How to Use ChatGPT to Write Survey Questions

How to Use ChatGPT to Write Survey Questions


ChatGPT is an advanced language model that can assist you in various writing tasks, including the development of survey questions. By leveraging the capabilities of ChatGPT, you can generate diverse question types and receive instant feedback, enhancing the quality and effectiveness of your surveys.

Understanding Survey Question Types

When creating survey questions, it is crucial that you consider the different question types and their suitability for your research objectives and desired data. Here are some key question types to understand:

  1. Open-ended questions: These questions allow respondents to provide detailed and unrestricted responses. They are valuable for collecting qualitative data and capturing in-depth insights. Use open-ended questions when you want to explore participants’ thoughts, opinions, or experiences.
  2. Closed-ended questions: Closed-ended questions provide respondents with predefined response options. They are useful for collecting quantitative data and enable easy analysis. Closed-ended questions can include single-choice questions, multiple-choice questions, or ranking questions. They offer simplicity and ease of data collection and analysis.
  3. Likert scale questions: Likert scale questions measure respondents’ agreement or disagreement on a specific statement using a predetermined scale, typically ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. They are effective for capturing attitudes, opinions, or preferences, providing a quantitative assessment of respondents’ perceptions.
  4. Semantic differential questions: Semantic differential questions ask respondents to rate a concept or item on a bipolar scale anchored by opposite adjectives. This question type allows for nuanced measurement of attitudes or perceptions. For example, respondents may rate a product as “innovative” or “conventional” on a scale.

Consider the research objectives and the type of data you want to collect when deciding which question types to use in your survey. A well-designed combination of question types can provide a comprehensive understanding of your target audience’s opinions, preferences, and experiences.

Preparing for ChatGPT Interaction

Before interacting with ChatGPT to generate survey questions, it is crucial to formulate clear and concise instructions. Consider the following steps to ensure effective communication with ChatGPT:

  1. Provide context: Begin by giving ChatGPT an overview of the survey’s purpose, target audience, and the specific topic or area you want to focus on. This helps ChatGPT understand the context and generate questions that align with your survey goals.
  2. Specify survey goals: Clearly state the goals of your survey. Whether you aim to gather insights, measure attitudes, or collect specific data, outlining your objectives will guide ChatGPT in generating appropriate questions.
  3. Communicate requirements and constraints: If there are any specific requirements or constraints for your survey questions, such as question length, language style, or question format, clearly communicate them to ChatGPT. This ensures that the generated questions meet your specific needs.

Providing ChatGPT with context, survey goals, and any specific requirements or constraints is vital for obtaining relevant and tailored survey questions.


Generating Survey Questions with ChatGPT

Interacting with ChatGPT to generate survey questions involves an iterative process of generating, refining, and iterating the questions. Follow these steps to generate effective survey questions:

  1. Generate question prompts: Start by asking ChatGPT to generate question prompts based on the context and goals you provided. For example, you can ask ChatGPT to generate open-ended questions to explore participants’ experiences or closed-ended questions to gather specific data.
  2. Refine and clarify questions: Review the generated question prompts and refine them for clarity and precision. Edit the wording, remove any ambiguity, and ensure that the questions are concise and unbiased. This step involves transforming the initial prompts into well-structured questions.
  3. Seek feedback and iterate: Ask ChatGPT for feedback on the refined questions. ChatGPT can provide suggestions to improve question clarity, and relevance, or generate additional follow-up questions. Iterate this process to enhance the quality and comprehensiveness of the survey questions.


Examples of Prompts and Guidelines for Effective Questions

Prompt 1: “Please generate open-ended questions to explore participants’ experiences with our product.”

Guideline: “Ask about specific features, challenges, and suggestions for improvement.”

Example question: “Could you describe your experience using our product and any specific features that stood out to you? Please share any challenges you encountered and suggestions for improvement.”

Prompt 2: “Generate closed-ended questions to measure customer satisfaction.”

Guideline: “Include a range of response options to capture different levels of satisfaction.”

Example question: “On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is ‘Very Dissatisfied’ and 5 is ‘Very Satisfied,’ how would you rate your overall satisfaction with our product/service?”

Prompt 3: “Generate Likert scale questions to measure respondents’ agreement on specific statements.”

Guideline: “Provide a balanced range of agreement levels and ensure clear and concise statements.”

Example question: “To what extent do you agree with the following statement: ‘Our customer support team was helpful and responsive’?” Response options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.

During the interaction, always review and evaluate the questions generated by ChatGPT, considering the context and requirements of your survey. Refine and iterate the questions to ensure they meet your standards for clarity, precision, and relevance to the survey goals.


Evaluating and Refining Survey Questions

Once you have generated survey questions using ChatGPT, it is essential to evaluate their quality and suitability before finalizing your questionnaire. Consider the following aspects when evaluating and refining your questions:

  1. Clarity: Assess the clarity of each question to ensure that respondents understand what is being asked. Check for ambiguous terms, complex sentence structures, or jargon that could confuse participants. Reword questions to be concise, specific, and easy to comprehend.
  2. Relevance: Ensure that each question is relevant to your research goals and aligns with the context of your survey. Evaluate whether the questions directly address the information you seek and if they contribute meaningfully to your objectives. Remove any questions that are irrelevant or redundant.
  3. Bias: Carefully review your questions to identify potential biases that may influence respondents’ answers. Look for loaded language, leading phrases, or assumptions that may sway participants’ responses. Reframe questions to maintain neutrality and avoid bias, allowing respondents to provide their genuine opinions and experiences.
  4. Response options: Evaluate the response options provided for closed-ended questions. Check if they cover the full range of possible responses and if they are mutually exclusive. Consider offering “don’t know” or “prefer not to answer” options where appropriate.


Revising and refining questions based on the evaluation process is crucial to ensure the validity and reliability of your survey data. Take the feedback provided by ChatGPT into consideration, and iterate on your questions to improve their quality.

Read – How To Correct Biased Survey Results

Incorporating Survey Design Considerations

During the question development process, it is important to consider various survey design elements to enhance the overall survey experience and data quality. Here are some strategies to incorporate into your survey design:

  1. Question flow and sequencing: Organize your questions in a logical order that flows smoothly. Start with simple and non-sensitive questions to engage participants and gradually progress to more complex or personal topics. Consider the flow of the survey to maintain participant interest and prevent survey fatigue.
  2. Avoiding order bias: Be mindful of order bias, which occurs when the sequence of questions influences respondents’ answers. To mitigate this bias, randomize the order of response options for closed-ended questions. Additionally, alternate the ordering of certain question blocks or rotate questions to minimize potential order effects.
  3. Skip patterns: Use skip patterns or branching logic to customize the survey experience based on participants’ previous responses. This ensures that respondents only encounter relevant questions, reducing respondent burden and improving data quality.
  4. Randomization techniques: Randomize the presentation order of questions or response options to mitigate the impact of order effects or biases. Randomization helps distribute any potential biases evenly across respondents and ensures a more balanced representation of responses.


Reviewing and Editing Generated Questions

While ChatGPT can assist in generating survey questions, it is essential to emphasize the need for human review and editing of the generated questions. Consider the following points when reviewing and refining the questions:

  1. Human expertise: Subject matter experts and survey researchers play a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness of the survey questions. Their domain-specific knowledge can help refine the questions to align with the research objectives and the target audience.
  2. Domain-specific accuracy: Subject matter experts can review the generated questions to ensure they accurately capture the nuances of the topic or domain being studied. They can provide insights, correct any inaccuracies, or suggest alternative ways to phrase questions for better clarity.
  3. Consistency: Review the set of generated questions to ensure consistency in language, tone, and response scales. Consistency is vital for maintaining survey coherence and reducing respondent confusion. Ensure that terminology and question structures are aligned across the entire questionnaire.
  4. Language clarity and appropriateness: Edit the questions to ensure they are written in clear, simple language that is easily understandable by the target audience. Consider the appropriateness of the language used, avoiding jargon or technical terms that may confuse respondents. Aim for questions that are inclusive and free from bias or offensive language.

Piloting and Testing the Survey Questions

Before implementing the survey on a larger scale, it is crucial to pilot and test the survey questions with a small sample. Consider the following benefits of piloting:

  1. Identifying potential issues: Piloting helps identify any issues or challenges that respondents may encounter while answering the questions. It allows you to uncover any confusion, ambiguities, or technical problems in the survey design or question-wording.
  2. Refining question wording: Through piloting, you can gather feedback from participants on the clarity and understandability of the questions. This feedback can be used to refine and improve question-wording, ensuring that respondents can provide accurate and meaningful responses.
  3. Improving response options: Piloting helps assess the effectiveness of response options for closed-ended questions. Feedback from participants can reveal any difficulties in selecting response options or suggest additional response choices that better capture the diversity of opinions or experiences.

Read More – Pilot Survey: Definition, Importance +[Question Examples]


Ethical Considerations in Survey Question Generation

When using AI models like ChatGPT for survey question generation, it is crucial to address ethical considerations to ensure the integrity and fairness of the survey research. Here are key ethical considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Informed consent: Obtain informed consent from survey participants by clearly explaining the purpose of the survey, how their data will be used, and any potential risks or benefits involved. Participants should have the freedom to decide whether to participate and understand their rights regarding data privacy and confidentiality.
  2. Privacy and data protection: Safeguard participant data by implementing appropriate security measures and adhering to data protection regulations. Clearly communicate how participant data will be handled, stored, and anonymized to protect their privacy and maintain confidentiality.
  3. Avoiding biases: Carefully review and evaluate the survey questions generated by ChatGPT to identify and eliminate any potential biases. Biased questions can influence respondents’ answers and compromise the validity of the data. Ensure questions are neutral and unbiased, and do not favor any particular group or perspective.
  4. Fairness and inclusivity: Create survey questions that are inclusive and respectful of diverse perspectives, experiences, and identities. Avoid language or assumptions that may exclude or discriminate against certain groups. Strive to create an environment where all participants feel comfortable and respected.

Related: What are Ethical Practices in Market Research?


Using AI models like ChatGPT for survey question generation offers numerous benefits, including increased question diversity and efficiency. However, it is important to remember that human involvement, critical evaluation, and refinement are essential throughout the process to maintain the integrity and validity of the survey research.

While ChatGPT can generate question prompts and provide valuable insights, you have a responsibility to review, edit, and refine the generated questions. Human expertise ensures that questions are accurate, relevant, unbiased, and align with ethical considerations.

By striking a balance between AI-generated questions and human involvement, you can conduct rigorous and ethical survey research, gathering valuable insights from participants while maintaining the trust and respect of their respondents.