What is Records Management: Process & Best Practices

What is Records Management: Process & Best Practices


Records management is an important part of any organization’s operations. It is the process of organizing and managing records throughout their life cycle, from creation to destruction. The goal of records management is to ensure that records are organized, protected, and available for use in an effective and efficient manner.

In this article, we will discuss what record management is, its characteristics, and the process of managing the records.

What is Records Management?

Records management is the practice of organizing, maintaining, and preserving records for a specific purpose or period of time. It involves the collection, storage, and classification of records, as well as their proper disposal when no longer needed. 

Records management ensures that records are organized and stored properly and that there is a system in place to ensure that records are retrieved and used efficiently. Records management can be used to ensure that the accuracy of data is not compromised by errors or omissions during their creation or storage, as well as after their creation or storage. 

Records management also allows for control over how information is used within an organization and by whom. Records management is essential for any organization that wants to ensure the accuracy and integrity of its records. 

Records management includes many different aspects of document retention, including:

  • Creating records schedules for documents that need to be retained for future reference.
  • Keeping track of which documents have been modified and when they were last reviewed.
  • Identifying who has accessed a document in order to ensure that only authorized users can see it.
  • Recording when someone reviews or updates a document so that they can be properly credited for their work.


Types of Records

  • Administrative Records: Administrative records are documents that support the day-to-day operations of an organization. This type of record typically includes documents related to personnel, payroll, operational policies, and other administrative tasks.
  • Legal Records: These are documents that are created in compliance with legal requirements. This type of record includes contracts, court documents, legal filings, and other documents related to the legal aspects of an organization.
  • Fiscal Records: Fiscal records are documents used to track and manage financial information. This type of record typically includes documents related to accounting, budgeting, taxes, and other financial activities.
  • Historical Records: These are documents that have been preserved over time to provide insight into the past. This type of record includes documents such as newspapers, letters, photographs, and other items that can provide a glimpse into the past.
  • Research Records: They are documents used to support scientific and scholarly research. This type of record typically includes documents related to experiments, surveys, and other research activities.
  • Electronic Records: These are stored in digital formats. This type of record includes documents stored on computers, in the cloud (in data centers), or in other digital mediums (such as mobile devices).


Characteristics of Records

The following are some of the key characteristics of records management:

1. Organization: Records management is the process of organizing and storing records in a systematic manner to ensure that they are easily accessible and retrievable. This includes creating a filing system, labeling records, and creating a system of retrieval.

2. Preservation: Records management is also responsible for preserving records, ensuring that they are not destroyed, lost, or corrupted. Preservation includes ensuring that records are stored in a secure and appropriate environment and that they are organized and maintained in a manner that is consistent with their content. 

3. Accessibility: Records management is also responsible for making records accessible to those who need to access them. This includes setting up systems for access and retrieval, such as databases or web-based systems.

4. Security: Records management is also responsible for ensuring the security of records. This includes setting up measures such as encryption, authentication, access control, and auditing to ensure that records are secure.

5. Compliance: Records management is also responsible for ensuring that records are maintained in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This includes ensuring that records are stored in accordance with data privacy laws, as well as other regulations.

6. Retention: Records management should help to ensure that records are retained for the appropriate length of time and that they are disposed of in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations.

Functions of Records Management 

The primary functions of records management are to ensure the accuracy and integrity of records, provide an audit trail of activities, and ensure that records are readily available for retrieval and use. Records management also helps organizations maintain compliance with legal, regulatory, and organizational requirements.

Process of Records Management

The process of records management includes the following steps:

1. Creation: Records must be created in a consistent manner that is relevant to the organization’s needs. This includes the process of creating and managing the documents, such as policies, forms, and reports.

2. Classification: Records must be classified according to their purpose and content to ensure that they are properly organized and easily retrieved.

3. Storage: Records must be stored in a secure location, such as a file cabinet or electronic database so that they are easily accessible and can be retrieved when needed.

4. Retrieval: Records must be retrievable in a timely manner so that they can be used for their intended purpose.

5. Destruction: Records must be destroyed in accordance with the organization’s policies and procedures in order to ensure that they are not misused or leaked.

What are The Types of Records Management? 

Records management is a process for organizing, preserving, and managing records to ensure the security and integrity of an organization’s information. There are a variety of types of records management activities, including digital records management, physical records management, and document imaging.

1. Digital Records Management: Digital records management is the practice of storing, managing, and protecting electronic records. This type of records management typically involves the use of software applications that enable organizations to store, organize, and access digital records. It is important for organizations to ensure that digital records are secure, since they may contain sensitive information.

2. Physical Records Management: Physical records management is the practice of storing, organizing, and preserving physical records such as paper documents, photographs, and other media. This type of records management typically involves the use of document storage facilities, filing systems, and other methods of organizing physical records.

3. Document Imaging: Document imaging is a process that involves scanning documents and converting them into digital images. Document imaging makes it easier to store and access records, as well as to share documents with others.

Best Practices of Records Management 

Organizations should implement best practices for records management in order to ensure that their records are secure and easily accessible. Some of the best practices for records management include:

  • Classifying Records – Classifying your records means separating them into categories based on where they were created or received, as well as their content. This ensures that you have easy access to all relevant information at any given time.
  • Establishing Policies and Procedures – Establishing policies and procedures for maintaining records will help ensure that everyone involved in handling these documents knows what’s expected from them in terms of quality control, security measures, etc. It also helps prevent mistakes from happening by creating guidelines that everyone follows during each stage of record creation or maintenance activities so there’s no confusion or ambiguity about what needs to be done next.
  • Ensuring Records Are Secure – Ensuring that records are secure means keeping them safe from unauthorized access by both internal employees as well as external parties such as hackers who may try to steal valuable information contained within these files without authorization from anyone who should rightfully own them first.
  • Ensuring records are retained and disposed of properly: You don’t want anyone falling through the cracks here – if someone doesn’t do something about this particular issue soon enough, then there could be serious consequences down the line (like fines or even criminal charges).
  • Ensuring records are accessible when needed- Maintaining a system of records that is readily available for reference or retrieval by authorized personnel using established procedures



Records management is an important part of any organization’s operations. It is important to ensure that records are maintained properly and that all necessary steps are taken to ensure the security of records.