Public Opinion Research: Definition, Types & Templates

Public Opinion Research: Definition, Types & Templates


Public opinion research is the scientific study of public attitudes and opinions about a particular issue, event, or topic. It is an important part of marketing research because it helps marketers understand how consumers perceive their products and services. 

Public opinion research can be used to determine consumer preferences for products and services, political issues and candidates, media campaigns, and product development. This article will focus on public opinion research, its definition, and its types.


What is Public Opinion Research?

Public opinion research is a field that studies the relationship between public opinion and policy. It involves using surveys, focus groups, or interviews to determine how people feel about specific issues and policies.

Public opinion research, sometimes referred to as opinion polling or public opinion research, is the process of collecting data on public attitudes and opinions.

A survey is a type of public opinion research where participants are asked to answer questions about their opinions or behaviors. 

Surveys can be done via phone calls, email surveys, web surveys, paper-and-pencil surveys, in-person interviews, and more. Surveys are typically done by phone or online using automated dialing machines (ADM). 

This method allows for such rapid deployment that it has become an established industry standard. The ADM operator calls the respondent at home or a place of business and asks them questions. 

The results are recorded by the ADM operator and later sent to researchers for analysis. Public opinion research can be used by researchers to study how people think about an issue or policy and what they want it to look like. 

Public opinion research is also useful for making decisions about which issues to address in public debates and campaigns. It can be done by asking people directly and by doing surveys, which are group interviews where interviewers ask participants questions and record their answers on paper or electronically.

Usually, this is done through a computer program that records responses from individual participants or from multiple respondents in response to the same question.


Importance of Public Opinion Research

  1. Public opinion research is the collection and analysis of information about public attitudes and beliefs.
  2. Public opinion research is also a way to get an understanding of the opinions and attitudes of people who are not directly involved in a topic. Public opinion research can help us understand what people think about a particular issue or event.
  3. Public opinion research is an important tool used in public policy and political research. Public opinion research can influence individuals to make decisions that they would not otherwise have made.
  4. The data collected from public opinion research can then be used to help inform policies and decisions that affect society as a whole.


Factors Influencing Public Opinion

The factors that influence public opinion include economic conditions, new scientific findings, technological change, interest groups, political activities, and NGOs.

  1. Economic Conditions: Economic conditions influence public opinion through changes in consumer spending patterns. When consumers feel more confident about their financial situation, they are more likely to purchase goods and services that support their preferred political views.
  2. New Scientific Findings: New scientific findings influence public opinion by providing new insights into an issue. These insights can cause people to feel concerned or angry about a particular issue, which will then lead them to be more likely to support a particular political party or candidate.
  3. Media: Public opinion is influenced by media and mass communication which plays an important role in shaping public opinion.
  4. Technological Change: Technological change influences public opinion by changing how people communicate with each other or share information with others about certain issues or candidates for office. For example, if someone used social media before but now uses email instead because of technological advances like Facebook Messenger Chatbot; then this would cause an increase in their likelihood of voting for a particular candidate based on their preferences for this type of communication over others.
  5. Interest Groups: These are groups of people who have similar opinions on a particular topic and work together to make sure their interests are represented. For example, you may belong to an animal advocacy group because your pet has been mistreated.
  6. Political Activities: Political activism involves using public speech or demonstrations to persuade people with specific political beliefs to change their minds about an issue or issue itself.
  7. NGOs: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are organizations that are not controlled by any government body but instead operate independently from one another and often work in response to a specific problem or need for change in society.
  8. Business Lobbying: Businesses can lobby politicians through donations, advertising campaigns, and even lobbying services like hiring experts who can help them formulate arguments for their position on certain issues.


Characteristics of Public Opinion

  1. General Agreement: The majority of the population holds similar ideas about a particular topic or issue. These ideas are usually shared by the members of a group, but not necessarily all of them. 
  2. Rational/Logical: People are logical thinkers and make sense of their world based on what they see around them. They do not simply accept things as they are; instead, they look for explanations and solutions to problems that may exist in their lives or the world around them.
  3. General Welfare: The general welfare is concerned with how well society functions as a whole and how well individuals within it fare. The idea is that everyone should be able to live an acceptable life without having to worry about their personal safety or health too much.
  4. Related to all Aspects of Life: People tend to think about issues from all sides; this means that they will consider both sides of an argument before making a decision on how they feel about something. It also means that people will care about something which has nothing directly related to themselves but still affects them somehow because it affects someone else’s quality of life.
  5. Upholds Morality: Public opinion is a way to make sure that people are acting morally and are not doing things that are unethical. It helps us keep our morals in check so we can live together peacefully with each other.
  6. Not an Imposed Opinion: Public opinion is something that everyone can agree on, it’s not something that someone tells you what they think or how they feel about something. If someone tells you their opinion then it’s not really their opinion but rather their perspective on the situation at hand.


Types of Public Opinion Research

There are many different types of public opinion surveys; each one having its own purpose and audience. There are two broad categories of public opinion research: quantitative and qualitative methods. 

  • The first type involves empirical analysis of samples of data collected from various sources such as market research, surveys, etc. Quantitative methods involve statistical analysis while qualitative methods involve interviews with individuals who have personal knowledge about the topic being researched. Quantitative methods are used to gather information from a large number of individuals or respondents who are surveyed in order to obtain statistically significant results
  • Qualitative methods involve in-depth interviews with people who have firsthand knowledge about the issue at hand; this helps us understand the problem better by getting their point of view on it.

Public Opinion Research can be done using surveys, focus groups, interviews, and other methods. The information collected is then analyzed and interpreted by experts to determine what the public thinks about certain issues or solutions for problems that have been identified.


Types of Public Opinion Research  

  • Surveys: A survey consists of a set of questions related to a particular subject matter. They are usually conducted in order to get general information about people’s opinions, beliefs, and attitudes; this includes demographics such as age, gender, education level, and occupation as well as lifestyle choices like smoking habits, etc. Surveys are considered one type of public opinion research because they involve asking respondents some questions in order to obtain their input on something that affects them directly (e.g., smoking). 
  • Questionnaires: A questionnaire is a type of question designed specifically for surveys where there is no specific topic being investigated but instead various topics within subjects that are being discussed in detail. It’s the most common type of public opinion research because it’s quick and easy to complete. Questionnaires can be simple or complex depending on how much information you want to collect from your respondents.  
  • Focus Groups: Focus groups are groups of people who meet together for the purpose of discussing one topic or issue with an expert who’s been hired to lead the discussion. The group leader moderates the discussion so that everyone has an opportunity to share their thoughts about whatever topic is being discussed.  
  • Interviews: Interviews are conversations between two or more people that are taped or recorded so that they can be played back later at a later date when needed (usually for research purposes). Interviews are usually conducted face-to-face rather than over the phone; however, they can also be conducted online through Skype or another video conferencing platform.


How Formplus Can Help With Public Opinion Research

Public opinion research can be an essential part of marketing, but it is a notoriously difficult process to do properly. It’s not enough to just create a survey and send it out with the right tools, you can make sure that your survey results are as useful as possible.

Formplus is a cloud-based tool that can help you create forms and surveys, collate survey results and store them for later analysis, and interpret the data in ways that will help you make better decisions about your company.


  1. Create Forms and Surveys: Formplus allows you to create forms and surveys for your research. The platform has a range of templates to choose from, which will help you get started with your survey quickly. You can also add custom fields, which are used to store information that could be relevant to your research questions or topics.
  2. Collate Survey Results and Store Them: Once you have created your surveys, you can save them by clicking on the “Save” button. Once saved, they can be viewed at any time by logging into your account on Formplus. From there, you will be able to view all of the surveys you have created within Formplus as well as access any questions or answers that were included within those surveys. You can then use this data to create reports based on what was collected during each survey.


Explore: 75 Free Survey Form Templates [Start Here]



Public opinion research is an important tool used in public policy and political research. Public opinion research helps us gain insight into the way people think about an issue or problem. 

The way people feel about an issue can affect their behavior in ways that we may not always expect. Public opinion research is a way of getting feedback from the public on issues that affect them. 

Therefore, if you need to assess how well a product or service meets the needs of its customers, or what people think about an issue that affects them, make use of public opinion research.