Tag: survey research

  • What is Network Sampling In Surveys?

    What is Network Sampling In Surveys?

    Introduction Network sampling is a valuable technique in survey research that involves leveraging existing networks to select and recruit participants for a study. When you tap into social, professional, or online networks as a researcher, you can access populations that might be difficult to reach through traditional sampling methods. This article explores the concept of…

  • Understanding Survey Weighting: Purpose, Methods & Implications

    Understanding Survey Weighting: Purpose, Methods & Implications

     Introduction Survey weighting is an important aspect of survey research, and it plays a significant role in achieving accurate results which represent the true perspective of respondents. In survey research, sometimes it can be difficult to obtain samples that reflect the target audience being studied, due to factors like errors in the sampling population, non-responsiveness…

  • What are Benchmark Polls In Survey Research?

    What are Benchmark Polls In Survey Research?

    Introduction Benchmark polls play a crucial role in survey research by providing a baseline for comparison and analysis. Additionally, these polls serve as a reference point for researchers. It allows them to gauge the opinions and preferences of a specific population at a given point in time. In this article, we will explore the concept…

  • Specification Error in Surveys: Causes, Effects & How to Minimize

    Specification Error in Surveys: Causes, Effects & How to Minimize

    Introduction Specification error refers to a critical issue in survey research where the chosen model or framework used to analyze data does not accurately capture the underlying relationships or characteristics of the phenomenon being studied. It occurs when the specification of the model deviates from the true data-generating process, which causes bias or unreliable results. …

  • Test-retest Reliability In Surveys: Meaning & How To Improve on It

    Test-retest Reliability In Surveys: Meaning & How To Improve on It

    Ideally, a respondent’s answer should remain consistent over time, regardless of how many times they complete the survey. But factors like response bias and question misinterpretation influence respondents’ answers, causing them to respond differently on different occasions. The test-retest reliability helps you determine the consistency and accuracy of survey data over time. If a survey’s…

  • False Consensus Effect: Meaning, Causes, Effects & Mitigation

    False Consensus Effect: Meaning, Causes, Effects & Mitigation

    Introduction The false consensus effect in surveys refers to the tendency of individuals to overestimate the extent to which their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are shared by others. This bias can arise when people participate in surveys and assume that their responses are representative of the population’s beliefs and attitudes.  In this article, we will…

  • Guide To Sample Planning in Surveys: How To Create Them

    Guide To Sample Planning in Surveys: How To Create Them

    Introduction A sampling plan is a framework used to guide the selection of a sample from a larger population in research. It involves identifying the relevant population, defining the sample size, selecting the sampling technique, and determining the sample characteristics. Sampling is crucial in research for inferring about populations. A good plan ensures representative samples,…

  • Face Validity in Surveys: Meaning, Types & Methods of Improvement

    Face Validity in Surveys: Meaning, Types & Methods of Improvement

    Have you opened a survey and noticed that some questions seem irrelevant or confusing? The survey description and questions don’t match. Face validity is the amount of time a survey or question seems to measure what it’s supposed to measure. It’s not a scientific or objective way of measuring validity; it’s subjective and based on…

  • What Is the Planning Fallacy? What Survey Project Managers Should Know

    What Is the Planning Fallacy? What Survey Project Managers Should Know

    Introduction Planning is an essential aspect of our daily lives, but it’s not always accurate. People often underestimate how much time, effort, and resources a task will require, leading to missed deadlines and unfulfilled expectations. This tendency to underestimate is known as the planning fallacy. In this article, we will explore the planning fallacy and…

  • Collaborative Research: What It Is, Types & Advantages

    Collaborative Research: What It Is, Types & Advantages

    Introduction Collaborative research has become increasingly popular in the academic world. With the proliferation of interdisciplinary research, it is important to understand the various types of collaborative research and their respective contexts.  In this article, we will take a look at the different classifications of collaborative research, including its advantages and disadvantages. Instagram  What is…