Brand Auditing: When & How to Conduct it

Brand Auditing: When & How to Conduct it


A brand audit is an in-depth assessment of a brand’s performance and activities. It helps businesses to identify areas of improvement in order to remain competitive and meet their goals. A brand audit can be used to measure brand awareness, identify areas of strength and weakness, and develop a strategy for moving forward.

This article will discuss how brand auditing works, and it can be conducted.

What is a Brand Audit? 

A brand audit is a comprehensive evaluation of a company’s brand identity, positioning, and performance. It is a strategic tool used to assess a brand’s performance, identify areas for improvement, and set objectives for the future. A brand audit can be conducted internally or externally and is a vital part of any successful marketing strategy.

The goal of a brand audit is to understand how a brand is perceived by its customers, competitors, and stakeholders. It takes an in-depth look at a company’s current brand identity, positioning, and performance to identify any areas of improvement. 

The audit includes a review of marketing materials, customer surveys, and analytics data. By conducting a thorough analysis of your company’s current performance and goals, you can identify where you need to focus your efforts in order to achieve the best results possible. 

This will help you identify any issues with the way you are communicating with customers and potential clients so that they are aware of what you offer, who your ideal client is, and how they might benefit from working with your company. Brand audits can be conducted by using different types of data sources such as customer surveys or focus groups as well as internal employee surveys or interviews.

You may also want to consider conducting interviews with key influencers within your organization who have knowledge about how others perceive the brand from their point of view (e.g., employees).


What Are The Benefits of Brand Audits?

The benefits of a brand audit include:

1. Improved Brand Awareness: A brand audit can help a company understand how its brand is perceived, which can lead to more effective marketing campaigns and better brand recognition.

2. Increased Customer Loyalty: A brand audit can help a company identify areas where they can better meet their customer’s needs and improve customer loyalty.

3. More Effective Marketing Strategies: A brand audit can help a company identify gaps in its marketing strategies and develop more effective campaigns.

4. Improved Performance: A brand audit can help a company identify areas of improvement and set objectives for the future.

A brand audit can be a valuable tool for any company looking to improve its brand identity, positioning, and performance. It can help a company identify areas of improvement and develop more effective marketing strategies. By conducting a brand audit, a company can increase customer loyalty, improve brand recognition, and set objectives for the future.

What Are The Areas of a Brand Audit? 

  1. Brand awareness is the first step in brand auditing. It involves evaluating the awareness of your brand among its target audience, including how many people know about it and what they think of it.
  2. Brand perception is the second step in brand auditing. It involves examining how your brand is perceived by its target audience, including how favorably they view it and what they think of its value proposition.
  3. Brand positioning is third on the list of things you should look at when evaluating your brands’ positioning in the marketplace. This includes assessing whether or not you have identified an accurate target audience for your product or service, as well as determining whether or not your product or service fits within that target audience’s needs and wants.
  4. Brand equity is fourth on this list because it measures how much loyalty people have towards their favorite brands–and how much money they spend on them! You can use this number to help you determine whether or not you need to make any changes in order for your business to continue growing successfully over time (or even just survive).
  5. Brand messaging refers to how well-known or understood a brand’s message is by its target audience; this will often include visuals as well as text content on websites or social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc… The effectiveness of this type of message depends on how well it communicates what makes up the brand’s identity statement (what it stands for), why people should care about it (why they should choose it over other brands), how much influence over our lives does it have (how much control over our decisions does it have), etc
  6. Brand strategy is a critical element of any company’s success. It’s the path that your brand takes to get from point A to point B, and it can be evaluated by looking at several different aspects of the business. Brand strategy is about aligning your brand with your goals and objectives so that you have a clear vision for where you want to go in the long term. It may also involve evaluating what type of customer or audience you want to attract, as well as identifying ways in which customers can interact with your product or service.
  7. Brand performance is another important part of brand auditing because it involves evaluating how well your brand meets its objectives–and whether or not these objectives are aligning with what customers want and expect from their products or services.

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6 Steps To Conduct a Brand Audit

In order to conduct a brand audit, you’ll need to gather data, analyze that data, identify strengths and weaknesses, develop a strategy for moving forward, and monitor results.

1. Gather Data: The first step in conducting a brand audit is to gather data. This should include sales data, customer feedback, competitor research, and other relevant information.

2. Analyze Data: Once the data has been gathered, it needs to be analyzed in order to identify areas of strength and weakness. 

3. Identify Strengths: Identifying the strengths of the brand is an important step in the brand audit process. These strengths should be highlighted and used as a foundation for the brand going forward–it’s important that they don’t get lost in translation.

4. Identify Weaknesses: Weaknesses should also be identified and addressed during a brand audit. These can include outdated messaging, poor customer service, or a lack of focus on certain areas.

5. Develop Strategy: Once the strengths and weaknesses have been identified, a strategy should be developed to address them. This should include an action plan for moving forward.

6. Monitor Results: The brand audit should be monitored on an ongoing basis in order to track progress and ensure that the goals are being met.

Examples of a Brand Audit

Here are some examples of brand audits and how they can be used to improve a brand’s performance.

1. Logo Audit: One of the first steps of a brand audit is to assess the company’s logo. Is it consistent with the company’s values and mission? Does it reflect the company’s culture and style? Is it recognizable and memorable? These are all important questions to ask when conducting a logo audit.

2. Brand Identity Audit: A brand identity audit looks at all of the elements that make up a brand’s identity. This includes things like the company’s mission, vision, values, and core beliefs. It also looks at how the company communicates these values to its customers through its marketing and advertising materials.

3. Customer Experience Audit: A customer experience audit is a great way to assess how your customers interact with your brand. This could include looking at customer feedback, how customers are engaging with the company’s website and social media channels, and how they’re responding to the company’s customer service.

4. Competitive Analysis: A competitive analysis helps to understand how a brand is performing in comparison to its competitors. This includes looking at things like market share, customer satisfaction, and pricing. It’s important to understand how your brand is performing in comparison to your competitors in order to make informed decisions about future strategies.

These are just a few examples of brand audits that can be used to assess a company’s branding.

How Formplus Helps with Brand Management & Auditing 

If you’re managing a brand, or even if you’re just working to improve your product or service, you need a way to collect customer feedback. You might have tried surveys, but they can be difficult to set up and maintain, or they don’t provide the kind of deep analysis you’re looking for.

But Formplus can help with brand management and auditing by providing a platform to easily collect and analyze customer feedback. Formplus allows you to create custom surveys and forms that can be used to gather customer insights and provides advanced analytics to help you interpret your data. 

This makes it easier to identify areas of improvement and develop an action plan to drive business growth. That means a better product experience for your customers and increased sales.

You can also use Formplus’ advanced analytics tools to interpret data and identify areas of improvement in your business. This way, we’ll help you develop an action plan so you can drive growth in your business.


Conducting a brand audit is an essential part of any business’s marketing strategy. It provides a comprehensive picture of how customers perceive your brand and helps you identify opportunities for improvement. By following the 6 steps outlined above, you can ensure that your brand audit is successful and yields actionable insights.