How To Create A Property Valuation Survey
Property valuation surveys are documents that give an estimate of a property’s worth. They enable buyers and sellers to determine the market value of the property. You can also use property valuation surveys to secure insurance, and mortgage as well as know how much taxes you’re paying for a property. Let’s dive into the world…
What is Retrieval Practice?
Learning something new is like putting a shelf of books in your brain. If you don’t take them out and read them again, you will probably forget what’s inside them. Retrieval practice is like taking those shelf books out and reading them again and again. Instead of just reading your notes or looking at your…
What is Zero-party data: Meaning, Pros, Limitations & Applications
Every business needs data to understand its customers, develop new products, and improve marketing efforts. Most businesses use third-party data, such as data collected by social media platforms and data brokers. However, third-party data has several limitations and privacy issues. That’s why most companies are moving to zero-party data. Zero-party data are the information customers…
How To Write A Research Paper Appendix: A Step-by-Step Guide
Think of appendices like bonus levels on your favorite video game. They are not a major part of the game, but they boost your points and they make the game worthwhile. Appendix are important facts, calculations, or data that don’t fit into the main body of your research paper. Having an appendix gives your research…
What is Research Replicability in Surveys
Research replicability ensures that if one researcher does a study, another researcher could do the same study and get pretty similar results. It’s like making sure that if you share a recipe, someone else can follow it and bake the same delicious cake. When studies can be repeated and produce similar results, it means we…
What’s the Zone of Proximal Development?
Imagine a 2-year-old trying to open a bag of chips. The child has never opened one before, so if you just leave the child to it, they are likely to get frustrated and give up. But if you hold their hands and help them open it, you give them the support they need. Once the…
What Is Generalizability In Research?
Generalizability is making sure the conclusions and recommendations from your research apply to more than just the population you studied. Think of it as a way to figure out if your research findings apply to a larger group, not just the small population you studied. In this guide, we explore research generalizability, factors that influence…
What is Research Reproducibility in Surveys
Research reproducibility means that another researcher, using the same survey questions and methods, should be able to achieve similar results. It’s a crucial concept in the world of surveys because it ensures that the methods, findings, and conclusions of a study can be verified and replicated by other researchers. Think of research reproducibility as the…
Conversational Analysis in Research: Methods & Techniques
Communication patterns can reveal a great deal about our social interactions and relationships. But identifying and analyzing them can be pretty complex because people are complex. Conversation Analysis is a qualitative research method that investigates the communication patterns in human interaction. For example, the way that people talk to each other can indicate their power…
What is Causal Research? Definition + Key Elements
Cause-and-effect relationships happen in all aspects of life, from business to medicine, to marketing, to education, and so much more. They are the invisible threads that connect both our actions and inactions to their outcomes. Causal research is the type of research that investigates cause-and-effect relationships. It is more comprehensive than descriptive research, which just…