Netnography in Research: What it is, Important, Pros & Cons

Netnography in Research: What it is, Important, Pros & Cons

Currently, social media and digital communication are the top channels for communication. So, you need to adapt their marketing strategies to keep up with the rapidly changing environment.

Netnography is a qualitative research method that adapts ethnographic techniques to study online communities and interactions. It uses market research methods like surveys and focus groups to keep track of consumer trends and preferences.

Let’s take a look at netnography in research, how it’s done, and the challenges that come with it.

What Is Netnography?

Netnography is a term coined in 1998 by Robert Kozinet, combining the words “internet” and “ethnography”. Ethnography is a traditional research method that involves observing and participating in the everyday life of a group of people.

It studies online communities, social networks, and virtual communities. It analyzes user-generated content and conversations to gain insights into people’s behavior, opinions, and attitudes.

The main principle of netnography is that online interactions are not just a reflection of offline behavior, but also a source of rich and meaningful data that reveal provides insight into people’s values, beliefs, preferences, motivations, emotions, and identities. 

Read Also: What is Mobile Ethnography in Survey Research?

The Importance of Netnography in Research

Netnography is an important research method for several reasons, here are some of them:

  • Access to Larger and Diverse Sample Sizes 

It allows you to access a large and diverse pool of potential participants who are already engaged and interested in a topic or product. This reduces the cost and time of recruitment and increases the data validity and reliability.

  • Non-intrusive Behavior Analysis

It also allows you to observe and analyze online behavior and culture naturally and unobtrusively. It doesn’t influence or interrupt the participants, allowing you to collect authentic and insightful data.

  • Non-biased Observation

Instead of relying solely on self-reported or quantitative data, netnography provides you with a holistic and contextualized view of the participants’ perspectives and experiences. This significantly improves data analysis and interpretation.

For example, it can help you to understand the language, values, and beliefs of specific communities, allowing you to develop effective marketing strategies to reach them.

What Are the Characteristics of Netnography?

According to Kozinets (2010), netnography has 6 key features:

  • Naturalistic– It studies online behavior and culture as it occurs naturally, without manipulating or intervening in the setting or the participants.
  • Immersive– It involves immersing oneself in the online community or platform of interest, by observing, participating, interacting, and learning from the participants.
  • Descriptive– It aims to describe and interpret the online phenomena as they are perceived and experienced by the participants, rather than imposing preconceived categories or frameworks.
  • Multi-method– It employs multiple methods of data collection and analysis, such as textual analysis, discourse analysis, content analysis, thematic analysis, narrative analysis, etc.
  • Adaptable– It can be adapted to different types of online platforms, communities, topics, products, etc., depending on the research objectives and questions.
  • Ethical– It follows ethical principles and guidelines for conducting online research, such as respecting the privacy and anonymity of the participants.

What Are the 12 Phases of Netnography?

According to Kozinets, netnography has 12 phases:

  1. Research planning: defining the research question, objectives, scope, and ethical considerations of the netnographic study.
  2. Entrée: identifying and selecting the online communities or platforms that are relevant to the research topic and gaining access to them.
  3. Data collection: collecting online data from the selected sources using various methods, such as observation, participation, interviews, surveys, etc.
  4. Interpretation: analyzing and interpreting the online data using various techniques, such as coding, categorizing, thematic analysis, discourse analysis, etc.
  5. Ensuring trustworthiness: assessing the validity and reliability of the netnographic findings by using various strategies, such as triangulation, member checking, reflexivity, etc.
  6. Research ethics: reviewing the ethical conduct of the netnographic study by following the principles of respect, beneficence, justice, and informed consent.
  7. Member checks: Sharing and validating the netnographic findings with the online community members or participants to ensure their accuracy and credibility.
  8. Exit: ending the involvement with the online community or platform and thanking the members or participants for their cooperation.
  9. Representation: presenting and reporting the netnographic findings in an appropriate format and style for the intended audience and purpose.
  10. Feedback: soliciting and receiving feedback from the audience or stakeholders on the netnographic report or presentation.
  11. Action: applying the netnographic findings to inform or improve marketing decisions or actions.
  12. Evaluation: evaluating the outcomes and impacts of the netnographic study and its implications for future research.

Explore – Data Collection Plan: Definition + Steps to Do It

What Is the Difference Between Ethnography and Netnography?

Netnography is derived from ethnography but adapted to the online context. So, they have similarities, but here’s the difference between them:

Ethnography Netnography
Time-consuming and resource-intensive Efficient and cost-effective
Offline (physical data collection) Online (virtual communities)
Use primary data Secondary data
Direct Observation Meditated Observation


Buyer Personas Versus Netnography Reports

A major application of netnography is buyer personas. Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers based on their demographics, psychographic data, behavioral, and situational data.

They help you to segment your market and tailor your marketing strategies to different groups of customers. Buyer personas help you answer questions such as:

– Who are your customers?

– What are their goals and challenges?

– What are their pain points and motivations?

– How do they make decisions?

– Where do they get information?

– How do they use your product or service?

Netnography reports are slightly different from buyer personas. Rather than providing you with an ideal representation of your customers, it provides you with a real-time snapshot of customer behavior; their changing trends, and needs.

Netnography helps you answer questions such as:

– What are the values and norms of your online audience?

– How do they express their emotions and opinions?

– What are the stories and narratives that they share?

– What are the symbols and rituals that they use?

– How do they interact and communicate with each other?

– How do they relate to your brand and competitors?

For You – How to Construct User Personas, User Stories & Archetypes (Examples + Templates)

What Are the Steps to Netnography?

Netnography is not a one-size-fits-all method. You can customize it according to your research objectives, resources, and ethical considerations. 

But here are some general steps when conducting a netnography study:

  • Define Research Questions and Scope– What do you want to learn about your online audience? What platforms or communities are you studying? How long do you want to observe them? How will you ensure the privacy and consent of your participants?
  • Identify and Select Online Field Sites Find out the communion channels your target audience uses and how you’ll sample them.
  • Data Collection and Storage– securely record, and store participants’ data.
  • Analyze and Interpret Data– Identify data patterns and themes. 
  • Report and Share your Results– make deductions and recommendations based on your data analysis.

Advantages of Netnography

  • Cost-Effective

Netnography can also save time and money by eliminating the need for travel, accommodation, or equipment.

  • In-Depth Understanding of Communities

It gives you access to a large and diverse pool of data and captures the dynamics and nuances of online communication, such as tone, emotion, humor, sarcasm, and irony. This provides rich and deep insights into the culture and meaning of online communities and social media platforms.

  • Explore Sensitive Topics

It also allows researchers to explore topics that are sensitive, taboo, or stigmatized, such as sexuality, health, or politics. You can also study phenomena that are difficult or impossible to observe offline, such as online gaming, virtual reality, or cybercrime.

  • Authentic and Natural Data

Netnography gives you access to authentic and natural data that is generated by internet users themselves, such as text, images, videos, audio, and others. This reflects the real voice and behavior of your online audience.

  • Real-time Data

It helps you monitor the changes and dynamics of your online audience over time. This gives you the information you need to explore new markets, niches, trends, or opportunities.

  • Minimizes Ethical/Legal Challenges

It reduces some of the ethical and practical challenges that traditional ethnography faces. For example, netnography does not require physical presence or direct contact with the participants, which can reduce the risk of harm, intrusion, or bias.

Challenges and Disadvantages of Netnography

  • Demands High Expertise

Netnography demands a high level of skill and expertise to carry out effectively. Its success is heavily reliant on your knowledge of the platforms used, as well as the language and culture of the online communities being studied. 

You also need to be able to analyze and interpret the data collected rigorously and ethically.

  • Ethical/Legal Issues

Another challenge of netnography is that it can raise some ethical and legal issues that are specific to online research. For example, netnography may involve accessing data that is protected by privacy laws or terms of service. 

You also have to be careful when interacting with participants who are unaware of or unwilling to participate in the research. Ensure that all participants provide informed consent before collecting their data.

  • Difficult Data Validity and Reliability

Netnography also has its fair share of validity and reliability problems that influences the quality and credibility of your research. For example, there could be sampling bias or representativeness issues if the online data or participants are not reflective of the target population or phenomenon.

You may also have to deal with difficulties verifying the identity or authenticity of the online data or participants, some may want to be anonymous, or pseudonymous, while some are fraudulent.


Netnography is a valuable and innovative research method that can help you understand the culture and behavior of internet users. It helps you identify, understand and develop effective strategies for developing products/services customers want.
