Knowledge Management Systems: Guide For HR Leaders

Knowledge Management Systems: Guide For HR Leaders


Knowledge Management System is a method of organizing, storing, retrieving, and sharing information to improve your business processes.

In the modern era, knowledge management systems have become an essential part of running any enterprise. They help organizations increase their productivity and effectiveness by providing a platform for storing and retrieving knowledge from anywhere in the world at any time.

In today’s article, we will dive into knowledge management systems and what makes them beneficial for businesses and organizations.


What Are the Knowledge Management Systems?

Knowledge management is the process of creating, organizing, sharing, and applying information to improve the quality of decisions made by organizations. They enable you to access and apply knowledge across all aspects of your business which spans from sales to marketing, from operations to finance.

For example, if you’re trying to understand how customers are using your products or services, you could use a knowledge management system to collect data from various sources and analyze it in one place. If you want to improve the efficiency of your supply chain, you could also use a knowledge management system to track inventory levels and analyze data about what happens when products aren’t available for sale.

If you have a lot of data collected in one place (or even just one type of data), knowing what makes sense based on those data can be really helpful. It’s like having a map that tells you where things are located in your business.

Without such a map, it might be hard for someone new to join in on decisions because they don’t know where everything is located.


Why are Knowledge Management Systems Important?

The main purpose of knowledge management systems is to help companies better understand their customers and their markets, which allows them to make more informed decisions about the products and services they provide. They’re also important because they make it easier for a company to share information with its employees and customers, which helps them create solutions that benefit both groups.

In addition to helping organizations be more efficient in their operations by making sure that all relevant information from all employees is available at any time, knowledge management systems can also help them recruit new employees. It also helps to retain current employees by providing a central repository where employees can store their skills and/or credentials so that they’re easily accessible when needed.

Because knowledge management systems are such an important part of any business’s success today, it’s important for HR leaders to understand how these systems work so they can effectively use them within their own organization.


What Are the 3 Major Knowledge Management Systems?

Knowledge Management System is a tool that helps to manage knowledge. It also manages the knowledge that exists within an organization. It can be used for managing expert knowledge, but it is not limited to just this.

There are three major types of knowledge systems: enterprise-wide systems, knowledge work systems, and intelligent techniques. Each type has its own benefits and limitations.

  • Enterprise-wide Knowledge Management Systems (EWKMS): These are used by large organizations with multiple divisions or branches across countries or continents. They are usually based on a central database where all relevant information is stored in one place. EWKMS can help companies gain a competitive advantage because it allows them to share information between departments or even across countries. Enterprise-wide systems can also be used to create a single source of truth in an organization, which can help with legal compliance issues and regulatory requirements. It also helps them collaborate more effectively with suppliers and customers.
  • Knowledge Work Systems (KWS): These systems help employees do their jobs better by providing them with relevant information they need at any given time during their workday so they don’t have to go searching for it themselves anymore. For example, if a company is using research from a university but doesn’t have access to the data itself, it could use a knowledge work system to allow employees at different locations around the world access to the same research material without having to worry about multiple copies being made or managed separately (or even stored). Examples include calendars and task managers which allow employees to keep track of what needs completing at any given moment throughout the day.
  • Intelligent Techniques are used by organizations when they want to automate certain tasks or processes in order to make them easier or faster than manually doing them. For example, if an organization sends out millions of emails each month, then they might choose intelligent techniques like artificial intelligence (AI) so they can distribute them or automate their processes.

Knowledge Management System Examples

Organizational knowledge management systems are intended to improve the organization’s ability to manage its own internal knowledge. These systems are typically used by departments or groups within the organization and can consist of a variety of different components, including:

  1. Department-wide knowledge management platforms, which allow employees within a department to share and access organizational resources. These platforms can be used to share information between departments, as well as with employees in other departments or outside of the company.
  2. Research and insights libraries store all relevant research information gathered by employees within an organization and make it available for use by other employees within that organization. This type of library is typically used when gathering information or performing research into new products or services, but can also be used just for internal purposes like managing your own portfolio of content you’ve written over time (or creating training materials for new hires).
  3. Customer service knowledge bases, which are collections of customer support questions and answers as well as other forms of information that help you respond appropriately to customers’ inquiries when they contact your company via phone or email (or both). Customer service knowledge bases are often organized by topic so that employees can easily find answers without having to search through hundreds or thousands of responses from other users who have asked similar questions.
  4. Learning management systems (LMS) are the most common form of knowledge management system. They are also known as records systems, courses, virtual classrooms, and learning management software. The LMS is a software platform that allows teachers to create, deliver and manage online educational content. The LMS can be used for a wide range of purposes including creating and managing course materials; managing student records, enrollments, and assessments; providing support services; managing all aspects of an institution’s online operations, including human resources and payroll; delivering distance education programs via the Internet; etc.
  5. Online community forums: An online community forum is a website where people can post messages about anything from business topics to personal relationships; it’s usually moderated by someone who posts most of the messages but not all of them. There are different types of forums, including those that allow users to make money with advertisements or sponsor posts.

Knowledge Management System Benefits

Knowledge management systems are a great way to ensure your organization is keeping its knowledge in check and accessible. Here are some of the benefits:

  • They help you stay on top of new developments and trends, helping you stay ahead of the curve.
  • They help you improve customer service by helping workers learn about customers’ needs and preferences.
  • They allow you to better manage training materials and resources, making them easier to access for everyone.
  • They help you keep track of your business relationships with vendors, partners, and suppliers.
  • They help organizations understand the impact of their decisions on customers, employees, shareholders, communities, and the environment. 
  • They help organizations improve their productivity and competitive edge. 
  • They provide an overview of the current state of knowledge for an organization or team.


How to Build an Effective Knowledge Management System

Knowledge management is an enterprise-wide process that helps organizations identify, organize and share knowledge so they can more efficiently use it.

If you want to put together your own knowledge management system, there are a few things you need to know.

  1. Identify and define the goals of your knowledge management system. The first step is to determine what outcomes you want to achieve by creating a knowledge management platform. Who will be using it? What kinds of information are they going to need access to? What kind of interaction will they have with it? Once you’ve answered these questions, evaluate and choose a platform that will help you achieve those goals.
  2. Evaluate and choose a knowledge management platform. There are many different platforms available today, each offering different features and functionality. Evaluating each one based on its features can help ensure that you’re choosing one that best meets your needs. There are several different options out there: from simple desktop software applications like Microsoft Word or Excel to more advanced tools like Wikis and social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter; there are options for just about every type of organization imaginable.
  3. Inventory existing information and identify gaps. Once you’ve chosen a platform, it’s time to start organizing all of your existing content. It’s important to give some thought as to how much data already exists within your company or organization so that you don’t end up duplicating efforts or having incomplete records when working on new projects down the line.
  4. Organize information and create net new content. Once you’ve identified all of the existing data you can use in building your knowledge management system, it’s time to organize that information by topic or category into a series of folders with specific names and tags (think “historical data,” “current events” and “future trends”). Then write up new content based on those folders. For example, if you’re creating a knowledge base on historical events related to climate change, you might want to write up articles on everything from how scientists first started noticing changes in climate patterns back in the 1800s to current research projects being done by major universities around the world today.



The conclusion of this article is that knowledge management systems are a powerful tool to help you organize, manage and share your information. With the right system in place, it’s possible to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in your industry. 

You’ll be able to keep track of what people need from you, how they use your products or services, and even where their needs are coming from. This helps you respond effectively and efficiently to changing market demands, which means more satisfied clients.