Product Bundling Guide: Strategies, and Examples

Product Bundling Guide: Strategies, and Examples


Product bundling is a great way to take advantage of the fact that you have multiple products and sell them together. It allows you to create a single offer that has the combined value of all your individual products, which can be very attractive to customers.

In this guide, we’ll go over why it’s important for you to use product bundling in your marketing strategies and examples of how companies have done it successfully.


What is Product Bundling?

Product bundling is when a company combines two or more products into a single, more expensive package. It’s often used by retailers, but can also be used by businesses that want to promote their product range as a whole.

The most common type of product bundling involves combining two or more products into one. This is done either because the products are complementary, or because they’re intended for different audiences. For example:

You might combine a coffee maker with an espresso maker into one bundle if you’re trying to sell both types of machines at once.

A retailer might offer a “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” DVD set with every purchase of a certain product (like popcorn) if they want customers to watch it together with their purchase. The goal of bundling is to make the bundle more attractive to customers, and it’s an effective way of driving sales as long as you can make money on each product individually. 

It’s a common strategy that companies use to make their customers’ lives easier and save money. For example, Amazon has thousands of products that are bundled together in the Prime program. 

This means that if you’re an Amazon Prime member, you get free shipping on any item purchased from, as well as other benefits like access to streaming music and other entertainment options.

Product bundling can be done in several ways: by offering a discount on the bundle when purchased together, by offering a free trial of one of the products or services included in the bundle, and by offering an additional or different level of service (such as a phone number) when purchasing the bundle.


Examples of Common Product Bundling

Examples of common product bundling include:

  • A laptop computer bundled with a mouse and keyboard 
  • A car rental and insurance package
  • A gym membership and an indoor bike trainer
  • If you’re selling toothpaste, for example, and you have a promotion where you give away a free toothbrush with every tube of toothpaste purchased, then your customers are much more likely to buy.


Why Is It Important To Use Product Bundling in Your Marketing?

Product bundling is a great way to increase your conversion rate, as it reduces the number of products customers have to purchase. The first step to using product bundling effectively is understanding the importance of bundling.

While some customers may be reluctant to buy more than one product at a time, others really like having everything in one place. A lot of people prefer buying their groceries at the same store rather than going home and making separate trips to get each item they need. This means that by offering all your products in one convenient location, you can attract more customers and make more money.

In addition to attracting more customers, product bundling can also boost your profits by helping you sell items that you might not otherwise be able to sell as well. By combining different types of products into one bundle, you’ll be able to reach a larger audience and sell more products overall.

It also helps you stand out from other retailers on the market when you bundle multiple products together. This means that if you have a promotion or sale on one of your products, people will be more likely to buy something from you if they know there are other things in their cart that are also discounted.


For Customers: Why Product Bundling Is Important

Product bundling is important to your customers because it gives them the opportunity to save money.

When you bundle products, you’re able to offer a discount on each of your products and charge less for them overall. This means that your customers can get more for their money than they would by purchasing each product separately.

For example, if you combine shampoo and conditioner into one product, you’ll be able to get both products at a lower price than if you bought them separately. That means your customer will feel like they’re getting a better deal than if they had purchased the items separately.


Advantages of Product Bundling

Here are some reasons why you should consider bundling your products:

  1. You can save money on shipping costs.
  2. If something happens to one of your bundles, you don’t have to worry about losing everything at once. You could just ship a replacement piece.
  3. It helps your customers feel like they’re getting more value for their money.


Disadvantages of Product Bundling

  1. Bundling can make it harder for your customers to find exactly what they want.
  2. You may be charged more for different types of orders when you bundle products together.
  3. If you bundle too many things together, your customers may feel like they’re being sold on everything at once—not just the most important things. Instead of just buying one thing at a time, they’ll end up buying all of them at once instead. This can lead to higher shipping costs and lost sales if the customer doesn’t have enough money left over after purchasing everything they want.


Types of Product Bundling

Product bundling is a great way to promote products and increase sales. However, it can be difficult to find the right strategy for your business. Here are some of the most common types of product bundling and how you can use them to your advantage:

1. Pure Bundling: In this scenario, the customer receives two items together at no additional cost. This is typically used with new products that have limited availability. Pure bundling helps to drive more traffic because it combines two products into one purchase (which means more revenue for both items).

2. Mix and match Bundling: In this type of bundle, customers are offered an opportunity to buy multiple items from a single vendor, but at a discount from their individual prices. This allows customers to save money while still getting what they want—and it also helps boost the overall value of their order so they’re more likely to buy other products from that vendor as well!

3. Cross-sell Bundling: This type of bundle involves offering customers an opportunity to purchase additional items alongside their main order with little cost or effort on behalf of the vendor. For example, a clothing store that bundles high-end sunglasses with a wallet or an expensive watch with a pair of jeans.

4. New Product Bundling: Products that haven’t been offered before are bundled together to increase the sales of one existing product. For example, a mobile game publisher bundles their newest mobile game with a free trial for their other games.

5. Gift set Bundling: Bundling two separate products into one gift set so that the recipient will want to buy both products individually. For example, if you’re selling a cell phone and an iPad, you could bundle them into a gift set so they’ll be more likely to buy both separately instead of just one or the other.

6. BOGO (Buy X Get Y): Bundling two or more products at once so that the customer can save on shipping costs by buying only half of what they need. This strategy is most effective when there is no overlap between products in terms of features or price points. An offer where customers can buy one product (A) at full price and get another product (B) at half off the normal price if they buy both products together (A & B). For example, if someone buys a shirt and then comes back later after seeing how good it looks on them they can now buy another shirt at half price

7. Old Inventory Bundling: When you have old inventory in your warehouse, you can bundle the old inventory with new products and sell it as a single package. This is a great way to reduce waste and save money.

8. Occasional Bundling: Occasional bundling involves grouping related items together in one order so that they can be sold at a discount. For example, if you sell pens, you could group several pens together and sell them for less than buying them individually.


How To Properly Sell New Product Bundles

New product bundles are a way of making sure you’re always offering something your customers will want, and can make it easy for them to buy multiple products at once.

Here’s how to do it right:

  1. Offer the bundle in a variety of ways, so that they can choose how they want to purchase it. For example, some people like to buy things in bulk, while others prefer buying just one or two items at a time. You should be able to offer them all the same way so that they don’t have to worry about trying to figure out which option works best for them.
  2. Make sure each item in the bundle has its own unique selling proposition (USP). You can do this by adding something extra to each item (like a free gift with purchase) or creating a separate listing for each item in the bundle (so that when someone buys one item from your store, they’ll see an ad for another one).
  3. Make sure you include a clear description of what each item is and why someone should buy it. This is especially important when selling gift sets, as gifts need their own USPs as well as being part of an overall bundle deal!



When you bundle multiple products together, it makes them more appealing and increases the likelihood that customers will buy. So, it’s important to use product bundling in your marketing because it helps you sell more products.