What is Customer Sentiment & How To Measure It

What is Customer Sentiment & How To Measure It


Understanding customer sentiment is an essential action for businesses. It allows companies and organizations to gauge customers’ feelings about their products, services, and brand. 

In today’s article, we will explore the concept of customer sentiment, starting with its definition, and the importance of measuring it. We will also delve into customer sentiment scores as a valuable metric for understanding and analyzing customer sentiment.

Understanding Customer Sentiment

An easy way to understand customer sentiment is that it refers to the emotions, opinions, and attitudes expressed by customers towards a brand, product, or service. Customer sentiment provides insights into how customers perceive and feel about their experiences and interactions with a business. 

These sentiments can range from positive to negative, and it directly influences customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy for your business.

What Are Customer Sentiment Scores?

Customer sentiment scores are the quantitative metrics that you can use to measure the overall sentiment or emotional response of your customers. These scores help you as a business owner to gauge the collective sentiment of your customer base and how they feel about your product or services. 

Common types of sentiment scores include Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and Customer Effort Score (CES).

Here are some reasons why measuring customer sentiment is crucial for your business:

  1. Customer Insights and Feedback: It provides valuable insights into your customer needs, preferences, and pain points. It helps you identify areas for improvement, make data-driven decisions, and tailor your offerings to meet your customer expectations.
  2. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Customer sentiment directly impacts customer satisfaction and loyalty. Satisfied customers are more likely to patronize you again and become advocates for your brand, while dissatisfied customers may churn and spread negative word-of-mouth about your brand.
  3. Brand Reputation and Perception: Monitoring customer sentiment helps you manage your brand reputation. Positive sentiment improves your brand perception and attracts new customers, while negative sentiment can harm your brand’s reputation and make you lose potential customers.
  4. Competitive Advantage: You can use measuring customer sentiments to benchmark your performance against competitors. By understanding how customers feel about your competitors’ offerings, you can identify areas where you can differentiate and gain a competitive edge.


Rating Scales Use In Sentiment Analysis

Rating scales are commonly used in sentiment analysis to gather quantitative data on customer sentiment. Here are some of the rating scales commonly used in sentiment analysis:

  • Likert Scale: The Likert scale is one of the most widely used rating scales in sentiment analysis. This is because it consists of a series of statements or items related to customer sentiment, and respondents are asked to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement on a scale. Typically, the scale ranges from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree” or from 1 to 5, with varying degrees in between. The responses are then assigned numerical values for the quantitative analysis of the sentiments.
  • Numerical Rating Scale: A numerical rating scale involves asking respondents to rate their sentiments using a numerical scale. The scale often ranges from 1 to 10. Here you assign your respondents a number to indicate their sentiment level. For example, a rating of 1 could represent a very negative sentiment, while a rating of 10 could indicate a very positive sentiment. 
  • Semantic Differential Scale: This measures sentiment by presenting bipolar adjectives or phrases at opposite ends of a continuum. Here you ask your respondents to indicate their sentiment by selecting a point along the continuum that best represents their feelings. For example, your scale may have endpoints such as “happy” and “sad” or “satisfied” and “unsatisfied.” 
  • Visual Analog Scale (VAS): The visual analog scale shows a line or bar that your participants can mark to show their sentiment. The scale often comes with endpoints representing extreme sentiment positions, such as “very negative” and “very positive.” Respondents mark a point on the line that corresponds to their sentiment level. VAS is quite different because it provides a visual representation of your customers’ sentiments and offers a user-friendly format for capturing responses.


Types of  Customer Sentiment 

Customer sentiment can generally be categorized into three types: positive, negative, and neutral.

  • Positive Sentiment: A positive sentiment indicates your customers’ positive emotions, satisfaction, and favorable attitudes toward your brand, product, or service. It is also an indication of customer happiness, loyalty, and advocacy.
  • Negative Sentiment: Negative sentiment represents your customers’ unpleasant emotions, and dissatisfaction towards your brand, product, or service. Negative sentiment signals potential issues and the need for improvement.
  • Neutral Sentiment: This refers to customers’ lack of strong positive or negative emotions or opinions about a brand. 


Impact of Sentiment on Customer Behavior and Business Outcomes

Customer sentiment has significant effects on customer behavior and business outcomes. Here are some key impacts:

  1. Purchase Behavior: Customer sentiment influences purchase decisions. With a positive sentiment, you can expect an increase in the likelihood of purchase, while negative sentiment may deter customers from buying your product or service.
  2. Customer Loyalty and Advocacy: Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal, make repeat purchases, and recommend your brand to others.
  3. Brand Reputation: Customer sentiment plays a crucial role in shaping a brand’s reputation. Positive sentiment contributes to a positive brand image, while negative sentiment can harm a brand’s reputation and impact its credibility.
  4. Customer Feedback and Retention: It also provides insights for your business to improve its offerings, address issues, and enhance the overall customer experience. Analyzing sentiment also helps in customer retention and reducing churn rates.


How To Measure Customer Sentiment

Measuring customer sentiment involves various approaches and methodologies. Here are some commonly used methods:

  1. Rating Scales: You can use rating scales, such as Likert scales or numerical scales to quantify customer sentiment. You can share with your customers to rate their sentiment on a scale, such as from 1 to 5 or from strongly negative to strongly positive.
  2. Sentiment Analysis Algorithms: Sentiment analysis utilizes natural language processing and machine learning techniques to analyze customer feedback, reviews, or social media posts. You can use these algorithms to automatically identify and classify sentiment as positive, negative, or neutral.
  3. Surveys and Questionnaires: Surveys and questionnaires allow you to directly collect customer sentiment feedback. You can use rating scale questions, open-ended questions, or sentiment-specific questions to measure customer sentiment.
  4. Social Media Monitoring: Monitoring social media platforms also allows you and other business owners to gather real-time customer opinions expressed in posts, comments, and mentions. Social media listening tools can help you capture and analyze sentiment data.

Read – Collecting Voice of Customer Data: 9 Techniques That Work


How To Improve Customer Sentiment 

  1. Enhance Customer Experience: Focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences to your customers. This includes providing prompt and personalized service, resolving issues efficiently, and going above and beyond to exceed customer expectations.
  2. Actively Listen to Customers: Use effective feedback methods such as surveys, customer support channels, and social media monitoring. Listen to your customer feedback, understand their needs, and take prompt actions to address their concerns. 
  3. Improve Product/Service Quality: Continuously evaluate and enhance the quality of your products or services. Address any product/service issues promptly and demonstrate a commitment to delivering high-quality offerings to your customers.
  4. Build Customer Relationships: Develop strong relationships with your customers by engaging with them regularly. Provide valuable content, seek their input, and create a sense of community around your brand.
  5. Train and Empower Employees: Invest in employee training to equip them with the skills and knowledge to provide excellent customer service. Empower employees to make decisions that prioritize customer sentiment.

For You: What is Customer Experience Optimization and How to Do It Properly

Customer Sentiment Vs Customer Satisfaction

Customer sentiment and customer satisfaction are related but they have distinct concepts. Customer sentiment refers to the emotions, opinions, and attitudes expressed by customers towards a brand, product, or service. 

It is a broader measure that captures both positive and negative sentiment. On the other hand, customer satisfaction measures the level of satisfaction customers experience with a brand, product, or service. It focuses on how you meet or exceed customer expectations and ensure that customers are content with their interactions.

While customer satisfaction focuses on a specific aspect of the customer experience, customer sentiment captures a broader range of emotions and perceptions. However, it is important to note that both are essential metrics that you need to understand and improve your customer experience.


Benefits and Use Cases of Customer Sentiment Analysis

Customer sentiment analysis offers several benefits and use cases for businesses:

  1. Customer Experience Improvement: Analyze your customer sentiment so that you can identify pain points, areas for improvement, and your customer preferences. 
  2. Brand Reputation Management: Customer sentiment analysis can help businesses monitor and manage their brand reputation. 
  3. Competitive Analysis: It can also provide insights into how customers perceive competitors’ products or services. This information allows you to benchmark your performance, identify competitive advantages or weaknesses, and make informed strategic decisions.
  4. Product/Service Development: You can easily gain insights into your customer preferences and use these insights to guide the development of new products or services that better align with customer needs and desires.
  5. Marketing and Messaging Optimization: You can use customer sentiment to tailor your marketing messages to resonate with your target audience. This ensures that your marketing campaigns and communication strategies are aligned with your customer sentiments and preferences.
  6. Crisis Management: Customer sentiment analysis enables you to detect and address negative sentiment during a crisis. It helps identify emerging issues, enables swift response, and allows for effective communication and reputation management.

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How Formplus Can Help With Customer Sentiment Measurement

Formplus can play a significant role in measuring and capturing customer sentiment. Here’s how:

  1. Surveys and Questionnaires: Formplus provides a user-friendly platform for you to create surveys and questionnaires to gather customer feedback. You can design customized forms with various question types, including rating scales, Likert scales, and open-ended questions, to capture customer sentiment effectively.
  2. Data Analytics and Reports: Formplus provides comprehensive data analytics and reporting features. You can analyze your customer sentiment by aggregating and visualizing survey responses through charts, graphs, and summary statistics. These insights enable you to understand trends, identify sentiment patterns, and make data-driven decisions.
  3. Integration and Collaboration: Formplus offers integration capabilities with popular tools like Google Sheets, allowing for seamless data transfer and collaboration. You can easily export survey data to external platforms for further analysis and share reports with your team for collaborative decision-making.
  4. Customization and Branding: Formplus allows you to customize your surveys with your branding elements, such as logos, colors, and themes. This customization helps create a consistent brand experience and enhances the authenticity of your surveys.



Measuring customer sentiment is a critical aspect of understanding and improving customer experiences. You can use it to gain valuable insights, enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, and also manage your brand reputation.

It is also important for you to gain a competitive advantage. Lastly, implementing appropriate methods and tools to measure customer sentiment allows you to make data-driven decisions and cultivate positive customer relationships.