps to speed up the procurement process, reduce costs, and create a transparent and compliant procurement environment.

Let’s discuss some other reasons why procurement request forms matter so much:

1. Faster Procurement Cycle:

Imagine waiting days or even weeks for a simple office supply order to get approved. Inefficient workflows create bottlenecks, delaying purchases and hindering productivity. Streamlined approval processes get requests moving quickly, ensuring you receive needed items when you need them. This translates to:

  • Reduced Lead Times: Faster approvals mean less waiting for deliveries, keeping projects and operations on track.
  • Enhanced Employee Satisfaction: Nobody enjoys waiting for things. Efficient approvals keep employees focused on their work, not stuck in procurement limbo.

2. Boosting Efficiency and Productivity:

A slow and complex approval process wastes everyone’s time. Requesters spend hours chasing approvals, and procurement teams get bogged down managing paperwork. Streamlining the process frees up time and resources for more strategic tasks:

  • Focus on Core Responsibilities: Employees can devote their energy to their core duties instead of chasing approvals.
  • Procurement Team Optimization: Procurement professionals can dedicate their expertise to negotiating better deals and identifying cost-saving opportunities.

3. Improving Cost Control and Compliance:

Delays caused by inefficient approvals can lead to unforeseen costs. Rush orders to meet deadlines can be expensive, and projects might stall, impacting budgets. Streamlined approvals ensure:

  • Cost-Effective Purchases: Timely approvals allow for better price comparisons and potential vendor negotiations.
  • Compliance with Budgets: Clear approval hierarchies ensure purchases stay within allocated budgets, preventing overspending.

4. Transparency and Visibility:

An efficient approval workflow with clear communication channels fosters transparency. Everyone involved knows the status of a request and can track its progress. This transparency leads to:

  • Reduced Errors and Misunderstandings: Clear communication minimizes confusion and prevents errors that can delay approvals or lead to non-compliant purchases.
  • Increased Accountability: A defined approval chain holds everyone accountable for timely decisions and adherence to company policies.

man & woman holding a guideline signage.

Guidelines and Escalation Procedures for Procurement Requests

Clear guidelines and escalation procedures for purchase requisition forms (PRFs) create a smooth and efficient procurement process. Let’s talk about why they’re important and how to implement them:

Reduced Errors and Delays: Clear guidelines in PRFs ensure everyone understands what information is required, how to format requests, and which approval chain to follow. This reduces errors and prevents delays caused by missing information or confusion.

Improved Decision-Making: Outlining clear criteria for specific purchases (e.g., spending limits requiring additional justification), guidelines empower approvers to make informed decisions.

Standardized Process: Defined guidelines ensure consistency across the organization. Everyone involved understands the expectations and follows the same procedure for submitting and approving PRFs.

Why Effective Escalation Procedures?

The whole point of having procurement request firms is to fast-track the procurement process, why would you need an escalation procedure? Let’s find out:

Managing Delays: Inevitably, there will be situations where approvals get stuck. Clear escalation procedures outlined in the PRF provide a roadmap for resolving delays.

Identifying Bottlenecks: Defined escalation procedures help identify bottlenecks in the approval process. This allows for proactive steps to address them and prevent future delays.

Maintaining Transparency: Established escalation procedures ensure everyone involved (requestor, approver, procurement team) understands the process if a PRF gets held up. This maintains transparency and avoids frustration.

How to Implement Guidelines and Escalation Procedures:

Dedicated Section in PRFs: Include a dedicated section within the PRF itself that clearly outlines the submission guidelines and escalation procedures. This ensures everyone has easy access to this information.

Simple Instructions: Use clear language that is easy for everyone to understand. Avoid complex jargon or overly technical terms.

Flowcharts and Visual Aids: Consider incorporating flowcharts or visual aids to illustrate the approval process and escalation steps. This can be particularly helpful for new employees or those unfamiliar with the process.

Training and Communication: Train users on the new guidelines and escalation procedures.

compliance & auditing

Importance of Accuracy and Compliance

Your requisition needs to be accurate and compliant. For example, if you request 100 cans of paint when you only need 25, you have wasted company resources on inventory they don’t need. 

Also, you should only request products/services that comply with your organization’s rules and values; if you don’t, your request will most likely be rejected and you will have to start the process again. 

Let’s explore more reasons to keep your procurement request form accurate and compliant:

Clear Needs, Clear Solutions: Providing accurate details of what you need ensures the procurement team finds the right product or service at the best price.

Verifying Budget Alignments: Accurate procurement request forms allow procurement managers to ensure the requested purchases comply with company budget limitations and spending authorization protocols. For example, allows managers check if proper approvals were obtained for specific spending categories.

Cost-Effectiveness: Missing or incorrect information can lead to overpriced purchases or ineffective solutions. Accuracy ensures you get the best value for your money.

Informed Vendor Selection: Accurate PRF provides your vendors with a clear picture of your needs and equips them to fulfill them effectively. They ensure the requested item aligns with the organization’s needs and specifications. 

Alignment with Company Policies: Your procurement request form must adhere to company spending limits and approval protocols to demonstrate responsible use of resources.

Meeting Regulatory Requirements: There might be specific regulations governing certain purchases. A compliant procurement request form ensures you comply with these regulations and avoid legal penalties.

Building Trust and Transparency: Following proper procedures fosters trust within the organization and with vendors. It demonstrates a commitment to ethical and responsible procurement practices.


Procurement request forms enable procurement and supply managers to review purchase decisions and easily grant approval. They also create a paper trail to prevent non-compliant purchases and strengthen supplier relationships.

Streamline your procurement request process with a free template!
