New In Formplus… Set Up Recurring Payments, Filter Responses and View Partial Submissions

We’re so happy to announce new features and improvements in Formplus. Being able to do more with how you collect data remains our top priority so when we launch a feature that would help our customers do that, it makes us so happy! 

A quick visit to the Responses page will show you some of the recent updates like Response filters, visual reports and submissions. For Stripe, you will observe this while creating forms in the form builder and your Accounts & Settings page.

Here’s what’s new in Formplus:

1. Partial Submissions

Being able to view submissions from respondents who have saved their responses to continue filling later is now possible with Partial Submissions. Once the Save and Continue Later feature is enabled on a form, you will be able to view saved responses for that form, even before the respondent makes a final submission.

2. Improvements to Stripe payments

We introduced new functionalities to the Formplus Stripe payment integration to help you get paid easily using our payment forms

Recurring payments

To increase success rates on future payments, we have updated the Stripe integration to be able to receive recurring payments. This is especially useful if you’re trying to provide your customers with flexible billing options or automatically renew customers’ subscriptions.

List Stripe products on form

Now you can add products from your Stripe account directly to your form. Once you set up the Stripe payment integration on your forms, all Stripe products can be displayed and even sorted by creation date.

Save card details in Stripe

Now you can store your customer’s card details securely on Stripe for repeat transactions and purchases. This especially helps to control when the customer is billed.

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) compliance

If you plan to use Formplus payment forms to receive payments from your customers in Europe, we’re happy to tell you that the Formplus-Stripe integration is now SCA compliant. All Stripe payment forms now have 3D secure 2,  which requires a prompt from your customer’s bank (requesting additional information) to authenticate the payment. Learn more here.

3. Sandbox/Test mode for Payments

To mirror the live form, we have added test modes for the PayPal and Stripe payment integrations. This will help you test payment forms without having to move actual funds around. .

4. Filtered Views for Responses

Response filters allow you to display form submissions that meet specific criteria. For example, if you have a Student Satisfaction Survey, you can filter responses based on a particular course, and save* the filter to share with others.

* only available on specific plans

5. Improvements to Visual Reports

We moved “Reports” from the “View Summary” toggle on the Responses page to a different tab on its own and also revamped the experience of the page. Here are all the improvements we made to Reports in Formplus:

New chart types

We added more charts to give you more ways to visualize your data and give better presentations. Say hello to Word cloud (to visualize text data), Gauge (to show information as a reading on a dial) and Figures (to visualize data as numbers)

Download charts/reports

Now you can download charts in a report you have created individually or download reports as PDF. This is especially useful when you need to use the charts as part of a larger report.

Share and present chart easily

To help you share reports easily with others, we have added Share and Present options. If you are looking to distribute the report via links (no sign-in required), the Share option would work well for you. If you are looking to display the reports in a Presentation, the ‘Present’ option would work perfectly.

New fields in Reports

Formplus Reports now provides support for fields like Form Lookup, Duration, and Table. If you add any of these to your forms, you can now create charts and graphs for them in the Reports.

What’s coming?

The Formplus mobile application is coming! We are looking for active and engaged customers to join our Beta Program and offer valuable feedback as we launch the Formplus mobile app! To try it out, sign up for our Beta program here.