Lost Customer Research: Questions To Ask & How To Conduct It

two people are conducting customer research with sticky notes on a whiteboard, one of which says 'Journey Map'.


Tracking customer feedback is one of the most challenging aspects of running a successful business. Unlike some other types of data, customer feedback requires constant attention and monitoring to ensure it’s accurate and up-to-date. 

It’s easy for your business to be lacking in this department, especially if you don’t have a formal process in place. Any company that sells products or services will likely have customers who aren’t satisfied with their experience. 

However, what separates businesses that succeed from those that fail is how they respond to these negative reviews and more specifically, how they handle negative feedback from their customers. The way you respond to negative reviews shows not only your sensitivity toward your customers but also your commitment to improving your service and retaining happy customers within your community. 

If you don’t know how to react to negative feedback from your clients, then sooner rather than later they’re going to leave you for good.


What is Lost Customer Research?

Lost customer research is a method used to study your customers’ behavior and preferences based on their past interactions with your brand. This kind of research is also called ‘retained customer research’. 

Retained customer research is important because it allows you to learn from past customers’ experiences with your company. This information can help you identify your target customers, thus increasing your odds of bringing in new customers from the ones who have left.

In lost customer research, you try to understand the reasons why a client decided to leave you and what made them so loyal to your products/services in the first place. You do this by conducting surveys, surveys online, audio recordings, etc. 

In order to understand your customers’ feelings towards your brand, you can use various questions during a lost customer research survey. You can conduct lost customer research to understand your clients’ behavior and preferences. 

You can use this research to find out why your customers are leaving your company, and what you need to do to bring them back.


How To Conduct Lost  Customer Research? 

You must first get to know your clients’ behavioral patterns. Where do your customers come from? What are their problems? What are their pain points? These are the things you need to know about your clients. 

You need to find out about their problems, their pain points, and their challenges to help you come up with solutions. What are the challenges that your clients are facing? 

Once you know the problems your clients are facing, you can come up with solutions that address these issues. You can also use this data to develop your marketing strategy. 

Once you know how your clients are facing challenges, you can understand their needs and what they want out of your products/services. 



  • To get an understanding of your client’s behavior, preferences, and problems.
  • To understand why clients are leaving your company and what you can do to bring them back.
  • To discover your clients’ needs and wants.


Strategy (Approach To Conducting The Research or Delivering The Survey)

Lost customer research is a method used to study your customers’ behavior and preferences based on their past interactions with your brand. This kind of research is also called ‘retained customer research’. Retained customer research is important because it allows you to learn from past customers’ experiences with your company. This information can help you identify your target customers, thus increasing your odds of bringing in new customers from the ones who have left. In lost customer research, you try to understand the reasons behind why a client decided to leave you and what made them so loyal to your products/services in the first place. You do this by conducting surveys, surveys online, audio recording, etc. In order to understand your customers’ feelings towards your brand, you can use various questions during a lost customer research survey. You can conduct lost customer research to understand your clients’ behavior and preferences. You can use this research to find out why your customers are leaving your company, and what you need to do to bring them back.


Questions To Ask During a Lost Customer Survey (discuss each question, what it seeks to achieve, why it is important, and the likely answers/their possible implications):

  1. What was the reason that attracted you to become our customer? This is to know why the customer decided to make a purchase from you and to know what caused the customer to leave your company. You want to make sure that you’re providing an experience that is as good as it can be, and if something happens in the process of the customer’s purchase or departure, you need to be able to fix it so that you don’t lose future customers.
  2. What caused you to leave our company? You want to know what caused the customer to leave your company so that you can find out what went wrong and how you can avoid doing this again in the future. You also want an explanation for why the customer feels like their experience with you was subpar. You want to hear their side of things and make sure that you can avoid any recurrences of these types of issues going forward. You should be able to find out what caused this action by asking questions like: “When did this happen?” “What were the circumstances surrounding that event?” “Can we find out more about why you left?”
  3. What did you like the most about working with our brand/product/service? This question gives customers an opportunity to express their feelings about working with your brand. This question is important because it helps you understand what made your customers’ experience so positive overall. It helps you identify which aspects of your brand/product/service were most appealing to them and lets you know if there’s anything else you can improve on. For example, if customers mention that they like the fact that your products are affordable, you may decide to price them lower than competitors on future purchases so users can save money while still getting excellent quality products from you.
  4. Which of our competitors did you go to? This question seeks to get a sense of what the customer’s previous experience with your competitor was. The reason for asking this is to know whether or not they had an issue with the quality of service that they received from your competitor compared with yours, and if so, how did they resolve it? If they were satisfied with their experience in your company, then you can take this as a sign that your company is doing something riight. But if they weren’t happy with their experience, then you need to figure out why and address it.
  5. Why did you choose our competitor? This question asks why customers decided to switch from your website to another website. This will help you understand what you need to do to make sure that your product is the best option for them when it comes to their needs. It can also help you decide whether or not you should invest more money in advertising or hiring more employees if these other companies are competing in the same space as you but have better products and services than yours do and at lower prices.
  6. Is there anything we can do to earn back your business? This question seeks to understand the customer’s perception of the company’s value and what they would like to see. It is important to note that this question will be answered in a variety of ways, and it is important to ask it in order to gauge the customer’s perception of their value.


How Formplus Can Help You Conduct a Lost Customer Survey


  1. Data Collection: Formplus provides you with the tools to collect data from your customers who have left your company. You can choose from a variety of questions, including open-ended questions, multiple choice questions, and rating scales.
  2. Form Template Creation: Using the templates, you can create forms that are compatible with your company’s needs and then personalize them to fit those needs. You’ll be able to customize fields on the templates so that they’re relevant to your customers’ personal interests or preferences.
  3. Data Storage and Analytics: With Formplus, you’ll be able to store all of your customer survey data securely in the cloud so that it’s readily accessible to anyone who needs it and so that it can be analyzed as part of a larger data project or research effort. 
  4. Data Protection: When you’re done collecting information from your customers about why they left your company, Formplus will protect their information by encrypting it using industry-standard methods and then storing it safely in the cloud


Get Started With Free Customer Feedback Templates [Start Here].



To keep your customers happy and satisfied, they must feel they are being treated as people, not numbers. They must be treated with care, respect, and love. 

They must see a person, not a machine. And they must feel like they are being served with the best quality food, clothing, and service that money can buy. 

If you’re not doing any of these things, customer service is probably one of your biggest challenges. As important as it is to respond to customer feedback, it’s also essential to conduct customer research to determine what your customers like best about your brand. 

Once you’ve done that, you can use this information to create a customer service experience that will keep your clients happy and coming back for more.