Brand Attitude: What It Is & Why It Matters

Brand Attitude: What It Is & Why It Matters

People don’t just buy from you because you have great products; the perception they have of your brand is also a great motivator. People’s perceptions of your products are heavily influenced by their feelings toward them.

Most of your long-term customers are not just with you because your brand’s offerings are exceptional, they are also with you because they share a bond with you. That bond is fostered by the positive feelings they have from your brand attitude.

Let’s find out what a brand attitude is, its importance, and how to leverage it to win customer loyalty.

What Is Brand Attitude?

Brand attitude refers to how customers feel about your brand based on their perception. It examines why customers feel the way they do about the brand and how much value they see in the products and services the brand offers.

When a brand attitude is positive with strong brand recognition it translates into higher brand equity. Brand equity is the financial advantage that recognizable brands have over generic brands that allows them to drive more sales.

A negative brand attitude, on the other hand, means you’re constantly losing customers and may lose future ones due to negative reviews from existing that will dissuade potential customers.

A successful branding strategy helps you position yourself favorably in the market by measuring the intensity of customers’ feelings resulting from their interactions with the brand and ensuring it is positive. It also ensures that customers perceive the brand as you intend.

Graphical Representation of a Brand Attitude

The graphical representation of a brand attitude is also known as a perceptual map. The map shows customers’ perception of your brand by plotting two brand attributes against each other.

The brand attributes could be your product features or quality, price is usually excluded from the perceptual map. A brand attitude map displays your brand’s strengths and weaknesses from the customers’ viewpoint. 

You can also use the brand attitude map to figure out why your competitor appeals more to your target audience by finding out what they do better.

The Importance of Brand Attitude

Here are the benefits of having a positive brand attitude:

  • Increases Brand Loyalty

When customers have a positive attitude toward your brand, it usually translates into positive brand loyalty. People are more likely to stick with a company to which they have positive emotional attachments rather than one to which they have none.

Also, a positive brand attitude motivates customers to customers to trust you, and identify with your brand. 

  • Improved Brand Reputation

 One of the best things about having a positive brand attitude is that increases trust which makes customers ambassadors for your product. They recommend your product to their friends and family, because of how much value they see in your product or even because they’ve heard good things about your brand from other customers.

Once words start spreading about your brand being good, more people are likely to be open to the idea of being your customer.

Read More – Brand Reputation Management: Everything You Need To Know

  • Higher NPS Score

A positive brand attitude often gives your brand a high perceived value and a great reputation. So, customers see appreciate your product and the value it contributes to their lives which makes them open to recommending it to their network.

Since your brand is known for being a great brand, people are more likely to recommend you even when they don’t have a direct experience with your product and services.

Read: What is a Good Net Promoter Score? 

  • Boost Sales and Growth

Having a positive brand attitude promotes customer loyalty, and trust and even increases the value perceived by your customers, so they are willing to pay higher for your products and services. Without a strong brand reputation and positive brand attitude, you’d have to rely heavily on pricing for your products to compete fairly in the market.

A positive brand attitude also means increased brand equity, which means you have a larger market share, so it’s only normal to drive more sales than your competitors. It’s also easier to expand your brand by diversifying the products and services you offer when people have a positive attitude toward your brand.

Why Is Brand Attitude Important?

A positive brand attitude helps build an appealing sentiment about your brand in customers’ minds. It also saves you money because existing customers become brand promoters without incentivizing them.

Here are other reasons why you need to build a positive brand attitude for your organization or business: 

  • Meeting Customer Expectations

You have to figure out your customers’ expectations and develop strategies to meet them. The most effective way to understand what people want from your brand is a customer expectation survey.

The survey will highlight what your target audience wants from your brand, how well you’re meeting their expectations, and what you can improve to leave a positive impression on them.

  • Uniqueness 

Being unique means you’re offering value, customers can’t come across anywhere else. It’s what makes you stand out from your competitors, especially when you’re in a saturated niche.

You don’t have to offer extremely different services to be unique, a positive brand attitude differentiates you from the crowd and puts you on a high pedestal for customers.

  • Adding Value

Product value is also a major component of brand attitude, so ensure that in your promotions, designs, and others. Customers can see the value your product offer that no one else does or that you do better than everyone else.

When people see your brand as one that provides high-value and quality products, the chances of them being willing to pay higher increase because they know they are getting their money’s worth. 

It also shows you’re a responsible brand and you care about the quality of your products and services. This will boost your brand reputation and even give people a better perception of you than they had before.

  • Effective Product Marketing

Your marketing efforts can come to null if people have a negative attitude toward your brand. They aren’t even interested in getting to know what you have to offer because of how they see you.

So, if you’re planning to expand in the market, and own a larger market share than your competitors, you have to be intentional about your brand attitude. One bad review can tarnish your entire marketing campaign and you’ll have to sink resources into reputation management while you could be acquiring more customers.

  • Customer Engagement

One of the best ways to build a positive brand attitude with your existing customers and even gain a good reputation amongst your customers and target audience is to continuously engage your customers and make sure they know their opinions count. 

You can do this by engaging them on social media, email campaigns, loyalty programs, and more. You can also ask customers what they would like you to improve with customer experience surveys.

Most customers are more likely to stick with a brand that’s continuously improving and meeting their demands than one that doesn’t.

Read Also: Customer Experience Optimization and How To Do It Properly

Examples of Brand Attitude

Here are some real-life examples of brands that successfully cultivated a positive brand attitude:

  • Cadbury

This brand has successfully leveraged its heritage and nostalgia to create a positive brand attitude. Many people have an emotional connection to the brand and regard it as a classic and timeless symbol of British culture.

Cadbury is recognized for its delicious chocolate and innovative marketing campaigns that appeal to a wide range of consumers, from children to adults, resulting in a strong emotional connection with its customers.

  • Formplus

Formplus has built a positive brand attitude among users by positioning itself as an easy-to-use and intuitive form-building platform.

The platform has a user-friendly interface, excellent features, and great pricing plans that have helped build a loyal customer base and become a stronger alternative to competitors.

  • Apple

Apple is one of the strongest phone and pc brands globally because its customers have a positive attitude toward the brand. It has successfully presented itself as an innovative, premium, and easy-to-use brand.

Apple customers see enough value in its products that they are willing to pay above the standard market price for the product while remaining loyal.

  • Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola is a classic example of a brand that has effectively leveraged its heritage and nostalgia to cultivate a positive brand attitude globally. Many people have an emotional connection to the brand and regard it as a classic beverage company.

  • Nike

People associate Nike with quality footwear and activewear because the brand has positioned itself as a premium footwear brand for athletes. It has sponsored talented young athletes which boosts its reputation amongst the target audience.

So, Nike is more than a brand that sells premium sports clothing and footwear, it has successfully built a positive brand attitude by positioning itself as a brand that stands for inspiration and self-empowerment. 

  • Tesla

Tesla has a positive brand attitude, it positions itself as a leader in innovation and environmental responsibility. Their electric vehicles have been seen as a symbol of a new era of sustainable transportation and clean energy, which has helped to create a loyal customer base who are willing to pay more for the brand.

  • Patagonia

Patagonia has a positive brand attitude with consumers who appreciate the company’s environmental and social responsibility. They have been seen as a brand that stands for sustainability, ethical production, and corporate responsibility, which has helped to create a loyal customer base who are willing to pay more for its products than the competitors.


Brand attitude is how your customers feel and think of your brand. It’s the default reaction they have when people mention your brand. A positive brand attitude can help increase sales, loyalty, and reputation.

Brand attitude doesn’t just come from having a good product, your brand voice, tone, and personality play a huge role in it.