Antisocial Personality Disorder Quiz: Symptoms and Effects

Have you noticed a consistent disregard for what is right or wrong, in yourself or in your friend? Do you or someone you know struggle to take on responsibilities in school, at work, or even at home?

In this article, we are going to discuss the full effect of antisocial personality disorder, what symptoms you should look out for and how it can be treated. 

You can also read our article on histrionic personality disorder and avoidant personality disorder.

What is Antisocial Personality Disorder?

An antisocial personality disorder is one of the personality disorders that impacts the thought and behavior of people. It is a mental health condition also known as sociopathy.

People with an antisocial personality disorder do not follow societal norms and socially accepted rules. They are also known to show no respect towards others and they are likely to break the law or cause emotional and physical damage to the people close to them.

They also do not like to take responsibility for their actions and generally have a disregard for consequences. People with antisocial personality disorder are likely to have alcohol and drugs problems while being manipulative and violent.

Research indicates that about 1% to 4% of the people living in the United States are affected by antisocial personality disorder. The traits of this condition develops mostly between the early teenage years to the age 18. 

Take this: Avoidant Personality Disorder Test

Sometimes the signs of the condition appear as that of conduct disorder which can easily be overlooked or missed by parents or healthcare providers. Other signs such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or depression may also cloud the symptoms of this disorder.

Conduct disorder may not evolve into antisocial personality disorder during adulthood if children get diagnosed and treated early. However, if from the age of 18, the signs or behavior still persist, then the diagnosis becomes antisocial personality disorder.

Best Antisocial Personality Disorder Quizzes to Try

1. Formplus Antisocial personality disorder quiz

You can take the Formplus antisocial personality disorder quiz to evaluate yourself now. You will answer some questions to evaluate whether you have the condition or not. Your responses will range from “Never” to “Always” 

You will also get automatic feedback on your test. This will help you understand what next you should do i.e, visiting the doctor.

2. Idrlabs Antisocial personality disorder quiz

Idrlabs also have a detailed antisocial personality disorder quiz to help you understand your symptoms and determine whether you have the condition. Visit the website to participate in the test

It is important to note that these quizzes are not a replacement for medical examinations. If you notice some signs of antisocial personality disorder in yourself or your loved ones, go to medical professionals to get help.

Take this: Dissociative identity disorder quiz

Symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder 

Here are some of the symptoms associated with antisocial personality disorder:

  • People with antisocial personality disorder have a disregard for what is right and what is wrong.
  • They persistently lie and try to cheat or exploit others.
  • They are witty manipulators who seek just their personal gains.
  • People with antisocial personality disorder are also known to be callous, and disrespectful towards others.
  • They are likely to violate the rights of others and also be a repeat offender of the law.
  • They do not have a plan for the future and tend to live only in the present.
  • They have a sense of superiority over others and are overwhelmingly opinionated and arrogant.
  • They lack empathy for others and fail to show remorse about harming others.
  • They take dangerous and unnecessary risks without consideration for their own safety or that of others.
  • People with antisocial personality disorder are also likely to have and stay in abusive and poor relationships.
  • They have a problem fulfilling financial obligations.

Take this: Schizoid Personality Disorder Test

Types and Subtypes of Antisocial Personality Disorder

Here are the subtypes of antisocial personality disorder according to Theodore Millon.

1. Nomadic antisocial: This also includes schizoid and avoidant features. The people with nomadic antisocial personality disorder are roamers and drifters.They are known as wanderers, vagabonds, and adventurers. They can easily adapt to extreme situations. Their mood revolves around being invincible.

2. Malevolent antisocial: This group includes sadistic and paranoid features. The people in this category tend to be vicious, sadistic, mordant, brutal, malignant, and resentful. They look forward to being betrayed and getting punished. They also desire revenge and are fearless and guiltless. Some people with this type of antisocial personality disorder include many dangerous criminals and serial killers.

3. Covetous antisocial: These are people with domineering and discontented features. They are hostile and envious and they derive intense pleasure from taking rather than having.

4. Risk-taking antisocial: This refers to the people that are bold, audacious, reckless, and unfazed by danger. They always pursue hazardous ventures. 

5. Reputation-defending antisocial: The people with reputation-defending antisocial have narcissistic features. They want to be seen as unbreakable, formidable, and infallible. They dislike being questioned and overreact when their position is threatened.

Take this: Histrionic Personality Disorder Quiz

Causes of Antisocial Personality Disorder 

The actual cause of antisocial personality disorder is yet to be known. However, because personality is characterized by how people view the world and relates to people or things, and antisocial personality disorder can be shaped by the environment and by inherited traits.

The genetics of a person can invoke a vulnerability, and coupled with life challenges or situations, that may trigger the development of antisocial personality disorder. Also, brain functioning may have experienced some changes during brain development.

People who have a childhood diagnosis of conduct disorder are also likely to develop an antisocial personality disorder. People who have a family history of antisocial personality disorder or some other mental health disorders are also at risk of antisocial personality disorder.

Therefore, as family history and environment can cause antisocial personality disorder, being a victim of neglect or abuse in early childhood can also trigger the disorder. Study shows that men are at a higher risk of developing antisocial personality disorder than women are.

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How Antisocial Personality Disorder Affects Students and Other Adults

Students and other adults with antisocial personality disorder are at risk of a variety of adverse life consequences such as dropping out of school, unemployment, abuse of substances, suicide, and incarceration. Furthermore, antisocial personality disorder also has an impact on the finances of the state. 

The United States, for example, estimated over $2 trillion annually of their finances on antisocial behavior such as property damage, wage losses, healthcare, and the cost of law enforcement. 

Many students with antisocial personality disorder easily lose focus on their academics and tend to get into trouble more often. This may be as a result of being violent to other students or aggressively bullying others. 

Antisocial Personality Disorder vs Psychopathy

Antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy are closely related yet not entirely the same. Multiple research has indicated that a person can have an antisocial personality disorder and not be a psychopath, but it is common for psychopaths to also have an antisocial personality disorder.

In the year 1992, an FBI report indicated that the law enforcement officers murdered were by a large population of people who met the criteria for antisocial personality disorder. Some of the characteristics of the killers as reported by the FBI reports state that they are manipulative, entitled, non-conforming to societal norms, cold, unremorseful, and blameful of others.

Not only were they identified as individuals with antisocial personality disorder, they also met the criteria for psychopathy. They were unremorseful and intimidating psychopaths who used violence to achieve their aims.

It is common for the line between antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy to be blurred even though the differences are significant to mental health care and the criminal justice system.

Several studies have revealed that psychopathic offenders are likely to commit another violent crime after their release unlike people diagnosed with only antisocial personality disorder.

Treatment for Antisocial Personality Disorder

Oftentimes, people ask if antisocial personality disorder would go away and if there is a cure. But up till this moment, there is no known cure for antisocial personality disorder.

People that have exhibited the symptoms of the condition or are diagnosed to have the condition generally manage it throughout their lives. However, therapy and medication can help to cope with some aspects of the condition.

With the right treatment, people with antisocial personality disorder can reduce the harm to themselves and to others if they follow the right treatment. It is also important that they keep healthy relationships and have a strong support system to manage this disorder for the long term recovery.


Most people with antisocial personality disorder are known to not seek help on their own and get intervention only when they have legal problems. Research suggests that those who get better are those who have strong social and family support.

If you have a loved one who has an antisocial personality disorder, try to seek help from a mental health professional. You can also consider group therapy and support groups for information and support.