Misleading graphs In Surveys: What it is, Examples, Causes & Impact
Imagine scrolling through the internet and you see data depicted with a graph stating that 90% percent of adults love this new product. While the number and data seem impressive something feels awkward and you wonder if this is the truth or if is it just cleverly presented. Data visualization is the the ace card…
Defining a Research Problem: How to Identify and Resolve Research Problems
It’s instinctive to avoid problems, but with research, you have to look for problems and not just any problems, good problems. The goal of every research is to solve existing gaps in innovation or research, so your research must solve a problem for it to be a good one. However, people publish papers just to…
How to Choose the Best Academic Research Platforms in 2025 (No ChatGPT)
Getting free access to academic articles is one of the best things that can happen to you in your research journey. However, over 10,000 research papers had to be retracted in 2023 and experts claim about 90% of medical research journals are useless. The question isn’t “how to find academic databases” but “how do you…
How To Create A Diabetes Risk Assessment With Formplus
Can you imagine living your life while there is an unnoticeable threat in the background? For millions with diabetes, the path leading to this dreadful disease is often quiet and might showcase in any aspect of daily life, from low energy levels to a total breakdown in overall health. Knowing your risk for developing diabetes…
What is Negative Correlation In Research
Have you ever wondered how some things work in opposite ways? For instance, the more money you make the less likely you are to worry about mortgage payments. Correlation is a way to describe how two different things are connected or related. A negative correlation is a statistical relationship between two variables in this case…
Dot Plot: Examples, Types + [Excel, SPSS Usage]
One way to visualize the similarity between variables in statistical data analysis is by stacking data points (or dots) in a column, making up what we call a dot plot. Dot plots are similarity matrices used in various applied mathematical and statistical fields to examine the similarities between continuous, univariate, and quantitative data. It is a histogram-like…
Pie Charts: Types, Question Examples + [Excel Guide]
When you hear the word pie, the first thing that will probably come to your mind is a pizza slice, snack, or pie – literally everything else asides from a pie chart. This is most likely going to be where your train of thoughts will go if you are not a data analyst, statistician, or…
Radar or Spider Chart: Examples, Types + [Excel Usage]
Although possessing more preference than one another, each of the different data visualization techniques in Statistics can be used interchangeably when dealing with univariate and bivariate data. But when the data is multivariate, the only option you are left with is the Radar Chart. Also known as the Spider Chart, this data visualization technique has so much…
Box & Whisker Plot: Definition, Examples + [Excel Tutorial]
Box & Whisker plot is one of the few data visualization techniques that perform further computations on the dataset before it can be visualized. Some other methods that require calculation include a histogram, which needs a class interval and a pie chart that requires one to calculate the degree of each slice in the pie.…
Histogram Graph: Examples, Types + [Excel Tutorial]
One of the major setbacks of various data visualization methods is that they become increasingly difficult to read with larger datasets. The case is quite different for histograms, which is mostly used to visualize large datasets of discrete and continuous data. Histograms provide a visual representation of quantitative data by using the height of neatly joined rectangular…