What is Brand Resonance?

What is Brand Resonance

Brand resonance is the ultimate goal of branding. It is the emotional attachment customers have toward your brand and the foundation for customer loyalty and advocacy.

Having a strong brand resonance means that your brand has high recognition and recall by customers. As a result, customers are more likely to choose your brand over others.

With so many competitors vying for a higher market share, brand resonance helps keep you ahead. It ensures you effortlessly retain existing customers and attract new ones.

Defining Brand Resonance

The Difference Between Brand Resonance and Brand Awareness/Loyalty

Brand resonance measures the emotional sentiment customers feel towards your brand. There are four main core elements of brand resonance; brand salience, performance, imagery, and judgment.

Brand salience refers to the degree to which your brand is at the top of a customer’s mind. Performance measures how well your brand meets customers’ expectations.

Your brand imagery is the customer’s perception of your brand, both functionally and emotionally. While brand judgment looks at the value, quality, and uniqueness of your brand.

Read: What is Brand Recall, and Why Is It Important?

The Difference Between Brand Resonance and Brand Awareness/Loyalty

Brand resonance is often used interchangeably with brand awareness, but they are not the same. Brand awareness is just how much people know about your brand, while brand resonance is the measure of the emotional connection that customers have with your brand.

Also, brand loyalty and resonance are completely different concepts. Brand resonance builds positive long-term emotional attachments between your brand and customers, but it doesn’t always translate to loyalty.

Brand image, brand equity, and brand personality are also often confused with brand resonance. While they are interconnected and influence your overall branding, they are not the same. 

Brand image is the way that a brand is perceived by consumers, both in terms of its functional and emotional attributes. Brand equity refers to a brand’s value based on its brand awareness, brand loyalty, and more.

How Brand Resonance Represents an Emotional Connection between Customers and a Brand

How Brand Resonance Represents an Emotional Connection between Customers and a Brand

Brand resonance is beyond brand awareness or loyalty.  It is the customers’ sense of connection to your brand and how well the brand fits with their values.

Brand resonance enables you to connect with the functional and emotional needs of your customers. It creates a sense of connection, enthusiasm, or trust in your customers that makes them feel good about using your brand. 

Brand resonance also drives customer behavior, and increases brand loyalty, advocacy, and spending.

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Key Components of Brand Resonance

Here are the components of brand resonance

1. Brand Identity

Brand identity is the visual and verbal elements that differentiate your brand from competitors. It is what communicates your brand image and personality to customers when they come across your brand.

Typically, your brand identity encompasses the brand name, and other branding assets such as logo, colors, fonts, and other design elements.

A well-designed brand identity enables customers to easily recognize and recall your brand. This makes them more likely to gravitate toward your brand and form a positive emotional bond with it.

Read – Understanding Kapferer’s Brand Identity Prism: A Comprehensive Guide

2. Brand Meaning

As the name implies, brand meaning is what customers associate with your brand. This includes the brand’s values, purpose, and positioning. 

A well-defined brand meaning helps to create a connection between the brand and consumers. It also helps to guide the brand’s marketing and communications efforts.

3. Brand Response

The brand response is how customers react to your brand, this includes their emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses. It measures how well the brand resonates with the customers using factors such as trust and satisfaction.

A positive brand response can contribute to brand resonance by making the brand more appealing and memorable to consumers. It can also help to build trust and loyalty.

4. Brand Relationships

Brand relationships are the connections that consumers have with a brand. Strong brand relationships are not built overnight, they are built over time through positive brand experiences and interactions.

Customers have different kinds of relationships with brands: functional, emotional, and both. Functional connections are based on what the brand offers. Emotional connections are based on how the brand makes you feel.

Building and Sustaining Brand Resonance 

Key Components of Brand Resonance

Here are the levers and instruments required to build and sustain brand resonance

1. Brand Communication

Brand communication is how you tell your brand story and share your brand values with customers. There are various channels for brand communication, including advertising, social media, emails, web publications, surveys, and more.

Effective and consistent brand communication helps you to build brand resonance. It increases your brand awareness, builds trust and credibility, and evokes positive emotions.

2. Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is the process of building relationships with customers and encouraging them to interact with the brand. You can do this by personalizing marketing messages, building communities, and incentivizing engagement.

Also, engaging customers enables you to collect feedback and insights that allow you to know customers’ expectations and meet them.

3. Continuous Brand Evaluation and Adaptation

Regularly measuring brand performance allows you to identify areas of improvement. This enables you to consistently deliver on customer expectations, maintain customer satisfaction, and remain relevant in a highly competitive market.

You can measure brand performance with different metrics, such as brand awareness, brand equity, and customer satisfaction. These metrics allow you to track the brand’s progress over time and optimize your products/services to satisfy customers.

Building and Sustaining Brand Resonance

How Formplus Can Help Improve Brand Resonance

  1. Measuring Customer Resonance: Formplus allows you to seamlessly measure brand resonance by asking questions about the customer’s perception of the brand. For example, you can create surveys to evaluate the brand’s awareness, recognition, satisfaction, and advocacy.
  2. Customer Engagement and Interaction: You can also create interactive surveys with different question types on Formplus. For example, you can add images or videos in your forms to make it more engaging, and easily understood.
  1. Personalized surveys:  Formplus also helps you build communities and collect feedback seamlessly by asking questions about each customer’s specific needs or interests using conditional logic.
  2. Analytics: You also get real-time data with Formplus. This enables you to quickly identify areas where the brand can improve, and implement them to maintain or boost brand resonance.


Brand resonance is how strongly attached customers are to your brand, and plays a huge role in acquisition and long-term retention. 

However, building brand resonance is a complex process that requires consistent data collection, analysis, and product/service optimization. Simplify your brand resonance efforts with Formplus– seamlessly collect data, engage customers, and identify opportunities for improvements.