How To Conduct A Healthcare Mystery Shopping Program

How To Conduct A Healthcare Mystery Shopping Program


Healthcare mystery shopping is a process through which businesses can test their quality, customer service, and satisfaction levels. The goal is to see how well they perform in the eyes of their customers. While healthcare mystery shopping may sound like a simple task, it is actually a highly complex process that involves several different elements.

In this article, we will discuss healthcare mystery shopping; what it is, and what benefits it offers.

What Is Healthcare Mystery Shopping?

In its simplest form, healthcare mystery shopping involves visiting a variety of healthcare facilities and asking patients questions about their experiences with the facility. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or even in-person visits. 

Healthcare mystery shopping is the process of evaluating an organization’s quality of care, based on the experiences of a buyer who visits the facility. The buyer may be a patient, family member, or friend of a patient.

Healthcare mystery shopping is a great way to get a taste of what working in healthcare is like. It’s also a great way to experience the day-to-day of a hospital or nursing home, and see how it works. It can also be used as a way to decide which job you’d like to take, or whether or not you’d like to work in the field at all.

Whether you’re interested in becoming a nurse, doctor, or other health professionals, mystery shopping can help you get an idea of what it’s like from the inside out. It’s easy to learn about the industry through this kind of program because it doesn’t require any special training or certification; you just need an average person with no prior experience in the field whatsoever.

This type of evaluation gives you a better understanding of what it’s like to be in a healthcare environment. You can evaluate the quality of your services based on how well you are meeting your patient’s needs and expectations.

You could use this information to improve your service or product offerings, or even launch a new program that might not have been successful if used without the knowledge gained through healthcare mystery shopping.


What Are The Benefits of Healthcare Mystery Shopping?

1. Increased Productivity – When companies are able to conduct regular surveys and interviews with customers about their experiences with them, they will be able to identify areas where they need improvement quickly and easily. This means that any issues can be addressed before they become more serious problems for the company.

2. Better Customer Relationships – By learning more about what makes your patients happy (or unhappy), you will have an easier time building a healthy relationship and working towards improving your services.

Read: Customer Experience: Examples, Strategy & Improvement Tips


Who Acts as The Healthcare Mystery Shopper?

A mystery shopper is someone who is not an employee of the organization being evaluated, but who does work for a company that does business with them. The healthcare mystery shopper may be a real patient or someone pretending to be a patient. 

The role of a mystery shopper can be quite varied. They may be asked to spend time at the doctor’s office or hospital, observing how their fellow patients are treated. Or they might even be asked to pretend to be an emergency room patient—something very different from what you might think.

In some cases, it’s possible to get someone in the industry to pretend to be a patient but this usually requires special permission. In other cases, you can just find people willing to put on makeup and clothes and walk around like a patient if that’s what you’re looking for.

What Are The Qualities a Mystery Shopper Must Have?

If you’re interested in working as a healthcare mystery shopper, you’ll need to be a good communicator, have a positive outlook, be enthusiastic, confident, and friendly, and have the stamina to stand around for long periods of time.

Above all else, though, it’s important that your healthcare mystery shoppers are enthusiastic and friendly. This will help them connect with the patient on an emotional level and make them want to spend more time with them—which is exactly what we want from our customers.

How Does a Mystery Shopping Program Work?

A healthcare mystery shopping program is a great way to get real feedback from customers and find out what they think about your products, services, or business. It’s also a great way to increase brand awareness and improve customer satisfaction.  

A mystery shopping program is a way for businesses to test out the quality of their services and products without having to pay for an actual customer. The way it works is that the mystery shopper will visit the business or health center, complete several tasks, and return their report with suggestions on how to improve. 

The process can be very similar in principle to retail store audits, except that instead of looking at an entire store, the mystery shopper is looking at one area or procedure within a business.

How Formplus Can Help Conduct a Healthcare Mystery Shopping Program

The Formplus form creator helps you create your own custom surveys in minutes. You can choose from over 1000 pre-designed templates or design your own using the easy drag-and-drop interface. 


You can also use these templates to create questionnaires for your clients or customers to fill out on their own. 

The Formplus form creator makes it easy for you to design beautiful forms that look professional, but most importantly, are easy for people to fill out. This makes it easier for people who might not be as tech-savvy or comfortable with computers as well as those who may not have access to other software programs like Microsoft Word or Excel to create professional survey forms in minutes.

The best part is that you no longer have to hire someone else to do the mystery shopping for you. Instead, you can use Formplus to create surveys that are customized just for you—no matter what type of healthcare service or product you’re selling or providing.



A mystery shopping program is a great way to test the quality of healthcare services in your area. It’s also a great way to get a better sense of what people like or don’t like about certain services, which can help you improve your business. 

It is important that you have a team that can collect data for you, and you should have a database of your patients who are willing to participate as well. Once you’ve assembled all these pieces, getting started with your healthcare mystery shopping program is easy!