Focus Groups for Research: Types & Sample Questions

Most times, people aren’t always aware of the real reason why they are in focus groups. But there is a good reason why focus groups are so important. These groups help businesses to improve their products, services, and marketing strategies. In this post, we will be discussing what a focus group is and provide tips on how you can conduct a successful one.

What is a Focus Group?

A focus group is defined as a setting where people of a researched demographic meet to discuss and share ideas. It is a research method where there is a structured conversation with a small number of people who are similar to your customers or respondents. The purpose of this conversation is to learn about people’s opinions, attitudes, and behavior with respect to a particular topic. They’re one of the most popular methods for qualitative research. 

Focus groups usually meet as a group on five to ten occasions and are facilitated by a trained moderator. They are an effective way of providing information about consumers’ opinions or preferences for a particular product or service. It is also used to evaluate new product ideas.

The participant (or focus) group’s responses are recorded and shared with the analysis team to provide feedback for product development, marketing, and strategy decisions.

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Major Components of a Focus Group

A focus group is a gathering of people to discuss a topic.

There are three major components of a focus group: moderator, participants, and observers. The moderator poses questions, the participants discuss the topic, and observers watch or listen to the discussion.

1. The moderator will ask the participants questions about their thoughts, feelings, or beliefs on certain subjects. The discussions typically last between 60 and 90 minutes. The focus group moderator should be experienced and have an understanding of the research objective. The moderator will also develop a question guide to facilitate discussion in a structured way.

2. Participants should be informed as much as possible prior to the interview to ensure they feel comfortable. A well-crafted invitation letter is essential for setting expectations and creating the right impression of the company or brand conducting the research. The invitation should include information such as the name of the sponsor, the purpose of the research, what is expected from participants, time commitments, location details, and how they were selected for participation.

3. Observers can be clients who want to observe how their customers respond to products/services or other researchers involved in planning or different stages of the project.

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Characteristics of a Focus Group

  1. A focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes toward a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging. 
  2. Questions are asked in an interactive group setting where participants are free to talk with other group members.
  3. Focus groups are used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research.
  4. A moderator asks questions and leads the discussion following an interview guide that contains prepared questions and follow-ups designed to probe for deeper information. The responses provided by the group give insight into how people think and feel about a certain topic.

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Types of Focus Groups

Here are some types of focus groups:

  • Two-Way: One group watches when another group answers the questions posed by the moderator. This method is mostly used in B2B focus groups for the moderators to gather in-depth expert and professional opinions.
  • Dual-Moderator: Two moderators lead one focus group. This means there are two moderators leading the discussion from different points of view. This usually results in a more productive session. This approach is best used for technical topics.
  • Dueling-Moderator: Two moderators lead one focus group, but they disagree with each other and present their two sides of the argument. This method is best for comparing two business models.
  • Respondent-Moderator: One member of the focus group leads the discussion, while the moderator takes notes or simply observes and members are allowed inputs.
  • Mini Focus Group – A smaller version of a traditional focus group (typically up to 6 people) but lesser than 10. This method is best adopted for sensitive or personal issues such as sexuality or violence.
  • Online Focus Group – Participants are connected via video conferencing software and can be located anywhere in the world

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What are the Characteristics of a Good Focus Group Moderator?

Typically, a moderator leads the group in answering questions and engaging in discussions related to the topic at hand. Some important qualities of a good focus group moderator include:

  • Strong communication: Moderators have to have strong people skills. They have to know how to keep the mood light and fun while still moving the conversation forward and keeping it on-topic.
  • Good listening ear: A good moderator must be able to listen to all the participants without prejudice.
  • Empathetic: Good moderators are empathetic listeners. They listen carefully to what all the participants are saying so they can use those insights later on when they analyze the results of the focus group. 
  • Knowledgeable: They must be knowledgeable in many things and should also be able to keep the discussion on track by redirecting it back when it goes off-topic. This can be tricky, but moderators practice this skill until they get it right.
  • Trustworthy: A moderator needs to be trustworthy, intelligent, and objective. They must be able to earn your trust by communicating openly and honestly, showing that they genuinely care about what you have to say, and not judging your responses.

Focus group moderators usually have experience conducting interviews and administering surveys. They’re very good at asking questions, listening to answers, and observing non-verbal cues like body language. They also need to be experts at managing groups of people because they should be able to recognize when someone is trying to dominate or derail the conversation, and they should be able to bring people back on track without making them feel bad.

How Do You Analyze a Focus Group Discussion?

Usually, the discussion is led by a moderator asking questions about the topic and then encouraging conversation among the participants. The conversation is usually recorded for later analysis.

Analyzing the data from focus groups is often more qualitative than quantitative. It’s not necessarily about how many people said they liked something but about what themes emerged in their answers, and specifically what those answers reveal about the potential success of a product or campaign on a grander scale. 

It is true that you can learn a lot simply by listening to people’s thoughts, reactions, and concerns. But how do you analyze the data you’ve collected?

  1. The first step is to transcribe your focus group recordings. A verbal discussion is often more fruitful than a written questionnaire, and it’s important to have a record so that you can go back and analyze the discussion in detail.
  2. The next step is to identify major themes in the transcript. Read through it with care, paying attention to repeated phrases or patterns of speech as these will reveal key themes and insights into the topic of discussion.
  3. Organize them meaningfully in an Excel spreadsheet or similar program for easy access. 

Do this for all of your recordings and use the data points to interpret the themes and ideas from your focus group in context. Afterwards, you then use this information to make informed decisions about how to proceed with your project, product launch, or campaign.

Focus Group Examples and Scenarios

Here are a few examples of how focus groups work:

  1. You’re a business owner who wants to know what people think of your new website design. You hold a focus group and ask people questions like: “How easy to use is this website?” “Is there anything confusing about it?” “Do you have any suggestions for improvement?”
  2. You’re a company that wants to start selling coffee products. You want to know what coffee product people would be most interested in buying. You hold a focus group and ask them questions like: “What coffee do you drink?” “What do you like most about the coffee you drink?” “Would you buy [X product] from us if we made it? Why or why not?”
  3. You’re thinking of starting an e-commerce business focused on selling organic dog treats. You want to know how much customers would be willing to pay for them. You hold a focus group and ask them questions like: “How much do you spend on dog treats

Focus Group Questions: Types & Samples

Before you write your focus group questions, here are a few guidelines to keep in mind;

  • Keep the questions simple and straightforward.
  • Avoid leading questions so that they don’t suggest the answer. For example, “Don’t you think that this product is perfect for meeting all your needs?”
  • Establish rapport with participants by asking easy questions first.
  • Use closed-ended questions: Questions that can be answered yes or no. This will allow you to get a sense of how many people feel a certain way about a topic.

Focus Group Advantages

  1. A focus group’s primary benefit is that it provides in-depth information on topics products and other issues.
  2. Focus groups allow companies to get honest feedback and suggestions on products and services before they are launched into the market.
  3. Focus groups are typically great for testing ideas, such as campaign slogans, or new products like toys, cosmetics, and packaged food.

Limitations & Disadvantages of Focus groups

  1. Focus groups are extremely time-consuming to set up and run.
  2. The discussion can sometimes turn into an argument if people disagree with each other. It is important that the group leader remains impartial and that all members are given the same opportunity to speak.
  3. People may hold back on saying what they really think as they don’t want to be different from other members of the group or because they don’t feel comfortable speaking in front of others.
  4. The data is not as accurate as a one on one interview.
  5. A participant can be influenced by other people’s opinions and ideas. This is why it is important to conduct multiple focus groups in order to gain a wide range of opinions.


Focus groups are a valuable tool for gaining feedback about a specific product. It is an important form of marketing research because it helps you to collect the data you need in order to make your product more marketing-friendly.