What Are Audio Surveys?

What Are Audio Surveys?


Audio surveys are surveys that play audio clips instead of having text on them. This means that instead of reading out loud the questions and answers, they speak them in some way so that they can be heard by the participant. 

Audio interviews are a great way to get more information from people who might not want to share their thoughts on paper or via email. Let’s discuss what an audio survey is, its advantages, and its limitations.

What Is an Audio Survey?

An audio survey is a type of survey where participants complete the survey by answering questions in real-time, through audio, rather than writing down their answers.

Audio surveys are a new way to gather customer feedback. They’re a great way to get the word out about your product, service, or business because they’re easy to create and can be done in any language.

They’re also a great way to find out what people like about your company and what they don’t. If you have time for one call-to-action question per survey, then an audio survey is going to provide you with loads of data.

It’s important to note that while audio surveys can be used for many different kinds of research, the most common ones are those that focus on health-related topics.


Examples Of An Audio Survey

  • For example, you could use an audio survey on a phone app that helps people find a new job. When they enter their information and start the process of finding jobs, they might be asked questions about their current job and what they’re looking for in a new position. If you wanted to ask the user questions about their experience with the app itself, you could have them record their answers by pressing buttons on their phone’s screen or by saying “yes” or “no” into the device’s microphone and then play those answers back to them as they search for jobs.
  • Audio surveys can also be used for online quizzes. Participants would be asked to listen to the embedded audio and share their opinion on a topic or subject.

Uses of Embedding Audio in Survey

The audio survey can be used in both offline and online modes. In offline mode, it is used for collecting data from a group of people who are not connected to the internet or mobile network. While in online mode, it can be used to record the respondents’ responses through their smartphone or tablet.

The following are some examples of how embedded audio surveys are used:

  • Market Research. You can use audio surveys to find out what people want, how they feel about your business, and what they think about your competitors.
  • Sales Training. You can use audio surveys to train your sales staff and increase the number of sales you make every month.
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys. You can use audio surveys to ask customers questions about their experience with your product or service. You can do these by creating surveys that: 
  1. Surveys that ask questions while they listen to a song or music clip (e.g., “Which part of the song do you like best?”)
  2. Surveys that ask respondents to answer a series of questions while they listen to an audio clip (e.g., “How does this sound?”)
  3. Surveys that ask respondents about their preferences for specific topics based on what they hear (e.g., “What do you think about this company? Do you like them?”)


Advantages of Using Audio in Surveys

Audio surveys are a great way to gather data about your audience. They have several advantages over traditional paper-based surveys, including:

  1. Expressive: audio recordings make it easier to understand the emotions and thoughts of your audience.
  2. Personal: an audio survey lets you hear from people in their own voices, which can help you connect with them on an emotional level.
  3. Interactive: adding interactive components to an audio survey will allow you to ask questions that are more open-ended and let respondents feel like they’re being included in the process rather than feeling like they’re just filling out a form on autopilot.

Other advantages of using audio in surveys include:

  1. Audio surveys are a great way to capture more information from your respondents. They allow you to present the content of your survey in a way that is more engaging and fun, which will increase the likelihood that it will be completed.
  2. Audio surveys have the advantage of being fast and easy to conduct.
  3. Audio surveys allow you to capture more information from your respondents than you would with a regular written survey.
  4. They also allow you to reach people who might not have time to complete a written survey, including people who are busy or have other responsibilities such as children or elderly parents at home.


Limitations of Audio Surveys

  1. The disadvantage of audio surveys is that they only work well for specific types of questions. If you’re not careful, you can end up with an unbalanced sample, which means some people may not have been able to complete the survey because they were unable to hear it or understand what was being asked.
  2. Audio surveys can be time-consuming to create. You’ll need to record the audio, which means you’ll need a microphone and software that allows you to record it on your computer. Even then, you may want to do some editing on the recorded audio before sending it out.
  3. There may be some people who aren’t comfortable speaking on the phone or via email, which could lead to them not participating at all or taking longer than necessary to fill out their survey questionnaire.


How To Create and Embed Audio in Your Surveys

Creating audio surveys is easy, all you have to do is record your desired content or questions and then upload it onto an audio recording platform like YouTube, Soundcloud or Audacity so that you can easily embed it into any survey form. Embedding an audio clip is similar to embedding a video clip.

First, ensure that your code is in HTML format. In Soundcloud, ensure the WordPress code checkbox is unticked.

Use these steps below to embed your audio file:

  • Open the Survey Design page for the survey you want to edit.
  • Click on Add Question to include the audio to a new question, or click Edit Question to add it to an existing question.
  • Paste the copied code into the Question Text box.
  • Type any other content into the Question Box, before or after the embed code.
  • Click the OK button to embed your audio.

After you’ve got a survey embedded, it appears as an audio player on your website. Users can pause, play and stop the audio survey whenever they want and answer it quickly by pressing the button to start playback from wherever they left off. 

The audio survey links back to your survey when it’s finished playing so users can continue with their experience. Note that the steps can be different depending on the platform you use.



Audio surveys are a great way to collect information from your customers and build trust in the relationships you have with your customers. This survey will help you learn more about what types of concerns your customers may have and how they found the business in their travels.