Creating Timed Surveys: How and When To Use + Free Templates

Creating Timed Surveys: How and When To Use + Free Templates


Have you ever thought about how timing can affect the quality of the data you collect through surveys? Timing plays a crucial role in survey research, influencing the accuracy and relevance of the insights you gather. When it comes to research, the need for real-time information has led to the rise of timed surveys across various fields. Whether you’re conducting quizzes, gathering event registrations, or seeking feedback, timed surveys can be a game-changer.

How To Create a Timed Survey With Formplus

When you visit Formplus, you’ll find a powerful tool to enhance your survey experience—the Timer feature. This feature allows you to add a countdown to your survey, indicating the time remaining for respondents to complete it. Timed surveys are particularly useful for quizzes, event registrations, and scenarios where a sense of urgency is necessary.

Key Features and Benefits of the Timer

  • Countdown Impact: The Timer creates a sense of urgency, motivating respondents to complete the survey promptly. This urgency can lead to higher response rates and more accurate data.
  • Customizable Display: You have control over how the Timer is displayed. Whether you want it to be subtly minimal or prominently visible, you can adjust the Timer’s appearance to match your survey’s purpose.
  • Flexible Positioning: Choose where to place the Timer in your survey—either at the top or bottom. This flexibility ensures that it complements your survey’s layout and design.
  • Additional Context: Provide context to respondents by adding a description below the Timer. Use this space to explain why the Timer is there and how it benefits them.
  • Duplicate Prevention: If you’re concerned about duplicate submissions, Formplus offers a unique solution. You can upload or manually input a list of identifiers (like names, emails, or IDs) to prevent the same person from submitting the survey multiple times.

Image Guide/Walkthrough of How to Use the Timer

Timer on the Builder.png

  • Click on the Timer option located at the bottom left corner of the Formplus Builder page.

Timer on the Builder.png

  • Toggle on the “Enable Timer” option.
  • Depending on your survey’s purpose, select either the “Quiz” or “Event” Timer.

Quiz Timer

Timer on the Builder.png

  • Set the desired time for survey completion (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Choose the Timer’s visibility and position on the form.
  • Add a description for further clarification.
  • Manage unique identifiers to prevent duplicate responses.

Event Timer

Timer on the Builder.png

  • Select the countdown end date and time.
  • Decide whether the form should be submitted automatically when the countdown ends.
  • Customize the Timer’s appearance and placement.
  • Include a description to provide context.
  • Remember to save your changes for them to take effect.

Free Timed Survey Templates From Formplus

Formplus is set to offer a range of ready-to-use timed survey templates that you can personalize for your specific needs. Whether you’re organizing an event, conducting a time-sensitive quiz, or running a feedback campaign, these templates can save you time and effort. These templates are still in the development stage and will soon be rolled out.

Understanding Timed Surveys

Timed surveys are a dynamic approach to gathering data where respondents are given a specific amount of time to complete the survey. Unlike traditional surveys, timed surveys introduce a time constraint that can influence respondents’ answers and behavior. This format is particularly valuable when you want to capture immediate reactions or opinions on time-sensitive topics.

Timed surveys stand apart from traditional surveys due to their time-bound nature. In terms of design, they often feature a countdown timer prominently displayed, creating a sense of urgency. The time constraint encourages respondents to provide instinctive and authentic responses rather than overthinking their answers.

Types of Survey Timers

  1. Countdown Timer: This is the most common type of survey timer. It displays the amount of time remaining for respondents to complete the survey. You can use countdown timers for quizzes, tests, and events.
  2. Response Timer: In this type, the timer starts after a question is presented to your respondent. This adds a time-bound element to each individual question, challenging respondents to think quickly and provide immediate responses.

Advantages of Timed Surveys

  • Real-Time Responses: Timed surveys excel in capturing genuine, real-time reactions from participants. When respondents are under a time limit, they tend to answer questions more spontaneously, reflecting their immediate thoughts and emotions. This authenticity can lead to richer and more valuable data for your research.
  • Discouraging External Help: The time constraint of timed surveys discourages participants from seeking external assistance or consulting other sources while answering. This helps you ensure that the responses are based solely on the respondent’s knowledge and opinions.
  • Minimized Recall Bias: Traditional surveys often suffer from recall bias, where respondents struggle to remember past events accurately. Timed surveys minimize this bias by requiring respondents to answer quickly, relying on their immediate recollection rather than potentially distorted memories.

Key Considerations for Timed Surveys

  • Question Complexity: In timed surveys, the clarity and conciseness of questions become paramount. Complex or convoluted questions may lead to confusion and rushed responses, impacting the quality of data collected. Keep questions simple, straightforward, and easily comprehensible.
  • Response Options: The number and type of response options can significantly influence the effectiveness of timed surveys. Too many options may overwhelm respondents, leading to hurried selections. Offering a balanced range of response choices, including multiple-choice, scale-based, and open-ended options, can ensure diverse and meaningful feedback.

Designing Effective Timed Surveys

  • Question Prioritization: Crafting a successful timed survey involves mastering the art of question prioritization. Start by identifying the core research objectives and the most relevant information you seek. Prioritize questions that align with these objectives, ensuring that the survey’s time constraint doesn’t compromise the collection of crucial data. However, striking a balance between exploring depth and maintaining survey brevity is essential to prevent respondent fatigue.
  • Visual Design and User Experience: Creating a user-friendly interface is pivotal in facilitating quick and meaningful responses in timed surveys. The layout should be intuitive, guiding respondents seamlessly through the survey. Typography should be legible, minimizing reading time. Effective navigation ensures respondents can progress easily without confusion. A well-designed interface enhances engagement and fosters positive user experiences.

Implementing Time Constraints

  • Setting Time Limits: The decision to assign specific time limits to each question is guided by the survey’s objectives and the complexity of the questions. For instance, open-ended questions may require more time, while multiple-choice questions could have shorter time limits. This balance ensures comprehensive data collection while respecting participants’ time investment.
  • Countdown and Progress Indicators: Countdown timers act as gentle reminders of the time available to respond to each question or complete the survey. They create a sense of urgency without inducing stress. Additionally, progress indicators offer your respondents a clear view of their journey through the survey, reducing uncertainty and making the experience more transparent. These visual cues contribute to higher engagement rates and fewer instances of survey abandonment.

Strategies to Enhance Data Quality

  • Validation Checks: Maintaining data quality in timed surveys requires thoughtful implementation of validation checks. These checks help ensure that respondents provide thoughtful and consistent answers rather than hasty or careless responses. Techniques such as response patterns and logic checks can identify contradictory or illogical responses, prompting respondents to review and revise their answers. This enhances the accuracy and reliability of collected data.
  • Data Cleaning and Outlier Detection: After gathering responses, the process of data cleaning becomes crucial. Timed surveys, although capturing authentic reactions, might also result in some outliers or anomalies. Identifying and addressing these outliers is essential to help you maintain data integrity. Statistical techniques like Z-score analysis or Tukey’s fences can aid in detecting extreme values that might distort analysis. Cleaning the data helps researchers glean insights from meaningful responses while mitigating the influence of outliers.

Considerations When Conducting Timed Surveys

  1. Addressing Ethical Concerns: While timed surveys offer benefits, ethical considerations are vital. Time pressure can potentially impact the quality of responses and participants’ well-being. Researchers should ensure that the time limit is reasonable, allowing respondents to provide thoughtful input. Adequate breaks or flexibility could be introduced to balance urgency with participant comfort.
  2. Informed Consent and Transparency: Informed consent remains a cornerstone of ethical research. When conducting timed surveys, participants should be informed about the time constraints and the purpose of the survey. Transparency about data usage, confidentiality, and the voluntary nature of participation is essential. This ensures that respondents make informed decisions and feel respected throughout the survey process.

Analyzing Timed Survey Data

  • Time-Stamped Responses: Time-stamped responses in timed surveys offer a treasure trove of insights into temporal trends. Analyzing the sequence in which respondents answer questions can unveil patterns, changes, and shifts in opinions over time. However, handling timestamp data requires meticulous consideration of time zones, potential biases, and the need for data cleaning.
  • Temporal Patterns and Correlations: Timed survey data provides a unique opportunity to uncover temporal patterns in responses. Analyzing how certain responses change over the course of the survey’s time frame can reveal valuable trends. Additionally, timed survey data enables the exploration of correlations between variables. By aligning timestamps and responses, researchers can identify connections that might have been overlooked in traditional surveys.

Real-World Applications

  • Market Research and Product Feedback: In the world of business, timed surveys are a game-changer for rapid market research and gathering product feedback. Businesses can swiftly gauge consumer sentiments and opinions on new products, marketing campaigns, or changes to existing offerings. Timed surveys facilitate agile product development, enabling companies to make informed decisions and adaptations in real-time.
  • Election Polling and Event Analysis: Timed surveys find crucial applications in capturing public sentiment during elections and significant events. Pollsters use them to track changing voter opinions and predict election outcomes. Likewise, during events like debates, speeches, or breaking news, timed surveys offer a snapshot of immediate reactions. However, interpreting these rapidly changing responses requires sensitivity to the event’s dynamics and context.

Future Trends in Timed Surveys

  • Mobile-Friendly Surveys: As mobile devices continue to dominate our digital landscape, they are poised to reshape the future of timed surveys. Respondents are more likely to engage with surveys on their smartphones and tablets. Designing surveys with mobile-friendly interfaces will become essential to ensure seamless user experiences and higher response rates.
  • Integration with Wearables: The integration of timed surveys with wearable technology holds immense potential. Wearables can capture real-time physiological and environmental data, enriching survey responses with contextual information. This integration could lead to deeper insights and a more holistic understanding of participants’ experiences.


In the quest for efficient and impactful data collection, timed surveys emerge as a potent tool. They enable researchers to gather immediate, authentic, and contextually-rich responses. The benefits of timed surveys include capturing real-time reactions, discouraging external influences, and minimizing recall bias. However, the success of a timed survey hinges on strategic design, balanced time constraints, and ethical considerations.

As a researcher, you should adopt best practices, and consider question prioritization, user experience, and ethical concerns.

Finally, in a world that operates at the speed of thought, timed surveys can empower researchers to capture insights that matter—at the moment they matter most.