Chi-Square Test in Surveys: What Is It & How to Calculate

Chi-Square Test in Surveys: What Is It & How to Calculate

The Chi-Square test is a statistical test that is commonly used in surveys to determine whether there is a significant difference between the expected and observed frequencies in one or more categories. It is widely used in research to test the relationships between categorical variables, primarily for comparing the distribution of responses to various questions or groups.

The Chi-Square Test is frequently used in conjunction with other statistical tests, such as the t-test or ANOVA, to provide a more comprehensive analysis of the data. It is a useful tool for researchers and analysts to understand the relationship between different variables and make informed decisions based on the data.

Here’s a breakdown of the Chi-Square test, and how to calculate and use it in surveys.

What Is the Chi-Square Test?

The Chi-Square Test is a statistical test used to determine whether there is a significant difference between observed and expected frequencies in a categorical data set. It is commonly used to assess the relationship between two or more variables in surveys and experiments.

The Chi-Square Test is based on the Chi-Square statistic, which is calculated by adding the squared differences between the observed and expected frequencies and dividing by the expected frequencies. If the calculated Chi-Square statistic is greater than the critical value for a given level of significance, you can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference between the observed and expected frequencies.

The critical value is a value that is used to determine whether or not the calculated Chi-Square statistic is statistically significant. You must first determine the level of significance and degrees of freedom to calculate the critical value in a Chi-Square Test.

The level of significance, which is commonly set at 0.05 or 0.01 when the null hypothesis is true, is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true. 

The degree of freedom is a measure of the number of independent observations in the data set (the number of categories in the data set minus one). So if you have 2 categories, the degree of freedom will be 1.

What Is the Chi-Square Formula?

Here’s the Chi-Square test formula:


  • oij represents the observed frequency in a particular category
  • eij represents the expected frequency in a particular category under the null hypothesis
  • ∑ represents the sum of all squared differences between the observed and expected frequencies

You have to first calculate the expected frequencies for each category under the null hypothesis before applying the Chi-Square formula. Then, for each category, add the squared differences between observed and expected frequencies and divide the total by expected frequencies.

If the calculated Chi-Square statistic is greater than the critical value for a given level of significance, you can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference between the observed and expected frequencies. The Chi-Square formula is a useful tool for researchers and analysts to understand the relationship between different variables and make informed decisions based on the data.

Types of Chi-Square Test

There are several types of Chi-Square Tests, each designed to test specific hypotheses or analyze specific types of data. Each type of Chi-Square Test has its own set of assumptions and limitations, so it’s critical to choose the right one based on the type of data you have.

Here are some types of Chi-Square Tests:

  • Goodness-of-Fit Test

This type of Chi-Square Test is used to determine whether a sample data set fits a specific distribution or pattern. It compares the observed frequencies in each category to the expected frequencies under the null hypothesis.

For example, a marketer wants to know if the distribution of product purchases in a store follows a particular pattern. According to the marketer, 30% of purchases will be for household items, 25% for personal care items, 20% for food and beverages, and the remaining 25% will be for other items. The Goodness-of-Fit Test can be used by the marketer to determine whether the observed frequencies in each category match the expected frequencies under the null hypothesis.

  • Independence Test

This Chi-Square Test is used to determine whether two categorical variables are independent, or whether the presence of one variable influences the presence of the other. It is frequently used in surveys and experiments to test hypotheses about the relationships between variables.

Assume you want to test the theory that people’s income levels are closely related to their level of education. You then take a sample of 1000 people and collect data on their income level and the highest level of education completed.

Naturally, you’d expect people with higher levels of education to have higher income levels. First, calculate the expected frequencies for each income and education level under the null hypothesis, which assumes no correlation between the two variables.

Next, calculate the Chi-Square statistic by adding the squares of the expected frequencies and the observed frequencies from the survey. If the calculated chi-square statistic is greater than the critical value, the relationship between income and education level is significant.

  • Homogeneity Test

This Chi-Square Test is used to determine if two or more categorical variables are consistent, or if the proportions of the categories are the same across variables. It is frequently used to compare proportions across groups or samples.

For example, there’s a survey to see if there’s a significant difference in the proportions of people who support different political parties across different age groups. The sample size is 1000 people, and information on their political party preferences and age groups is collected.

Also, it’s expected that the proportion of people who support each party will be the same across all age groups. As a result, the expected frequencies for each combination of party preference and age group are calculated under the null hypothesis that the proportions are the same.

After that, the Chi-Square statistic is calculated by squaring the observed and expected frequency differences and then dividing by the expected frequency differences. The null hypothesis is rejected if the calculated Chi-Square statistic exceeds the critical value for a given level of significance, and it confirms that the proportions of people who support various political parties differ significantly across age groups.

  • Correlation Test

This Chi-Square Test is used to determine whether there is a significant correlation between two categorical variables. It is similar to the Independence Test, but it is specifically designed to test for correlations rather than independence.

For example, a social researcher wants to know if there is a correlation between social media use and self-esteem. The researcher surveys 1000 people and collects data on their social media use and self-esteem levels.

The expectation is that people with higher self-esteem use social media more frequently. So, for the Correlation Test, the researcher computes the expected frequencies for each combination of social media use level and self-esteem level under the null hypothesis that there is no correlation between the two variables.

The Chi-Square statistic is then calculated by adding the squared differences between the observed and expected frequencies and dividing by the expected frequencies. 

If the calculated Chi-Square statistic is greater than the critical value for the given level of significance, the relationship between social media use and self-esteem is significant. If the Chi-Square statistic is less than the critical value, the assumption that social media use is related to self-esteem is incorrect.

Where Is Chi-Square Test Most Useful?

The Chi-Square Test is most useful when analyzing categorical data, which is information that can be classified or grouped. It is frequently used in surveys and experiments to assess the relationship between two or more variables.

For example,  you can use the Chi-Square test whether there is a significant difference in the proportions of males and females in a sample, or whether there is a significant association between the presence of a specific trait and a specific outcome.

The Chi-Square Test is also useful for testing hypotheses about the distribution of a categorical variable. For example, you can use it to figure out if a sample data set fits a specific distribution or pattern.

Most researchers find the Chi-Square Test to be extremely useful when the data is not normally distributed or the sample size is small.

When Is the Chi-Square Test Used in Market Research?

The Chi-Square Test is often used in market research to assess the relationship between two or more categorical variables. For example, you can use it to determine whether there is a significant relationship between a specific product or service and a particular demographic group.

You can also use it to understand customer satisfaction, for example, determining if there is a significant difference in the proportions of customers who have a positive or negative attitude toward a brand.

The Chi-Square Test is also frequently used in market research to test hypotheses about the distribution of a categorical variable, such as the distribution of customer satisfaction ratings or the distribution of purchasing habits across age groups.

You can also use the chi-square test to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns or the impact of different marketing strategies on customer behavior. Understanding the relationship between variables enables you to determine what motivates your target audience to convert and then leverage this information to optimize your marketing strategy.

When to Use the Chi-Square Test on Survey Results

The Chi-Square Test is suitable when the survey data consists of categorical variables or variables that can be classified into distinct categories. You can use it to assess the relationship or lack thereof between the variables.

To use the Chi-Square Test on survey results, you will need to first determine the research question or hypothesis that you want to test. This will help you choose the appropriate type of Chi-Square Test and determine the expected frequencies for each category under the null hypothesis.

Next, you will need to calculate the Chi-Square statistic by summing the squared differences between the observed and expected frequencies, divided by the expected frequencies. 

Finally, you will compare the calculated Chi-Square statistic to the critical value for a given level of significance to determine whether the observed and expected frequencies differ significantly.

Important Things to Note When Considering Using the Chi-Square Test

  1. The Chi-Square Test is most appropriate for analyzing categorical data, or data that can be classified into distinct categories. It is not appropriate for continuous or ordinal data.
  2. You must ensure that the Chi-Square assumptions are met in your data set. The Chi-Square test assumes that observations are independent and that the expected frequency in each category is at least 5.
  3. The Chi-Square Test is sample size sensitive and may not be reliable with small sample sizes. It is generally recommended that each category have at least 30 observations to ensure that the results are reliable.
  4. It is a non-parametric test, which means it makes no assumptions about the data’s underlying distribution. This makes it a useful alternative to parametric tests when the parametric tests’ assumptions are not met.
  5. The Chi-Square Test is frequently used in conjunction with other statistical tests, such as the t-test or ANOVA, to provide a more comprehensive analysis of the data.

What Software Is Needed to Run a Chi-Square Test?

You can use various software to run a Chi-Square test, including statistical software packages such as SPSS, SAS, R, and STATA, as well as online calculators and spreadsheets such as Excel and Google Sheets.

When using statistical software to run a Chi-Square Test, you have to first enter the data into the software and specify the type of Chi-Square Test you want to run. The software will then compute the Chi-Square statistic and the critical value before displaying the test results.

If you’re performing a Chi-Square Test with an online calculator or spreadsheet program, enter the data into the calculator or spreadsheet and follow the instructions for calculating the Chi-Square statistic and critical value.

Some online calculators and spreadsheet programs also allow you to specify the level of significance and degrees of freedom, which is an important consideration when calculating the critical value.


The Chi-Square Test helps researchers and analysts in understanding the relationship between categorical variables in a survey and making data-driven decisions. It is a statistical test that is widely used in many fields, including sociology, psychology, marketing, and public health.