How To Create & Evaluate Polls on TikTok

How To Create & Evaluate Polls on TikTok

With over 1 billion users, Tiktok is of the most popular social media platforms in the world. The primary reason people love TikTok so much is because of expressive you can be on the app, and how great the feed algorithm is.

But TikTok is not just about watching videos; you can also create and stitch other users’ content to express your views. It also has interactive features such as filters, likes, comments, and stickers.

One of the most interactive and fun features of TikTok is polls. Polls are a great way to get your audience involved in your content and to learn more about what they think. In this article, we will show you how to create and evaluate polls on TikTok.

Understanding Polls on TikTok

Polls help you get feedback from your audience, understand their preferences, and use it as a guide to create more appealing content. They make your audience feel involved and like they’re part of the creative process.

For example, running a poll about whether you should keep running a story time that you started could make your viewers invested. This boosts your visibility and could even get you new followers.

  • Polls Increase User Engagement and Interaction

People voting on your polls are more likely to check out your videos and engage with your content. Polls make people curious, so your audience will likely want to know what other people are thinking or how you respond to the results of the poll. 

Polls also spark engagement and increase your reach. Your audience wants to express their views and engage in discussions about your content, so they leave comments or duet your post.

This increases your reach by recommending your content to an audience that matches your current active viewers.

  • You Can Promote Your Brand or Business With Polls

Polls are a great way to get people interested in your brand or business. You can ask questions about your products and services, which can help you find opportunities for improvement, and new product/service ideas.

Related – How to Create Polls on Facebook, Instagram & 5 More

Different Types of Polls Available on TikTok

Yes/No Polls: These polls allow users to vote on a binary question, such as “What breakfast would you pick?” or “What  outfit should I wear?”

Multiple Choice Polls: you can use the quiz sticker to test your audience’s knowledge or preference answers, for example, “What is your favorite outdoor activity?” or “What is your favorite pizza topping?”

Emoji Poll: You can also use the emoji slider, which lets you ask a question with a range of emoji responses.  For example, you can ask “How do you feel about this hair color?” with emojis like 😊, 😢, 😡, or 😴.

Slider Poll-  This allows your viewers to rate something on a scale from 0 to 100 using a slider. For example, you can ask “How much do you love pineapple smoothie?” 

Rating scale– you can also use the rating sticker, which lets you ask your audience to rate something on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.

Creating Effective TikTok Polls

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Create a Poll on TikTok

1. Accessing the Poll Feature on TikTok

  • Open the TikTok app
  • Click on the “+” icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
  • Next, record or upload your content
  • Select the “Stickers” icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Choose the “Poll” sticker.

2. Choosing the Poll Question and Response Options

  • Click on the “Ask a question” field and enter your poll question.
  • Select the “Add option” button to add response options.

3. Customizing the Poll’s Appearance and Duration

Change the font, color, and background color to make your poll more attractive. You can also customize the duration of your poll by setting when the poll will stop accepting responses.

4. Adding Relevant Hashtags and Captions

Add relevant hashtags to your poll to help it get seen by more people. You can also add a caption to your poll to give it more context.

5. Posting the Poll

Once you are finished customizing your poll, tap on the “Post” button. Your poll will be posted to your TikTok profile and will be visible to your target audience.

Tips for Creating Engaging Poll Questions

  • Keep the Question Concise and Clear

Don’t use technical, or lengthy sentences that might confuse your audience. A good poll question should be easy to understand and answer in a few seconds.

  • Use Visually Appealing Images or Videos

Make your poll stand out to your target audience by adding relevant and attractive visuals to it.

  • Including Relatable or Trending Topics

People love to share their opinions on trends or things that matter to them. Try to find out what your audience is interested in and use that as a basis for your poll question. 

For example, if you’re a fashion influencer, you run a poll about outfits for an event.

  • Encouraging Users to Participate Through Call-To-Actions

A call-to-action is a phrase that prompts your audience to take action, such as “vote now”, or “share your thoughts”. Adding a call-to-action to your poll question motivates your audience to participate in the poll.

You can get creative with your poll questions, for example, you can use questions for open-ended responses.

Promoting Your Poll

Use Tiktok’s Features to Increase Poll Visibility

1. Leverage Trending Hashtags

Your content is more likely to show up in search results when you use relevant hashtags.  For example, if your poll is about fashion, you can use hashtags like #Stylingtips #fashionhacks, and more.

2. Collaborating With Influencers or Creators

You can also partner with creators with a large following or a similar niche. Ask them to mention your poll in their videos or ask them to stitch your poll in a video. This gives your poll a lot of exposure and helps you to reach a wider audience.

3. Explore Tiktok’s Discover Page

You can also try to get your poll featured on the Discover page. It is a feature on TikTok that shows users popular videos about different topics they are interested in. You can do this by using relevant hashtags, such as #ForYou or #explore, and others.

Share the Poll on Other Social Media Platforms for Wider Reach

1. Share on Other Social Media Accounts

If you have a lot of followers on other social media p[latforms, you can post your poll there too. That way, you can reach more people and get more votes and feedback. 

You can do this by using the link feature on Tiktok to direct users to your poll on other platforms.

2. Run Ads on Other Social Media Platforms

You can also run ads on other social media platforms. This allows you to focus your ads on people who care about the topics you’re polling about.

Encourage Users to Share the Poll With Their Followers

Add a call-to-action that encourages users to share the poll with their followers. This could be a text message, a link, or a button that says “Share this poll with your friends and let me know what you think” or “Tag someone who would love this poll”. 

You could also offer a reward for sharing the poll. For example, you can give a discount or a free product to people that participated in the poll.

Evaluating Poll Results

1. Analyze the Poll Data

  • Look at the Poll Metrics

How many people voted? What’s the total number of views your poll got? How many votes did each option get? These are metrics that can help you measure your poll’s reach, and understand your audience preferences.

  • Identify Patterns and Trends in the Poll Responses

Pay attention to the patterns and trends in the poll responses. For example, you can compare the results of different polls on similar topics.

You can also look for correlations between the poll results and other factors, such as the time of day, the type of content, or the demographics of your followers. These patterns and trends can help you understand what your audience likes, dislikes, wants, or needs from your content.

2. Use Poll Results to Inform Content Creation

  • Tailor Future Content Based on Poll Feedback

One of the biggest advantages of polls is that your audience’s responses can be used to shape your future content. For example, you can ask your audience what type of content they’d like to see more from you in the future. Then use their responses to shape your next post.

  • Respond to User Comments and Suggestions

Invite your followers to leave comments or suggestions on your post with the poll. You can then read their feedback and reply to them, thanking them for their participation, answering their questions, or addressing their concerns. You can also use their comments or suggestions as inspiration for new content ideas or topics

Best Practices for Polls on TikTok

1. Keep Polls Relevant and Timely

Select topics that are relevant to your specific niche, your target audience, or the latest trends. This will help you draw in more voters who are interested in your content and opinion. You should also avoid creating polls that are outdated, irrelevant, or too niche.

2. Engage With Poll Participants Through Comments and Interactions

You should acknowledge and respond to the people who participate in your polls by liking, commenting, or following them back. It helps you build a stronger relationship with your audience and encourage them to engage more with your future polls.

3. Avoid Controversial or Sensitive Topics

You should be careful not to create polls that are offensive, misleading, inaccurate, insensitive, or divisive. Respect the diversity and opinions of your followers and avoid topics that could trigger negative reactions, such as politics, or religion.

4. Experiment With Different Types of Poll Questions

Explore different types of poll questions, such as yes/no, multiple choice, rating, or ranking. It keeps your polls interesting and creative, as well as understand what works best for your audience.


Polls are a great way to engage with your audience on TikTok. They help you learn more about your followers, get feedback on your content, and promote your products or services. 

You also don’t have to stick to a particular poll type; experiment with different questions, options, and styles, and watch how your audience responds. Then use the insights from the poll to curate better content that resonates with your target audience.